He doesn't have a weapon yet. The Colorful Lotus is also a large-scale group attack weapon. It is obviously inappropriate to use it here.

So, Su Lin once again picked up the long knife used by the master of the temple. He curled his lips in disgust, "It is made of ordinary iron. It is really average."

Then, he began to concentrate his spiritual power on this sword.

Because you can't get too close, you can only aim and throw it hard.

The speed of this knife filled with spiritual power could no longer be captured with the naked eye, and even cut through the air, creating special air waves.

Just in the blink of an eye, a snapping sound was heard.

what is that?

Su Lin was very suspicious, because the sound sounded like the crisp sound of a tree about to be broken, but it was unlikely for a plant with a lot of water like flowers!

This is a matter of common sense.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and he felt uneasy and felt danger.

Su Lin could imagine that what was about to happen was so powerful that even he could not resist it.


Along with a loud noise, dust and smoke flew everywhere.

The flower of hell was broken at the waist and fell directly to the ground.

The next second, the earth began to tear apart, as if a major earthquake had occurred. The entire mountain began to shake, and water spurted out, rushing directly into the sky.

Then, this concave place began to collapse, as if there was a hollow filled with water below that was about to swallow the entire mountain.


Su Lin grabbed Qi Zhenzhen with one hand and Banqiu with the other, and went down the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

Although Chen Baixing is physically strong, he is still not as good as Su Lin, and he also has a temple master on his back.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the crack, he really wanted to scold his mother, this big brother is so unrighteous!

Perhaps Su Lin realized this and sighed helplessly, then pushed the two women forward and told them to run quickly.

"Where's the snail?"

When Chen Baixing came to him, Su Lin shook his head. Sure enough, bringing them up was the wrong choice.

However, you have to eat the bitter fruit you caused. You can't just run for your own life and leave all three of them behind, right?

So he decided to stay and break up, hoping that with his cultivation and the power of the colorful lotus, he could stop it for a while.

Seeing the seven-color light shining brightly behind him, Chen Baixing had never seen such a powerful force before, and was even stunned.

Still, he was reminded by the temple master behind him: "His grandma, run away!"

"Su Lin!" Qi Zhenzhen looked back worriedly.

But Chen Baixing grabbed him immediately, and the others ran away. He seemed to trust Su Lin's ability, patting his chest and saying, "Don't worry, big brother is fine!"

But the reality was not what they imagined. With Sulin's current ability, how could he stop the collapse of the mountain and such a powerful flow of water?

Su Lin gritted his teeth and persisted, just to buy time for Qi Zhenzhen and the others.

But the next second, the colorful lotus lost the support of spiritual power and fell directly to the ground, followed by a torrential flood, rushing down.

Su Lin fell into it, choked several times, and struggled to escape to both sides of the hillside.

However, this Hell Mountain seems to be a trap. Except for the relatively gentle road into the mountain, the rest are all steep cliffs.

But luckily, Su Lin was fine and just choked on a few mouthfuls of water.

He was washed down the mountain and crawled out of the water on a gentle land. He couldn't help but sigh: "If I were still in the body of a warrior now, I would definitely be dead."

The reason why I can survive now still relies on the physical training after the foundation building period.

"I don't know how they are doing?" Su Lin was a little worried. The little time he had to support them might not be enough to support them in escaping to a safe place.

After all, the speed at which the mountains and rivers flow down is almost beyond the reach of human beings, so they can only wish them good luck.

Su Lin walked back a little disappointed. The area he was in now was still a vast ocean.

Half of Hell Mountain collapsed, and a large lake formed in the center. Sulin finally knew why all the underground water in this thousand miles of red land was absorbed and stored by the roots of the Hell Flower?

They did not disappear, so after killing the hell flowers, they all spewed out.

Water is the source of life and frees them from their bondage. Sulin also thinks that he has done a good thing.

But, why haven’t you waited for a reply from the system?

"What's going on? I risked my life to complete the mission. Could it be that you damn guy swallowed my reward?"

Obviously, this was just Su Lin's angry words.

He unexpectedly discovered that he had not completed the task. Could it be said that the complete solution of this task would require that Prince Zhang be brought to justice?

"It's really troublesome."

Su Lin could only look for traces of Qi Zhenzhen and others for the time being, but he soon discovered that nothing was wrong at all.

However, the four of them were trapped on a small island at the moment. Based on the memory of their original route, Sulin was sure that there was actually a hill under their feet.

Also thanks to this mountain, otherwise, there would be no chance of survival.

"Look, it's Su Lin! He's fine, he's not dead!"

When they saw Su Lin's figure reappearing, several people were very shocked, because in their understanding, there was almost no possibility of survival in the situation just now.

For this reason, Banqiu has been crying.

But now, she wiped it off immediately. If it weren't for the water flow blocking the way between them, she would have wanted to run over and hug him.

The water flow is now stable, which is nothing to Su Lin. He can even walk on the water and rescue several people to a safe place.

Everyone is still frightened by the thrilling experience just now.

But what they admire more is Su Lin's ability. Chen Baixing couldn't help but flatter him, "Brother, you are really amazing. You are almost as capable as an immortal, or are you an immortal?"

Su Lin smiled awkwardly and shook his head quickly.

He wanted to change the subject, "Now we have almost figured out the cause of this natural disaster. We must catch the culprit, otherwise, so many lives will die inexplicably?"

At this moment, Su Lin also truly understood what the system said.

In this world, ordinary people are ants, and above them, there are those in power.

Of course, there are higher ones, that is, warriors and cultivators with stronger strength. Some of these coexist and some are superior.

But overall, it illustrates a problem, the strong prey on the weak, the weak are the prey of the strong, and their lives can be trampled on at will.

"He can actually do such a heinous thing, he is simply a demon!"

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