The Age of Universal Gods: My God is the Big Boss of the Heavens

Chapter 79: Thousands of Ghosts Besieging the City

People move and live, trees move and die. Although the tree demon grandmother has profound cultivation, she still has not transcended her nature. Compared with other demons, she can only stay within the scope of Lanruo Temple and control those female ghosts to help her absorb human yang and blood to practice.

At this moment, Ning Caichen fooled all the female ghosts under her, and the tree demon grandmother was directly confused.

Without female ghosts, where can she catch delicious human men to eat? Without female ghosts, what can she pay tribute to the Black Mountain Old Demon.

In order to take back her "daughters", the tree demon grandmother naturally cannot let Ning Caichen go.

However, facing Yan Chixia, who has greatly increased his cultivation, the tree demon grandmother is no match for him. After being defeated several times in a row, the tree demon grandmother simply began to ask for help.

The Black Mountain Old Demon, one of the few great demons in the world of Liaozhai, is no worse than Cihang Pudu, who occupies the emperor's body and proclaims himself as the national teacher.

However, unlike the Cihang Pudu who disturbed the human world, the Black Mountain Old Demon is more focused on the underworld.

At present, all the ghosts and gods in the underworld have disappeared, and even the powerful Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has completely dissipated, but it is still not so easy to control the underworld.

However, the progress of the Black Mountain Old Demon is still good. He has established an independent world in the underworld based on his huge body-the Black Mountain Realm.

But even the Black Mountain Old Demon who focuses on conquering the underworld has lonely moments. The cute and seductive little ghost girl sent from the tree demon grandma is the best way for the Black Mountain Old Demon to relieve loneliness.

But I didn't expect that someone would destroy my hobby. Someone actually captured all the female ghosts and injured the tree demon grandma.

How could the Black Mountain Old Demon tolerate this.

Where is the dignity of the ten thousand year old demon?

Where is the honor of the underworld overlord?

So after getting the help from the tree demon grandma, the Black Mountain Old Demon did not hesitate at all and directly sent his Black Mountain Realm ghost army to the human world.

The tree demon granny, who hated Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia to the core, led the ghost army to surround Guobei County at the first moment of receiving support from the big boss behind her.

She wanted to let humans see that the world of Liaozhai was still the world of demons, and as humans, they should just be everyone's food.

Guobei County, because of the appearance of Ning Caichen, became a rare paradise in the world of Liaozhai. After several years of cultivation, it has become a rare large county in the world of Liaozhai.

Hundreds of thousands of people live in the county, and with the protection of the great gods of the heavens, these people can live and work here.

But today, the last paradise was besieged by countless ghosts.

First, countless miasma appeared out of thin air, and in the miasma, there were extremely strange ghost howling sounds echoing.

Some civilians who were hiding outside the city saw groups of ghosts appear around them at the moment they were shrouded by miasma. These ghosts opened their bloody mouths and bit those civilians directly.

In an instant, the flesh and blood of these unfortunate civilians were devoured, leaving only pale bones.

However, due to the timely organization of the retreat, the unfortunate ones were only a minority after all, and most of the people were now placed in Guobei County by Ning Caichen.

After cleaning up the outside of the city, the gathering of miasma caused a thick haze to cover the sky above the entire Guobei County, which blocked the sun, moon and stars. From time to time, hideous and terrifying ghosts and monsters jumped out of the black miasma and pounced on the city wall.

However, before approaching the city wall, strong blood and yang energy shot out from the city wall, completely dispersing it.

Yan Chixia led 5,000 soldiers to stand on the city wall. They looked calm as if they were not afraid of the ghosts in front of them.

Marks like galaxies were engraved on their bodies. This was the symbol of the Zhutian God Religion.

These five thousand soldiers are Ning Caichen's trump card. Each of them has practiced the Nine Yang Magic from Zhang Sanfeng. With the various natural treasures provided by the two emperors, each of them can be called a master in the world.

Especially after the transformation and upgrading of the Nine Yang Magic by Zhang Sanfeng, they are full of blood and energy, and each person standing there is like a torch.

Ordinary monsters and demons will be directly dispersed by the Yang and blood energy as soon as they come into contact with them.

At this moment, the five thousand soldiers stood on the city wall and actually formed a blood barrier, completely protecting Guobei County.

"No wonder they are so bold, it turns out that they have something real in their hands!" The tree demon grandmother felt the strong blood of the five thousand soldiers, licked her lips, and was a little salivating.

Although the strong blood can hurt demons, it is also the best food for demons.

If these soldiers can be swallowed, the tree demon grandmother is sure to become a big demon at the same level as Cihang Pudu and Black Mountain Old Demon.

Thinking of this, the tree demon grandmother took out a stone and poured her true essence into it without caring about the consumption.

In an instant, the black miasma covering Guobei County violently churned, and countless miasma pressed towards Guobei County frantically.

The blood and qi of the five thousand soldiers were like a barrier, directly resisting all the miasma outside.

However, the miasma was also constantly consuming the blood and qi of the soldiers.

In less than a cup of tea, the faces of the soldiers who were originally full of blood and qi began to show a trace of fatigue.

Fortunately, the Nine Yang Divine Art's energy recovery time was beyond imagination, otherwise I am afraid that these soldiers would not be able to hold on.

Seeing this scene, Yan Chixia couldn't help but frown. Although his cultivation level had improved a lot, it was not enough to make him unparalleled among countless ghosts and monsters.

Although he was sure that he could lead five thousand sergeants to break the Black Mountain Ghost Miasma in front of him, without the protection of the sergeants, it is estimated that during this period of time, the ordinary people in Guobei County would really die.

"What should we do now? How about I go down and find the tree demon? She is definitely the one who triggered this black mountain ghost miasma." Yan Chixia frowned and asked Ning Caichen next to her. Since the Wangui attack on Guobei County, Ning Caichen kept his eyes closed and wandered around, not knowing what he was doing.

Seeing the sergeants becoming more and more exhausted under the pressure of the Black Mountain Ghost Miasma, Yan Chixia was really a little anxious.

At this moment, Ning Caichen suddenly opened his eyes, showing a confident smile on his gentle and jade-like face.

"Master Yan, don't worry, I have contacted the believers of the gods of the heavens in other worlds, and they have decided to come to help. We are sure of it!"

Hearing this, Yan Chixia was suddenly startled.

He had witnessed the sacrifices of the Gods of the Heavens with his own eyes, so he naturally had no doubts about the power of the Gods of the Heavens.

But he didn't expect that there would be believers of the God of the Heavens in other worlds, and looking at Ning Caichen, I'm afraid these believers are all experts, experts, experts!

For a moment, Yan Chixia's mood was a little surging.

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