Compared to Uchiha Shisui, Sun and Moon Saint Lord is usually more low-key, and even spends most of his time hiding in the temple to practice by himself.

But if we talk about the number one master under Su Lin, it is definitely the Sun and Moon Saint.

Even Su Lin himself would probably not be a match for the Sun and Moon Saint Lord if he hadn't gained a lot from several consecutive sacrifices.

After all, the domain is definitely a bug-level power that can compete with the divine power.

Unlike divinity and divine power that are transcendent of nature and the world, the existence of the realm is like re-building a small natural world.

Within the scope of the domain, even the existence that controls divine power cannot cause a crushing situation for the master of the domain.

This is also the reason why the Sun-Moon Saint Lord has an advantage after directly hedging energy with the Bugbear Clan Leader.

At this moment, the bugbear was completely panicked when he saw the Sun and Moon Saint Lord, especially when he felt the power of his domain.

Anyone who can use the realm is the Holy Spirit, but what kind of person can control the Holy Spirit?

Anyway, as far as he knew, even the most powerful ocean god in the world did not have a Holy Spirit under his command.

In other words, with the foundation of this world in this plane, it is difficult to give birth to a Holy Spirit.

Since the Holy Spirit has appeared now, and the power shown by the enemy just now definitely did not reach the level of a demigod.

Mixing the strange races that had never appeared before, the bugbear leader made a bold guess.

These people and the divine beings above them are most likely from outside this world.

There are many legends about the world outside. It is said that every thousand years, a large number of strange divine creatures from outside the world enter the world.

They will bring unprecedented disasters to the world. Even those powerful demigods are just prey in the eyes of these divine creatures.

And most of the races in the world will become extinct because of these extraterrestrial visitors.

The bugbears only occupied this wealthy living area after the previous race was exterminated.

All kinds of legends about extraterrestrial visitors instantly poured into the mind of the Bugbear Clan Leader. He no longer dared to hesitate and quickly wanted to return to the altar.

In his opinion, only the altar and the powerful holy symbol can protect him.

But if you want to return to the altar, you need to break the realm of the Sun and Moon Saint.

Originally, the strength of the Bugbear Clan Leader was not comparable to that of the Sun and Moon Saint Lord, but now he tried his best to escape from the realm, which disrupted the rhythm of his battle.

For a moment, he was constantly being impacted by the phantoms of the sun and the moon. His originally solid body was now covered with black burnt black and snow-white traces of ice. This meant that the divine creature had rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise he would have died long ago. He was beaten to death by the Sun and Moon Sage.

As time goes by, the bugbear leader becomes more and more anxious. Compared with the powerful Sun and Moon Saint, the divine creature that has never appeared is the biggest threat.

Not daring to hesitate at all, the Bugbear leader began to summon the power of the Holy Emblem, hoping to use the power contained in the Holy Emblem to break the domain of the Sun and Moon Saint.

But in an instant, his eyes glazed over, and he couldn't feel the presence of the Holy Emblem anymore.

"Impossible!" the bugbear leader shouted in disbelief.

"How is it impossible? I have to say that the control of the power of faith by you indigenous divine creatures is really poor. The dignified Holy Emblem is still using fear as a way to collect the power of faith!"

Su Lin's figure suddenly appeared in front of Bugbear. He was playing with a dim-looking gem in his hand. Inside the gem was the Holy Emblem of the Primal God.

As a top student in the school, even if Su Lin doesn't have a golden finger, his knowledge of various spiritual knowledge is definitely no worse than that of the other three nobles.

Not to mention that he also received auxiliary teaching materials from Deng Wen some time ago.

As a demigod with a learned priesthood, Deng Wen's auxiliary teaching materials are full of useful information.

Su Lin also learned a lot from it, so he was able to cut the thread of faith between the Holy Emblem and all believers in such a short period of time.

The Holy Emblem is more like a fulcrum, a fulcrum that can exert the power of the Priesthood of the Barbarian God.

The Holy Emblem that has lost its energy source does not have much power on its own. It is more like a low-end handicraft at the moment.

If Su Lin is interested, he can even extract the priesthood of the Barbarian God from this holy emblem.

However, one can imagine the strength of the priesthood that an indigenous demigod can possess, especially looking at the appearance of his followers. Sulin could guess that it was most likely a barbaric priesthood without even analyzing it.

How could this kind of priesthood, which was not very powerful but had serious side effects, fall under Su Lin's eyes?

But with a little processing, it can be rewarded to those friends in the world.

For them, let alone the priesthood, even a little bit of divinity is definitely an unimaginable treasure.

Looking at Su Lin who suddenly appeared in front of him, the bugbear leader had a trace of fear on his face.

The powerful Barbarian Holy Emblem was actually played with in his hands. Could this be the power of a visitor from outside?

No wonder even those demigods were reluctant to mention this matter. This kind of power definitely exceeded their imagination.

Not daring to take action against Su Lin at all, the bugbear chief shouted with a hint of pleading on his face: "I am willing to surrender, and I also ask the great god to let me live. I am willing to become your most loyal slave!"

Hearing the bugbear's words, Sulin raised his eyebrows, and then activated the omniscient nature of the god to look at the bugbear leader.

His divinity and divine power are stronger than that of the bear goblin chieftain, and he saw through its past in an instant.

It must be said that the bear goblin clan is definitely a strange race. All of them are males. They rely on plundering females of other species to reproduce.

After giving birth to the little bear goblins, these females used for reproduction lose their value and naturally become the delicious meals of the bear goblins.

It can be said that the bear goblin clan came to this world with the crime of matricide.

As the strongest of the bear goblin clan, the bear goblin chieftain has done many evil things. There is no female creature within a thousand miles that he cannot harm.

Such an existence, even if it is completely surrendered, placed in his own divine domain, Su Lin has to worry about whether it will cause trouble.

"Contribute your divinity, and I will spare your life!" Su Lin said coldly.

The bear goblin chieftain struggled for a moment, knowing that resistance is definitely a dead end. There is no way, he can only open his mouth.

Four dots of slightly mottled divinity slowly floated out of his mouth.

Su Lin waved his hand and collected the four dots of divinity. Then he looked at the bear goblin chief and asked, "One more dot!"

"Great God, if I give up the last bit of divinity, my soul will collapse!"

Su Lin curled his lips. Seeing that he couldn't get the last bit of divinity out, he directly activated the Yin-Yang magic.

In an instant, the Tai Chi mill of Yin and Yang enveloped the bear goblin chief. With a scream, he was directly ground to death by the Yin-Yang magic.

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