"What should I do? Are we going to watch Miss Banqiu die?"

Jiang Tai was more worried than Su Lin at this moment. It was unknown whether he was sincere or just wanted to show off in front of Su Lin.

However, Su Lin was unusually calm, because he knew that no matter how panicked he was, it would not work, but would be counterproductive.

With this arrangement, he patiently began to look for records about the Blood Evil Sect.

Not to mention, this move really allowed him to find the trace of the Ten Absolute Flowers. Looking at the three words in the story, Su Lin frowned, "Xuanling Sect?"

Hearing this, Jiang Tai also curiously took the book from Su Lin's hand. After reading it, he also said it was not good.

"This medicinal material is actually in the hands of the Xuanling Sect, but brother Su, don't forget that their treasure, the Qingyun Sword, is still in your hands!"

"I offended their Zhao Qi before, and now it is not easy to ask for the Ten Absolute Flowers."

But what Jiang Tai didn't know was that Su Lin's brain circuits were always different from his.

He thought that asking for it meant begging in a low voice, and even giving up his dignity.

And Su Lin was thinking about trading.

The Qingyun Sword was in his hand, which was extremely important to the Xuanling Sect. He didn't believe that they would give it up so easily!

As long as they were given enough strength to deter, they would definitely do so to ensure safety! After all, these guys like to consider the input and output the most, just like businessmen, they are very sensitive to profits.

"Huh, who said I want to beg them?"

"As long as the Qingyun Sword is in my hand, they will come to beg me."

Su Lin's words really woke up the dreamer, but this move made Jiang Tai feel that it was too crazy.

What's the interest? This is a provocation and threat to the Xuanling Sect. Since they founded the sect, such a thing has never happened. Can they tolerate it?

If they really make up their minds and want to kill Su Lin, can he really bear the anger?

These are still unknowns.

Jiang Tai didn't even know what to say, but now, he had already boarded the pirate ship and couldn't jump off. The two were grasshoppers on the same rope.

If Su Lin was destroyed by Xuanling Sect, could Yunlan Sect survive? This was absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Jiang Tai said firmly: "Brother Su, don't worry, we Yunlan Sect will definitely support you. No matter what you want us to do, even if it means going through fire and water, we will do it! Just give your orders."

Hearing this, Su Lin was very satisfied. At least, as far as the current situation is concerned, the people of Yunlan Sect are reliable. With their help, he can indeed save himself a lot of trouble.

"The people of Xuanling Sect should also come back for this sect entry ceremony, right?"

Hearing Su Lin's question, Jiang Tai nodded, and a trace of worry appeared on his face. He was afraid that Xuanling Sect would take the opportunity to make trouble this time, and the entire ceremony would be restless.

However, this is exactly what Su Lin wanted.

"Humph, I'm afraid they don't dare to come."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Tai asked in confusion.

"The initiation ceremony will proceed as usual, and it must be held in a grand manner to show the majesty of your Yunlan Sect!"

Su Lin's words completely dispelled Jiang Tai's concerns, and he guessed what he was thinking. He must want to take this opportunity to deter the people of Xuanling Sect and let them weigh their own strength.

So, Jiang Tai nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Two days passed quickly, and the Yunlan Sect's mountain gate was particularly lively today.

It can be said that there are a lot of people here. After all, the people present are representatives of major sects, worlds, and various forces in the Shenzhou Continent. There are also many strong people among them, and there are many in the late stage of Qi training.

As for the foundation building stage and above, there is no one! Because in this world where spiritual power is exhausted, half of those who have this level of cultivation are almost all the leaders of the sect, and the worst are also the position of elders.

How could they be present in person for such a thing? Yunlan Sect doesn't have that much face.

Of course, the most shining ones in Su Lin's eyes are nothing more than the Shenwu Sect, Xuanling Sect, etc., but surprisingly, the Northern Government also sent people? It seems that Ding Pingzhou got the news.

Su Lin had asked Jiang Tai before and learned that he did not tell the Northern Government. Now it seems that Ding Pingzhou is quite powerful.

"Your Majesty."

Su Lin was not used to such a title suddenly.

The man in front of him was very young, only in his early twenties, but he was very strong. He was not all tendon meat or muscle man, but just from his body shape, he knew that he was a martial artist with explosive combat power.

From him, I learned that his name was Ye Qijun, and he was a palace guard, with an official rank of Qianhu.

Sure enough, his strength was good, and he had reached the peak of the acquired warriors. If there was a powerful person to give a little guidance, he might be able to break through and enter the realm of the cultivator.

After listening to the introduction, Su Lin had an idea in his mind. If this person can be loyal, he can be trained to be a capable general.

"I see, Ding Pingzhou wants to come to support the scene, right?"

"However, the word "Your Majesty" sounds harsh to me. You can just call me Su Lin from now on."

Ye Qijun frowned. He didn't even dare to look directly at Su Lin. "This may be inappropriate. This is not in line with etiquette."

"What a bullshit etiquette!"

"Since you believe in etiquette, you should know who you are, right? Do you want to disobey my order?"

Su Lin's performance can be regarded as a combination of soft and hard tactics, singing with both red and white faces, so as to win people's hearts.

As expected, Ye Qijun immediately nodded and called him by his name.

"Now that you're here, I'm not polite. I'll need your help later."

Then, Su Lin told him about the plan for a while. After hearing the plan, Ye Qijun was very surprised: "You want to take action against Xuanling Sect? But they are from the Southern Kingdom. If the Southern Kingdom colludes with them, I am afraid that Our military strength may not be able to cope with it now.”

Hearing this, Su Lin smiled lightly, without any worry or fear on his face.

He answered very calmly: "When I said I planned to eat them, it was just a deterrent. You should understand these two words, right?"

After all, Ye Qijun came from a aviation background. Regarding Su Lin's very concise answer, which was similar to a military order, he did not question or violate it. He just clasped his hands and said, "Please rest assured, we will definitely complete the mission!"

Having said this, he stepped back and disappeared into the crowd.

After all, Su Lin's identity as the King of the North has not been made public, so hiding it may not be a bad thing. At least, it can be used as a trump card.

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