At this moment, the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

The siege of the capital was lifted with the efforts of more than a thousand young eunuchs. The rebel army, which was defeated by the eunuchs, had to retreat to the northwest. The rebel army, whose high-ranking officials were killed, could no longer set off a rebellion. Big wave.

Chongzhen, who wanted to take advantage of the trend to pacify the country, was defeated by reality.

"No money!"

Yes, the imperial court that was supposed to be the richest now really has no money.

During this year, there was a severe drought, locust plague broke out one after another, and half of China was about to become a ghost on earth.

In order to provide disaster relief, Chongzhen was about to sell the palace, and even the pace of pacifying the country was slowed down.

But in Jiangnan, those big landowners and great writers still lived a life of drunkenness and dreams.

They threw a lot of money into the brothel, and the reward that any prostitute could get in one night could reach ten thousand taels of silver.

However, the soldiers who were resisting the Manchus at the border were hungry at the moment. The tragedy of exchanging children for food was being staged in countless places in the world.

But the scholar-bureaucrats, who were regarded as the backbone and pillars of the country, were now working with the prostitutes, studying romance, food, singing and dancing every day.

This scene was all seen by Chongzhen, but he did not take action immediately.

In addition to disaster relief, most of his energy this year was devoted to missionary work.

Chongzhen founded the Zhutian God Sect with the eunuchs who had participated in that sacrifice as the backbone and himself as the leader, believing in the gods of the gods.

The teachings of Zhutianshen Sect are based on the sacrificial knowledge that Su Lin once passed on to Chongzhen.

As a religion from the Age of Gods, its teachings are definitely beyond the times.

The emperor was the leader of the religion, and its teachings were extremely advanced. The imperial court vigorously promoted it, and the combination of various factors made the Zhutian God Sect become the most influential religion in the Ming Dynasty in a short period of time.

Although the scholar-bureaucrats and big landowners couldn't bear to see the emperor's religious beliefs, especially the doctrine of the All Gods Sect advocating equality for all, which hit their pain points, they did not dare to say anything more under the pressure of the absolute force controlled by Chongzhen. What.

In one year's time, the All-Heaven God Sect has spread throughout the Ming Dynasty.

Along with the spread of the Gods of the Gods throughout the Ming Dynasty, there was also a new intelligence network.

Jin Yiwei once established a complete intelligence network, but unfortunately due to the protests of the Donglin Party and the scholar-bureaucrat class, Chongzhen had to abolish it, and this happened to be the fundamental reason why Chongzhen became blind and deaf.

It took a year to re-establish this intelligence network. More than a thousand eunuchs whose military power reached the peak of the day after tomorrow were sent to various places to form an intelligence agency that was more powerful than the East Factory and the West Factory.

Looking at the feedback information, Chongzhen could not suppress the murderous intention in his heart several times. However, if all the scholar-bureaucrats and landlords were really killed, the whole country would be in chaos.

Now, Chongzhen finally used the All-Heaven God Religion to re-establish the pillars that could support the country. The existence of the God Religion was enough to make up for the gap left by the disappearance of scholar-bureaucrats and big landowners.

"Let's get started and prepare for the national sacrifice. In a month, I will use those national worms to sacrifice to the great God of the Heavens!"

When he talked about the gods of the heavens, Chongzhen's eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

During the first national sacrifice, the capital was besieged, and Chongzhen could only perform sacrifices in a hurry. Although the great gods of the heavens did not blame him, Chongzhen himself felt that he had failed the gods.

After this year's work, although Ming Dynasty still has not completely recovered, it is able to hold a more grand sacrifice.

Wang Chengen, who was waiting in front of Chongzhen, knelt down to accept the order. Then he asked hesitantly: "Your Majesty, many of the targets you have set are clans, such as Prince Fu. Look..."

Chongzhen said with a hint of disgust on his face: "Taizu and Taizong once said that the emperor will guard the country and the king will die in the country. My Zhu family exists to guard China. Those who can do this are considered the clan, and those who cannot do it will be left alone." Let him die!"

Wang Chengen nodded, said no more, and left directly.

Then one order after another was passed from the Zhutian God Sect in the capital to each branch. Three days later, the whole world was boiling.

Many soldiers came out of the Zhutian God Sect in various places, and under the leadership of the powerful eunuchs, they swept away the wealthy families in various places.

At the beginning, ordinary people were still afraid, but every time the All Gods Sect cleared out a large household, they would post their crimes on the door.

Bullying men and women, driving up prices, buying and selling people, surrendering to the enemy and treason, almost every crime imaginable can be found in these sanctimonious scholar-bureaucrats and big landowners.

The most important thing is that the causes and consequences of these crimes are clearly explained, and the authenticity can be verified with a little ability.

So far, half of the entire Ming Dynasty's scholar-bureaucrat class and big landowners and businessmen have been wiped out.

Because the Celestial God Sect launched so suddenly, the big families who controlled the armed forces did not have any time to unite.

And some of the servants and guardians were no match for the tyrannical eunuchs.

In just two days, Chongzhen completed the nationwide sweep, reducing the number of scholar-bureaucrats, big businessmen, and landowners in the country by more than half.

After arresting the person, the Zhutian Divine Sect escorted him directly to the government and stated his crimes one by one.

Under the supervision of the eunuchs, the officials did not dare to do anything illegal and could only pronounce sentences according to the law.

Those who deserved to be killed were killed, those who deserved to be distributed were distributed, and their property was also confiscated.

Of course, in many places, officials and literati were originally one and the same, and these officials did not escape the reckoning of the Zhutian Shenjiao.

In these places, the Zhutian Shenjiao directly sent corresponding personnel to take over the official positions with Chongzhen's imperial order.

In a short time, the confiscated property was countless, and even the treasury income of the Ming Dynasty for a hundred years was not as much as this.

Looking at the various data gathered at hand, Chongzhen couldn't help but slap the table. Being able to gather such a huge wealth, one can imagine how greedy those so-called noble literati are.

"All the confiscated income, one-third will be returned to the local area for local livelihood construction, one-third will be collected from the treasury, and one-third will be returned to the Zhutian Shenjiao!"

Chongzhen directly issued an order.

After a few days of bloody storms, the missionaries of the Zhutian Shenjiao began to come out to stabilize people's hearts.

The people were still a little afraid at first, but they found that after those big families disappeared, their lives became better and better.

Even in those areas with severe disasters, with enough money and food, it can be guaranteed that there will be no scenes of starvation.

For a while, the entire Ming Dynasty seemed to have regained its stability and prosperity.

The streets and alleys were filled with voices praising the gods and Emperor Chongzhen.

"The public opinion of the world belongs to the people of the world, how can it be manipulated by those scholars and officials!"

Chongzhen received the report that the public opinion had reversed, and a smile appeared on his face.

After this battle, the entire Ming Dynasty was completely pacified, and even the previously defeated rebels gradually began to surrender.

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