The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 993 The Cry of the Toad

"I hate rain!"

Albert turned to look at the rain-soaked window and reached out to tap the address book on his hand. He had been using this method to keep in touch with Fred, George and Lee Jordan on the train.

"I thought you liked the rain!" Katrina also turned to look out the window, then looked back at the communication bookmark in Albert's hand, "Have you been chatting with your sister just now?"

"Yes!" Albert didn't deny it. "Anyway, you are idle. Finding someone to chat with can pass the boring time."

"Can you get me a copy of this?" Katrina asked suddenly, "I can pay Galleons for it."

"I don't plan to sell it for the time being, but you can make it yourself. The transformation spell shouldn't be difficult for you!" Albert doesn't plan to spread the thing on hand on a large scale, so as not to give the mysterious man's side in the subsequent war. Add an advantage.

"It's not just a transformation spell?" Katrina didn't believe such nonsense. The principle of the communication bookmark might be a transformation spell, but its production was definitely not that simple. Anyone who believed it directly was definitely a fool.

"Well, that's right, a more advanced application of the transformation spell." Albert put away the address book, and he could feel that the train was slowing down.

"Are you not going to fulfill your responsibilities?" Katrina asked tentatively when she saw that Albert was planning to leave directly. She felt that she had guessed the result.

"Leave the job of maintaining order to the prefects. They always need to be given a chance to practice." Albert casually made excuses for his laziness and followed the crowd to get off the train. After making sure there were no problems around him, he turned to Katrina behind him and said, "You'd better not leave my sight."

"Am I so uneasy?" Katrina raised her eyebrows slightly, a little unhappy. It wasn't that Albert was making a fuss out of a molehill, but that she felt slighted. The feeling of being treated like an underage girl was very unpleasant. Comfortable.

"Don't be angry. When facing danger, any negligence may cost you your life. The life of a wizard is more fragile than you expect." Albert raised his wand and said in a voice that only two people could hear. , "Although the probability of them targeting you is very low, I still have to take precautions."

"You just don't want to see Isobel sad." Katrina sighed, she envied her sister.

"I don't want to see you have problems because of my problems. Since it's my problem, I have to take care of you." Albert got off the car and came to the platform. He raised his wand to make sure there was no problem around him again before signaling. Katrina follows.

At this moment, a crisp female voice came from not far away. Hagrid had obviously not returned yet.

Albert was not surprised at all. After all, Hagrid still had to take care of his giant brother.

This semester, Albert decided to stay away from Hagrid, lest he leave the big idiot to his care.

Even if the mission is really triggered, Albert plans to give up directly.


Let's leave it to Potter.

Deliberately at the back of the queue to ensure that no student was left behind, the two walked along the muddy path outside Hogsmeade Station towards the convoy of Thestral carriages.

Most of the carriages were already occupied, but one was empty. It was a special carriage prepared for the president of the male and female student council at the back.

This is one of their privileges.

"For those of you over there, take this car!"

Albert said to the second-year student who was driven out of the carriage by Malfoy and his companions and looked bewildered.

After saying that, he stared at Malfoy, who was chatting and laughing with his friends, and warned: "I don't care what you want to do, but don't cause me any trouble."

"I know." Malfoy said expressionlessly.

"go in!"

Albert motioned for the three little guys to get into the carriage. This carriage was different from other carriages. The environment inside was obviously much better. Although it was not as good as the one that sent him to participate in the Magic School Potions Championship, it was There was no hay inside, and there was no musty smell.

The carriage team set off staggeringly.

The second-year students in the carriage looked at Albert with admiration. One of the boys with freckles on his face mustered up the courage to carefully ask Albert a few questions about the duel champion.

"Don't believe too much in the content of newspapers. Most of the time, newspapers are used to attract everyone's attention in order to sell newspapers. That's all. If you believe in that stuff too much, you will easily be fooled into being fooled by others." Albert He turned to look out the window. After the motorcade passed the school gate, he relaxed his vigilance slightly and looked at the Hogwarts Castle that was getting closer and closer in front of him.

"I think you're trying to say that most of the British wizarding community are idiots," Katrina muttered.

"Many times, everything you see is what others want you to see." Albert said lightly: "As long as you are not a fool, you will find something wrong if you use your brain a little bit."

"However, there are usually more fools in this world?" Katrina laughed at herself.

"Because they only passively receive information and never actively think about why, they cannot blame others for becoming fools." Albert stopped talking, because the carriage team had stopped in front of the stone steps leading to the oak door, and hundreds of carriages suddenly After filling up the space around the stone steps, the students got off the carriage one after another and walked towards the oak gate of the castle.

Albert and Katrina stayed until the end to ensure that all students entered the castle before slowly entering the castle.

On their way to the auditorium, they suddenly heard giggling.

Albert stopped and looked at Peeves emerging from the shadows.

Katrina also stopped and looked at Peeves with some confusion. This guy was very weird, with a weird smile that couldn't be concealed on his face, and he rubbed his hands towards Albert, as if he was waiting for something.

Albert reached into his pocket, took out a bag and threw it to Peeves. The smile on Peeves' face became brighter and the sound he made became weirder. He took the bag and disappeared.

Katrina looked at Albert suspiciously, always feeling that the guy next to her was preparing to cause trouble.

However, she didn't ask.

Anyway, if you ask, you probably won't get an answer. Just watch quietly. This is the tacit understanding they have developed.

Entering the auditorium, the decoration here is similar to the previous style. The ceiling above is exactly the same as the sky outside, as if the professors have forgotten to replace the ceiling with a bright starry sky.

Albert walked along the Gryffindor table, looking for Fred, George and Lee Jordan.

Whenever he walked by, people who were chatting happily would fall silent and stare at him curiously with their eyes wide open, as if they were looking at some rare animal.

Well, there was actually a little girl who wanted to ask him for his autograph, which made Albert a little speechless. He had to speed up and walk towards George who was waving to him.

"You're so popular," Fred joked with a smile, "I thought you would stop and give them autographs."

"Shut up."

Albert sat down in the empty seat vacated by the three of them and said hello to the girls sitting opposite.

"This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, I heard, is also the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic." George winked at Albert, and his words were deliberately meant for the students around him.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken, the Deputy Minister of Magic went to Hogwarts to teach?" Zannah looked at the witch on the teacher's bench with a bit of surprise, who had a bit of bad taste.

Even thinking about it on my knees, I knew this was definitely not a good thing.

"Honestly, her taste is really...unique."

"By the way, Albert, I became the Quidditch captain." Angelina told everyone the good news excitedly.

"Congratulations. However, I'm afraid you are not very lucky." The corners of Albert's mouth raised slightly, and he noticed that Umbridge had just picked up the goblet and took a sip.

"Why?" Angelina asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you read the newspaper? The Daily Prophet has been smearing Harry Potter a lot lately." Albert reminded.

"But, what does this mean?" Angelina was a little confused, obviously not understanding the meaning of Albert's words.

"It shows that the relationship between the Ministry of Magic and Harry Potter is very bad, and our new professor is still the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic. Thinking about it, you know that the situation is not good." Albert explained.

"It doesn't matter. If Harry can't play, won't you still be there?" Angelina wasn't worried at all. Albert was also a very good seeker.

"I'm busy this year, so I'm afraid I can't help you." Albert shook his head.

The expression on Angelina's face suddenly changed.

"Do you know why the Deputy Minister of Magic came to teach at Hogwarts?" Zannah calmly changed the subject.

"It's definitely not good anyway." Lee Jordan said, "By the way, have you listened to the wizard's lookout station broadcast?"

"What is that?" Alia asked doubtfully.

"A mysterious station broadcast. I remember last night, the broadcast was talking about our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. To be honest, our Defense Against the Dark Arts class may be a little bad this year."

"Let Albert teach us?" Aria suggested.

"I'm not free." Albert shook his head and said.

Gu Li: "What are you busy with?" Shanna asked curiously.

At this time, Professor McGonagall guided the students into the auditorium, and the sorting ceremony was about to begin.

In the restlessness of the first-year students, the Sorting Hat opened like a mouth and sang loudly:

I was a newbie a long time ago, before Hogwarts was built, and the four founders of the Noble School thought they would never part ways...

Our Hogwarts is in danger, and enemies outside the school are stalking us. We must be united internally or everything will fall apart from within. I've spoken out to you, I've sounded the alarm for you? Now let's start sorting.

The hat finished singing and became motionless again.

"Do you think this is Dumbledore's intention, or the Sorting Hat's own intention?" George turned his head and asked during the applause.

Not only him, but also the classmates in the audience were whispering to the people around them, discussing the Sorting Hat's warning.

"Nico, has the Sorting Hat issued a similar warning before?" Albert asked the Gryffindor ghost directly.

"There have been several times before." Nearly Headless Nick recalled, "The Sorting Hat felt it was morally responsible to issue appropriate warnings to the school if it felt that the school was facing... great danger. Of course, it The advice is the same every time: stick together and maintain internal stability."

"A hat that can predict?" Fred asked.

After feeling the unkind look from Professor McGonagall, everyone shut up obediently.

"How is it possible? The Sorting Hat is placed in Dumbledore's office. He probably heard some news there." Albert said in a voice that could be heard by several people around him.

"After all, you are the prophet." George laughed silently.

Soon, as Professor McGonagall announced their names and the Sorting Hat, the long line of first-year students was shortening little by little.

After the sorting ceremony, their principal stood up to greet everyone and announced the official start of the dinner.

"How does it feel to be the president of the student union? Isn't it great?"

George was cutting a steak and squinting at Umbridge who was also cutting a steak at the teacher's desk.

"She looks like a toad, a pink toad!"

"Affects appetite."

"I really don't know why the Headmaster would give in to the Ministry of Magic."

"I don't know. Professor Dumbledore must have a reason why he had to give in!"

Several people lowered their voices and whispered.

"I heard people say that unmarried old aunts like her are the most terrifying. Many of them have become twisted because they have not received the nourishment of love." Lee Jordan muttered softly.

"Didn't anyone remind her that there was something wrong with her taste?"

"I dare say she must be twisted inside, otherwise whoever is so old would still dress up as a little girl."

"Maybe you can try to save her taste."

"Forget it, it's not worth it if you are imprisoned." Lee Jordan gnawed on a chicken leg and laughed at himself: "At this time, you should pray to God. Maybe God will respond to your plea."

"I thought wizards believed in Merlin."

"Wizards have no faith, at least I don't." George shook his head and said, "Merlin's beard and the like are just words."

At this moment, Umbridge, who had just eaten a steak and took a sip of wine, suddenly froze because she discovered that there was blood on the steak.

She reached out and touched the bottom of her nose. She was stunned when she looked at her bloody fingers.

He was actually having a nosebleed, which seemed serious.

Not only was she stunned, but Dumbledore next to her also noticed Umbridge's change and cast a doubtful look at her.

"are you OK!"

Umbridge had already taken out a handkerchief from her pocket and covered her nose. Before she could answer Dumbledore, the professors on the faculty also noticed the change in the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Even the students who were chatting in low voices below noticed it.

"What seems to have happened?" Fred suppressed a smile and motioned for everyone to look at Umbridge on the teacher's bench.

"Our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor seems to have a nosebleed?" Lee Jordan also tried not to laugh.

"Has the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's curse started to take effect?" George deliberately diverted the topic. "She is really unlucky. She has been plagued by bad luck since she first came to school."

Umbridge's eyes widened, and she was horrified to find that the nosebleed had not stopped, and her handkerchief was stained red by the nosebleed.

"Perhaps, you should go to the school hospital. Poppy should be able to give you some help." Professor McGonagall looked at the embarrassed Umbridge and suggested.

After the news of Umbridge's nosebleeds spread, it was quickly spread as a curse from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Some people quietly started a bet on how long Umbridge could last.

"How long do you think it will take Madam Pomfrey to cure her?" Fred asked Albert sideways. George next to him even sent a message to Albert through the communication bookmark, asking Madam Pomfrey if it was possible that something was wrong.

" won't take long."

Albert knew Madam Pomfrey was capable of solving this problem.

In fact, it took about a quarter of an hour, and after Albert had finished two portions of food, Umbridge finally returned to her seat.


Good times don't last long.

Umbridge had just eaten something when her nosebleed started again, and then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she hurried to the school hospital to find Madam Pomfrey for help.

This time, Umbridge didn't touch the food on the table. It's not like she didn't suspect that someone had tampered with the food, causing her nose to bleed, but everyone picked the food on their plates themselves, so it was obviously impossible for anyone to specifically target her.

Yes, Umbridge never imagined that Peeves had secretly tampered with her cups, knives and forks.

After all, nosebleeds were relatively common, and everyone thought Umbridge was just in poor health.

Who would have thought that someone was deliberately targeting Umbridge?

No, no one can think of it, at least no one will find anything wrong now, and the professors are mostly just gloating.

"Aren't you really going to have some? The syrupy fruit pie tastes great." Dumbledore suggested with a smile, looking at Umbridge who had only eaten a few bites of food since the beginning.

"No, I'd better not eat for now." Umbridge was still smirking, but she was in a very bad mood now. Watching everyone eat while hungry was simply a kind of cruel torture. How could she be in a better mood? What a hell!

It seemed that he was going to post about the Ministry of Magic's interference in Hogwarts after dinner.

Umbridge eventually persisted, rudely interrupting Dumbledore and delivering a series of unpopular speeches.

However, there seemed to be something wrong during the speech.

“…reaching a balance between the old and the new, between permanence and change…”

Chirping sounds suddenly sounded in the auditorium.

"...Some old habits will be retained, which is understandable, and some habits have become obsolete, and they must..."

The growling sounds of hungry stomachs sounded again, and everyone was trying not to laugh.

However, as if Umbridge's belly was protesting the abuse it was receiving, the gurgling became more pronounced and louder.

Finally, someone below the stage couldn't help laughing.

As long as someone takes the lead, more and more people can't help laughing.

This grunting sound is really beautiful, just like the cry of a toad.


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