Just when Yang Fuming doubted the authenticity of the video on the Internet, the Internet, which he regarded as his lifeline, was suddenly disconnected.

Then he heard his mother suddenly shouting at the window: "Hey, why is it foggy outside? And it's this color!"

Hearing his mother's words, Yang Fuming suddenly woke up, and he quickly jumped up and ran out of the room.

He saw his parents looking out of the window.

"Close the window!" Yang Fuming shouted anxiously.

Unfortunately, he found it too late. At this moment, a trace of blood-colored fog had already drifted into the room.

The parents standing by the bed did not react at all, and they inhaled a trace of blood-colored fog.

Afterwards, Yang Fuming's father collapsed to the ground, his eyes closed and he was unconscious.

"Fuming, what's wrong, what's wrong with your dad? Call an ambulance!"

Yang Fuming's mother saw this scene and turned to Yang Fuming anxiously.

At this moment, Yang Fuming found that the eyes on his mother's slightly old face had begun to turn red.

Yang Fuming didn't bother to answer his mother's question. He rushed to the window as fast as he could and closed it tightly.

Then he took out the tape from the drawer and completely sealed the gap of the window.

But how could an ordinary residential building be completely airtight? Even if all the windows were sealed, there was still a trace of blood-colored mist coming into the house from the sewer, air conditioning holes and even the gaps in the wall.

These blood mists seemed to have life, slowly gathering in the house and entangled with Yang Fuming and the other two.

The unconscious father couldn't avoid it at all, and could only let the blood mist drill into his body.

At this moment, his skin had turned a little red.

Such a change made Yang Fuming think of the soldiers who turned into blood corpses in the video.

The skin of those soldiers turned blood red, and the whole person lost his mind and became extremely powerful.

And at this moment, his father's change obviously applied this point.

The only good news now is that the blood mist is not surging very fast. Yang Fuming carried his mother back and forth in the house to avoid it, and he would not be infected for a while.

But as time passed, his mother, whose eyes were red just now, suddenly fainted on the ground.

In order to avoid the blood mist, Yang Fuming did not dare to get close to his mother at the moment, and could only let the blood mist surround her.

At this moment, Yang Fuming's face was already full of despair.

Unexpectedly, today is the end of the world!

Seeing that there was more and more blood mist in the house, Yang Fuming had less and less space to dodge, and Yang Fuming finally reached his limit.

Looking at the blood mist that surrounded him, Yang Fuming sighed and closed his eyes.

Since there was no other way, he might as well become a blood corpse, at least he could be with his parents.

At this moment, a beam of light appeared out of thin air and completely enveloped Yang Fuming.

Yang Fuming noticed the change and slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he found that he was actually in an inexplicable vast space.

In front of him stood an infinite sacred figure, which was looking at him with pity.

Yang Fuming could not see the figure, but he could feel the pity in his eyes.

Without hesitation, Yang Fuming knelt on the ground and shouted: "No matter who you are, please save my family's lives, I am willing to give everything!"

Su Lin smiled and said: "I am the god of the heavens. I sense that this world is in a crisis of annihilation, so I specially call you here!"

Hearing Su Lin's words, Yang Fuming shuddered. The figure in front of him was a matter of the gods, and he could accept it. After all, only the gods could have that sacred breath.

The key point is that the gods actually said that there was a crisis of annihilation.

Obviously, the blood mist world is not just the videos on the Internet and the city where he is, it is happening all over the world.

I don't know how many people are still alive now!

Thinking of the originally beautiful world, it turned into this in an instant. The feeling in Yang Fuming's heart can't be described as despair.

But after looking up and seeing Su Lin's sacred figure, Yang Fuming's eyes flashed with a glimmer of hope. He knelt down and shouted: "Great God of the Heavens, as merciful as you are, can you save our world?"

Su Lin shook his head and said: "I can save you, but I won't do it directly. Your world is targeted by the will of the abyss, and the laws of the abyss are invading. The whole world will eventually fall into the abyss. If I take action, it will only alarm the will of the abyss. What humans need is self-help. Believe in me, recite my name, and I will give you the ability to save yourself!"

When Yang Fuming heard this, a glimmer of hope appeared on his face. He looked at the great God of the Heavens with nostalgia and expectation.

Su Lin waved his hand, and the information about the sacrifice was transmitted to Yang Fuming's mind, and then a blood-red crystal was sent to Yang Fuming's hand.

"Offer this blood crystal and chant my name to it, and you will be able to gain immunity to the blood mist. The rest depends on you!"

After saying that, before Yang Fuming could react, Su Lin sent him back to the world of the crazy python.

Yang Fuming, who had just closed his eyes and waited for death, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the blood mist surrounding him.

Yang Fuming sensed the sudden increase in information in his mind, and then he stretched out his hand and looked at the blood crystal in his hand.

"This is the key to saving the world!"

A trace of tenacity flashed in Yang Fuming's eyes. This otaku finally underwent a transformation when facing a life-and-death crisis.

"Great God of the Heavens, you are the only god in the heavens and the worlds..."

Yang Fuming grabbed the blood-colored crystal and rushed towards the blood mist fearlessly. When he chanted the name of the God of the Heavens, the blood-colored crystal in his hand slowly emitted a faint light.

The blood-colored crystal was like a vacuum cleaner, directly absorbing the blood mist.

Then, a stream of energy poured into Yang Fuming's body.

Yang Fuming felt his blood speeding up, and his body was slowly getting stronger. His body, which had become extremely weak due to years of living in a house, actually felt strong at this moment.

"Swallow the blood mist, defeat the blood corpse, and destroy the blood python, and I will be promoted!"

Yang Fuming now understood the ability of the blood-colored crystal. With the blood-colored crystal, the originally deadly blood mist can become a nourishment to strengthen himself.

"Thank you, great God of the Heavens!"

Yang Fuming shouted devoutly, and then rushed directly to his parents.

At this moment, his parents have not yet completed the transformation into blood corpses, and there is still a possibility of rescue using blood crystals.

Sure enough, under the power of the blood crystals, the blood color on Yang Fuming's parents gradually faded, and they slowly opened their eyes.

The blood-red eyes returned to normal at this moment.

"Son, what happened?" Yang's father asked a little puzzled.

Yang Fuming gritted his teeth and said: "The end of the world, I need to save this world!"


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