The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1091: Reaching new heights

Ministry of Magic, Auror Office.

Scrimgeour stood at the door, looking at the empty office. He walked to his seat expressionlessly, pulled out his chair, sat down, and began to read the newspaper in his hand.

Scrimgeour gave a simple comment on today's front-page headline in the Daily Prophet: "Death Struggling."

Although Fudge tried his best to clear himself through the Daily Prophet, he was still no match for the strong evidence presented in other newspapers and newspapers.

Now the voice in the wizarding world calling for Fudge to step down is getting louder and louder. Scrimgeour knows that part of it is due to the targeting of Fudge's political opponents, but Fudge has indeed done a bad job this year, not only making the Ministry of Magic a laughing stock, but also making others The wizard lost faith in him.

Putting down the Daily Prophet, he continued reading other newspapers.

Most newspapers had their own emphasis, and one featured Albert taking on the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic and portraying him as the next Dumbledore.

"The next Dumbledore?"

Scrimgeour put down the newspaper, looked at the empty Auror office, and fell into a brief silence.

At this moment, rapid footsteps sounded outside, and the office door was quickly knocked.

"Come in," said Scrimgeour.

"Director, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries informed us that the professor at Hogwarts has just sent the Aurors to the hospital." The witch secretly observed the expression on Scrimgeour's face and continued in a low voice: "Aurors We are receiving rehabilitation treatment, everyone is just a little weak, and we will probably recover in two days."

"I see."

Scrimgeour stood up and walked outside. He was going to visit those unfortunate people in person at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

As soon as he arrived at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies, Scrimgeour was surrounded by reporters waiting in the lobby.

"Director Scrimgeour, everyone is very suspicious of the Aurors now..."

Before the reporter could ask a question, Scrimgeour raised his hand and interrupted.

"I know what you want to ask!"

Scrimgeour guessed that he might be blocked by reporters, so he had already thought of his words: "Auror trained by the Ministry of Magic actually lost to a school student?"

"Aurors are human beings too, but they are well-trained and better at fighting." Scrimgeour motioned for everyone to wait until he finished speaking before asking questions, "The ones they lost to were the best in the wizarding world for hundreds or even thousands of years. A genius wizard. Although I hate to admit it, I think Mr. Anderson will probably be the most powerful duel champion in history."

"If what I mean is not clear enough, let me tell you directly. Maybe Anderson has not reached the height of Dumbledore yet, and that is just because of his age. Do you understand what I mean?"

Since the Aurors were all defeated by Anderson, the level of those who defeated them could only be infinitely increased. As long as Anderson was powerful enough, being defeated by him would not be a shame.

Just like Death Eaters are afraid of Dumbledore, and what's the shame of Aurors losing to a wizard as powerful as Dumbledore?

Is Scrimgeour trying to flatter him?

Not really.

Albert, who has countless halos around his head, can fully withstand such flattery.

No, not flattery, but reality.

"Director, do you think Mr. Anderson..."

"I think Anderson's future achievements will definitely be higher than Dumbledore's." Scrimgeour interrupted again: "This is foreseeable. I'm not surprised at all. It's just that the Ministry of Magic unfortunately ran into him and became him." stepping stone."

"People always instinctively ignore the countless halos above Anderson's head, and will only remember that he is still in Hogwarts school, just a child who has just grown up and has not graduated." Scrimgeour said calmly: "This is considered an adult. People are arrogant, so they have suffered a lot. Sometimes admitting this is not a shameful thing. Not being willing to admit it is the most shameful thing."

"Of course, it wasn't actually a duel. Both sides kept their hands. I can only say that I was lucky that things didn't get out of hand." Scrimgeour has begun to build his own image, if he plans to fight for the position of Minister of Magic in the future. .

Part of the reason is that I was hit by the cruel reality.

"What do you think about Fudge?"

"I don't have any opinion. Aurors are just carrying out tasks according to orders." Scrimgeour raised his hand to stop the reporters' questions: "Okay, please get out of the way. I'm going to visit the hospitalized Auror."

The reporters looked at each other in confusion, but still got out of the way. Scrimgeour's words just now were very topical.

Scrimgeour walked to the Charms Injury Department on the fifth floor. All the beds reserved for Aurors in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries were already full.

In fact, all the spare beds on the fifth floor were filled by Aurors. The therapists in the Cursed Injury Department were not very satisfied with this. After all, there might be an emergency.

"How are they doing?" Scrimgeour asked.

"The situation is not too bad. I'm just hungry for two days and my body is a little weak. I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow at the latest and go home to recuperate on my own." Mrs. McDougal took the medical record and told Scrimgeour about the situation of the Aurors. , "If you want to go in, you can, but you can't stay in there for too long. They need to rest at the moment."

To be honest, when Mrs. McDougal heard that Albert knocked down all the Aurors and hung them on the wall for two days, she had extremely complicated emotions, especially after seeing these unlucky people, her emotions were extremely complicated. Thicker.

After Scrimgeour entered, he found that the Aurors were not in a high mood, and they all lowered their heads in shame when they saw him.

"I know very well that this matter is not all your fault. No one expected that woman Umbridge to be so stupid, so you don't have to be ashamed of it." Scrimgeour looked at the Aurors who lowered their heads, calmly "I also need to take part of the responsibility," he said comfortingly.

Scrimgeour took the initiative to take responsibility, which was helpful to win over people. If he wanted to compete for the Minister of Magic, he had to do something.

These Aurors are his foundation.

"But one thing is that you have made a big mistake. You should not despise your opponents. I know that you despise Anderson because he is young, but you don't know that you are facing a wizard second only to Dumbledore. I hope Don’t let this happen again.”

In fact, Scrimgeour didn't pay much attention to Dumbledore at first. After all, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot be the opponent of a group of people. But Albert told him in the cruelest way that the most elite person in the Ministry of Magic Aurors are like that.

Late at night, Everly walked expressionlessly in the Muggle village that had been abandoned for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a half-collapsed house. He raised his head and looked around to make sure no one was there, then walked in, and finally bent down and got into the dark and dilapidated house. There is a secret passage in the fireplace, and at the end is an old wooden door.

Avery raised his hand and knocked on it a few times. A gap opened in the door. A pair of eyes appeared from the darkness, seeming to peek at the outside world. After seeing the person outside, the wooden door creaked open.

"You're late!" Lucius said with a frown.

"Sorry, I've been in some trouble recently and wasted a lot of my time." Avery muttered. He looked a little tired, as if he was really in some big trouble.

"Come in, the meeting has begun."

Lucius Malfoy took a step back, put Avery outside inside, looked outside again, and then closed the wooden door again.

Inside the door is a spacious hall with a round table full of people, and everyone is whispering in low voices.

"Where's the discussion now?"

Avery found an empty seat and sat down, and asked casually.

"Discussing how to kill that mudblood!"

"Mudblood?" Avery's eyes were confused, as if he was wondering if the Death Eaters gathered here just to deal with a mudblood?

"Have you paid attention to the newspapers from a while ago?" Lucius Malfoy raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What, the newspaper, no, I have been very busy recently and have no time to read the newspaper, and... what major news can be in the newspaper?" Avery was even more confused.

Lucius Malfoy placed several newspapers in front of Avery. After reading the headlines above, the latter couldn't help but look at Malfoy with wide eyes, "So, you want to tell me that this is true? I think you should know very well how watery newspaper news is."

"It may be watery, but most of the content inside is true. That mudblood did defeat dozens of Aurors." Lucius Malfoy's face was particularly gloomy when he talked about this incident. He thought of his own experience a while ago. He also tried to murder the mudblood named Anderson. "Of course, the Aurors just wanted to catch him, so they didn't use any dangerous magic."

"It's ridiculous. You actually believe it?"

In Bella's opinion, Scrimgeour's boastful words were just trying to find a way out for those useless Aurors. How could that Mudblood be on Dumbledore's level?

Maybe, that mudblood does have some abilities, but he is completely vulnerable to black magic. Avada Kedavra can solve the problem.

"It's difficult to get rid of him head-on. It is said that the other party casts spells very quickly and uses silent spells, which catches all the Aurors by surprise." Lucius Malfoy told the information his son provided him with a gloomy expression. Looking around at everyone with a face, he continued: "His spells are also very strange. Two Slytherin students suffered broken bones just after being hit by the obstacle spell. They are still in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries. They want to use normal It’s almost impossible to defeat him.”

There were some words that Lucius Malfoy did not dare to say. He suspected that even if the Dark Lord took action himself, he might not be able to kill the opponent smoothly.

The rise of Albert made all the pure-blood wizards present feel threatened.

"Is there any other method that can be used?" Antonin Dolohov suggested: "Start with the friends around him, just like how we dealt with Potter."

"The probability is not high. It is said that the Mudblood can predict the future. Maybe he will be aware of what we plan to do." Avery reminded, "If it cannot be kept secret enough, it may be difficult for the plan to succeed."

"Wait until this matter is over and try again!" Malfoy interrupted the conversation. They were not gathered here to discuss dealing with the mudblood.

"Now that the Ministry of Magic is in turmoil, the Dark Lord thinks the time has come, specifically this Friday."

Lucius Malfoy brought the topic back. They gathered here to help the Dark Lord seize the Prophecy Ball and capture the famous Harry Potter, and all the wizards sitting here will participate in this conspiracy.

"Actually, I have always had a doubt." Avery said suddenly.

"What doubts?"

Everyone looked at Avery.

"The main goal of this mission is the orb, right?" Avery asked.

"Yes." Malfoy said.

"Then why doesn't the Dark Lord get it himself?"

"He went to get it himself?" Bellatrix laughed crazily, glared at Avery and said, "You idiot, people have completely ignored the return of the Dark Lord, why would he walk in at this time? Ministry of Magic, exposing yourself to Aurors?"

Avery didn't pay attention to Bella's words, but looked at Lucius and continued: "The Dark Lord has been planning for so long just to get the prophecy ball and confirm the contents of the prophecy ball. This is more important than all other tasks, right? ?”

"What do you want to say?" Lucius asked with a frown.

"Why didn't the Dark Lord go to the Department of Mysteries himself to get the prophecy ball, and then leave directly? It wouldn't take a few minutes at all." Avery reminded: "No one must know that the Dark Lord took the prophecy ball, even if he is worried about being If others find out that the prophecy ball is missing, they can also destroy some nearby prophecy balls as a cover, and then no one will know that a prophecy ball is lost."

"It would undoubtedly be unnecessary to lure Harry Potter to steal the Prophecy Ball and then let us take it back." Avery ignored the looks of others around him and continued, "The whole plan has more processes, which means A mistake in any link may lead to the failure of the entire plan.”

"You're scared."

"I just don't want my plan to fail again. I've had enough of the Cruciatus Curse," Avery muttered.

"The plan cannot fail." Lucius Malfoy glared at Avery fiercely and said in an affirmative tone.

"I don't think Harry Potter rushed to the Ministry of Magic. The members of the Order of the Phoenix will be indifferent to this. They will definitely run to reinforce them as soon as possible. Then we will need to fight with those members of the Order of the Phoenix at the Ministry of Magic. To be honest, this is not a pleasant experience, because we may also need to face reinforcements from Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic Aurors."

Without a doubt, Avery points to the biggest problem with the whole thing, and that's the inconsistency.

Harry Potter itself is an uncertain variable, let alone handing the prophecy ball to Potter, God knows what will happen.

"You're right Avery."

Lucius Malfoy was silent for a moment, then nodded in recognition.

"But there is one thing you didn't consider. Just like what Bella just said, the Dark Lord doesn't want to expose himself too early. That would unite the entire magical world and go against our control of the Ministry of Magic. I think you haven't forgotten it. After the last experience, we are not as strong now as we were then, so it is necessary to hide ourselves well, especially since we can also use Fudge to attack Dumbledore."

"By luring Harry Potter to do this, we can not only get the crystal ball, but also capture Harry Potter and bring him to the Dark Lord. Even if we can't catch Potter, That was also when Harry Potter broke into the Ministry of Magic to steal the Prophecy Ball. I believe Fudge was happy to cause trouble for him. By then, Potter would lose his asylum. I think the Ministry of Magic should be used to deal with him rather than other methods. "

Lucius knew that some of his words were untenable, but there were some that he didn't dare to say. That was that this whole thing was actually the Dark Lord's punishment for causing the diary to be destroyed. If he completed the task, he would be lucky enough to escape. If you fail, you will be punished more severely.

The Dark Lord had backed him into a corner and would never allow him to fail.

The most important thing is that the probability of success of the entire plan is actually not low. As long as you get the prophecy ball and leave the Ministry of Magic, there will be no other problems at all.

Avery looked at Lucius deeply and said nothing.

Of course, look for Shuyuan Lucius still has something to say, that is, since Harry Potter unexpectedly escaped from Voldemort last year, many people have doubted the prophecy and thought that Harry Potter was the one. The one who defeated the Dark Lord.

This is actually the reason why Voldemort is determined to hear the full content of the prophecy. Voldemort believes that he can find a way to get rid of Harry Potter in the prophecy.

After the meeting began, Lucius Malfoy began to talk about his entire planning process and accepted inquiries from others to improve the plan and formulate more countermeasures to avoid mistakes during the process, just as Avery said , the longer the process, the more likely it is that problems will arise.

As for convincing the Dark Lord, Lucius never thought he could do it, let alone be stupid enough to try. And if the Dark Lord had to do everything himself, what else would they do?

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