For a moment, Lei Tian, ​​who was the proudest just now, became a little dejected.

After all, the gap is too big. Although they are of the same age, the gap between them is even bigger than that between humans and dogs.

Seeing this scene, the principal sighed and decided to conceal the fact that Su Lin was only in the first year of high school and could hardly be considered their peers.

He looked at the many dejected students and spoke in a timely manner to encourage them: "Don't be discouraged, you must believe that you are definitely the best among your peers, but your classmate is too strong. This strength has surpassed the imagination of mortals. What you have to do is not to compare with him, but to compare with your peers themselves!"

"For personal privacy, I did not disclose the specific identity of that classmate, but I can tell you that being able to study in the same high school with him is very likely the greatest honor of your life!"

Hearing the principal's words, Su Lin was a little embarrassed. It was a bit too much to praise himself like this.

However, looking at his points, which were more than the sum of all the points from the second to the last place, Su Lin scratched his head again, thinking that he had accidentally gone too far.

Of course, Su Lin did not regret it. This era was a time of great contention. If he did not show his overwhelming strength, how could he get more resources?

Just as Su Lin was thinking, he did not notice that a look of awe was looking at him.

Sang Hao was looking at Su Lin with awe at this moment. He got 120 points in this trial, ranking third among all his classmates.

He had met Su Lin in the trial before, and at that time he judged that Su Lin had wiped out the bear goblin tribe.

The second place in points this time was undoubtedly the emerging Lei Tian, ​​so it was obvious who won the first place.

Su Lin seemed to be only in the first year of high school, but he actually defeated a demigod and got the greatest opportunity in this plane.

This kind of excellence has exceeded Sang Hao's imagination.

Sang Hao would naturally not be stupid enough to spread this matter everywhere, but facing such an excellent junior, he was already thinking about how to make friends with him.

Without mentioning the reaction of the students below, the principal drove the trial square back to the school.

Many students left one after another, and the principal directly moved Su Lin to his office.

It was called an office, but in fact it was an extremely spacious temple. As an old-fashioned true god, although he was only a weak true god due to his priesthood and qualifications, the principal's foundation was still very deep.

He controlled three planes of the world, and countless believers were praising his god anytime and anywhere.

Such a powerful true god, at this moment, looked at Su Lin with a smile on his face.

"You have created the history of the school, the history of defeating demigods. You have done very well. According to the agreement, the spot in the strongest high school student selection competition belongs to you!"

Su Lin nodded and said, "Thank you, principal!"

"In addition, the school will keep your affairs confidential. After all, there are no shortage of jealous people in the ancient Eastern country."

"Also, according to the regulations of the assessment, you can choose three five-star gold cards, but since you have done more than I expected, I decided to change it to a special god card for you. If you have any objections, just tell me directly."

Su Lin heard it and shook his head without any hesitation and said, "No objection, thank you, principal."

Unlike ordinary god cards, special god cards are not made by the ancient Eastern country itself, but are completely naturally generated.

The effect of powerful special god cards is even stronger than that of ancient five-star cards, but there are also special god cards that may not only bring no benefits, but also bring disasters.

So the value of special god cards is not fixed, and even for different gods, the effects of special god cards are different.

However, the principal is a true god after all, and he has been teaching and educating people for tens of thousands of years. His choice is definitely the most suitable for students.

With Su Lin showing unprecedented potential and talent, the principal will definitely not cheat him.

Seeing that Su Lin did not refuse, the principal showed a satisfied smile on his face, and he reached out and took out a card that looked like an ordinary poker from the void.

Su Lin was stunned and took the seemingly ordinary god card handed over by the principal.

"Special god card-the rare life spring, placed in the divine domain can greatly increase the life span of the family and slightly increase the family's reproduction rate."

"Effect, family life +100, reproduction rate +30."

Looking at the effect of the life spring, Su Lin tried to suppress his shaking cheeks and prevent himself from laughing.

It is worthy of being the god card chosen by the principal, and it is indeed suitable for Su Lin.

The Sun and Moon people are indeed powerful, but the fertility rate is not high, and the life span is only 100 years.

With the life spring, the life span of the Sun and Moon people is more than doubled, and they will have more time to practice martial arts.

This will inevitably lead to more masters among the Sun and Moon people. In the future, Su Lin's followers may even reach the level of innate masters per capita.

By then, it is estimated that Su Lin will be able to kill the divine creatures by relying on the siege of his followers.

The principal saw Su Lin's expression and knew his attitude. He smiled and said, "Okay, after this assessment, you must be tired. Go home and have a good rest. There is still some time before the selection competition. You can calm down during this time. The organizer of the selection competition will notify you of relevant matters."

Su Lin suppressed his excitement and respectfully left to return home.

As soon as he got home, he immediately loaded the Fountain of Life into his God's Domain.

Instantly, a crystal clear spring appeared in the center of the God's Domain.

As soon as the spring water flowed out, it turned into a pure life energy, which spread to the whole world at a very fast speed.

The creatures in the God's Domain would absorb this life energy with every breath. Under the transformation of life energy, their lifespan would be longer and their fertility would be slightly improved.

However, looking at the increasingly sparse Sun and Moon people in his extremely large God's Domain, Su Lin couldn't help but frowned.

Deity: Su Lin

Clergy: None

God's name: God of the Heavens

Divinity: 15

Divine power: 212

Divine domain: 11,100 square kilometers

Believers: Sun and Moon Saint, Sun and Moon People

Divine arts: Yin and Yang

Divine domain contains the great way: Martial Arts, World Dao

Rare treasure: Fountain of Life

Family: Sun and Moon People

Number: 700 (300 males, 400 females)

Attributes: Human blood, Chinese Miao people

Special attributes: Infrastructure speed increased by 100; Land harvest increased by 100

Faith: 600 true believers, 100 fanatics

Miscellaneous items: 12 points of divinity, a corpse of a barbarian god, lava and flame priesthood

Although the gains from this assessment were huge, the losses were undoubtedly not small. Only 700 family members have died, and the divine power has been consumed to more than 200.

"It seems that I can only convert some Sun and Moon People again!"

Su Lin sighed.

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