The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1,272 Wedding

Wishful thinking?

Scrimgeour didn't think the situation was very bad, otherwise with his character, how could he bring his wife to Wes's wedding.

He knew that Anderson had secretly hid his family and the McDougal family before the mysterious man came back, successfully avoiding the revenge of the mysterious man and the Death Eaters.

"You probably won't mind helping me out later!"

Scrimgeour turned his head to look at Fred, who was leading the guests in, and said, "I remember you and Wes had a very good relationship at home."

"You are really looking more and more like the Minister of Magic now."

Albert looked at Scrimgeour and lamented that the position of Minister of Magic was experienced. In just one year, Scrimgeour had become a qualified politician.

Hagrid and Madame Maxime, who were sitting nearby, were confused. What do you mean you are becoming more and more like the Minister of Magic?

Isn't he the Minister of Magic?

Moreover, they found that Albert seemed to be very familiar with the guy who seemed to be the minister.

"Don't worry, that guy won't come." Albert said what Scrimgeour wanted to hear most, "Besides, haven't you already made arrangements?"

"I would rather get some advice from you," Scrimgeour said, which was one of the reasons he was sitting here.

"Well, you have to hurry up."

"It seems that you think I will fail." Scrimgeour narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I would rather you succeed, because that would save you a lot of trouble."

"You're still as annoying as ever."

Scrimgeour took a deep look at Albert, clenched his lowered hands, took a deep breath, stood up and left. Of course he heard what Albert meant. The other party was not very optimistic about his plan and thought he would fail, but he obviously supported him in doing it.

"Can't you say something that people can understand?" Hagrid finally couldn't help but complain.

"Who was that just now?" Madame Maxime asked curiously.

She was not surprised that Albert knew the Minister of Magic, but his familiar tone just now made it look like he was chatting with an old friend.

"The British Minister of Magic."

"Rufus Scrimgeour!" Hagrid couldn't help but exclaimed, but he soon found that his voice had disappeared into thin air.


Albert made a hissing gesture towards Hagrid.

"That guy deliberately pretended to be someone else. He obviously didn't want anyone to know he was here. So now you know why I don't speak human language!"

Yin Zebel couldn't help laughing.

Hagrid was stunned for a moment, then raised his finger and pointed at his throat, indicating to Albert to undo the magic on him.

"What's wrong with you Hagrid."

Harry came over here at some point, with Ron and Hermione beside him.

"Hagrid, what's wrong with you?"

Ron looked at Hagrid, who was gesturing towards Albert, and asked in confusion.

"When did you cast a spell on me?"

After Hagrid found that he could speak normally, he glared at Albert with dissatisfaction.

"Hagrid, think more carefully before you speak or act. The wizarding world today is not as tolerant of you as our friends." Albert ignored Hagrid's gaze and turned to look at Harry, Hermione and Ron. Said, "I guess you don't want Hagrid to get into trouble!"...

"What's the trouble?" Hermione asked nervously.

Not only her, but also Harry and Ron had a bad premonition.

"As a remnant from Dumbledore's era, you are no longer suitable to stay in the current Hogwarts. I suggest that you disappear for a while." Albert suggested.

"What remnant?" Hagrid was completely stunned.

"It means being Dumbledore's person." Albert turned his head to look at Madam Maxime and said calmly: "If you continue to stay in Hogwarts, sooner or later you will get yourself into trouble. If the Death Eaters take time to deal with you, you really can't escape. What will happen?

I don’t need to tell you what fate you will end up in. "

Albert also hopes that Madam Maxime can help persuade Hagrid.

"Besides, you definitely want to work at Hogwarts, where Snape is the headmaster."

"Hagrid, I think you should listen to Albert's advice," Harry said to Hagrid: "If he hadn't predicted something big, Albert would definitely not be telling you this at this time."

"But what should Grawp do?" Hagrid was worried about his brother.

"Grawp is not a child. He can definitely take care of himself. You can't take care of him for the rest of his life." Mrs. Maxim turned to look at Albert and asked, "What did you predict?"

"Hagrid will be imprisoned in Azkaban prison, keeping company with the dementors." Albert looked at Hagrid who couldn't help but trembled, and said calmly, "Some of the dementors will be eaten to death. The disciples were reactivated and continued to return to the prison to torture those poor Muggle wizards."

Yes, in Albert's prophecy, Hagrid failed to escape. He was imprisoned in Azkaban Prison, and the situation did not look good.

Hagrid was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He was indeed frightened by Albert's words.

no way.

Azkaban left Hagrid with nothing but a bad impression.

"Don't expect the Death Eaters to manage Azkaban like the Ministry of Magic did before. It will become a hell in the future." Albert calmly said a bunch of shocking words: "Maybe half a year, maybe a year, Maybe even longer, maybe even stay there forever with many Muggle wizards."

"Don't leave anything to chance."

"Think of what happened to Professor Bubbaji, Hagrid. If Professor Bubbaji had followed Albert's advice from the beginning, he would not have died."

As Hagrid's friend, Ron didn't want anything to happen to Hagrid.

Since Professor Bubbaji died so tragically, everyone else realized that Albert's advice still had to be listened to.

"I thought you would try to persuade him again."

Yin Zebel held Albert's hand. She suddenly realized that her husband was not just here to attend the wedding. She also knew that Albert really wanted something to happen to his friend, so he took advantage of Hagrid's other friends to be here. , hoping that they could help persuade Hagrid.

"That's how it is sometimes, just do your best."

Albert sometimes regretted using prophecy, but with the ability to predict the future, he still couldn't help but use it.

"As Scrimgeour said, everyone has their own ideas, and you can't expect others to do what you want."…

Albert seemed to feel something and turned his head to look in a certain direction. He saw a beautiful silver-haired girl staring at him.

"The wedding is about to begin." Yin Zebel said softly.

"Well, I wish them good luck!" Albert retracted his gaze and looked at the entrance.

Mr. Delacour and Fleur were walking down the passage, and the eyes of the wizards on the scene were instantly attracted to today's heroine.

At this moment, everyone turned pale in front of Furong.

"She's really beautiful."

Yin Zebel rested his head gently on Albert's shoulder.

"Well, she's very beautiful. But don't pay too much attention to it." Albert looked at Yin Zebel, who was a little envious, and whispered: "What attracts me to you is always your wisdom and spiritual beauty. After all, we want to live together. A wife for life."

Living comfortably is the most important thing.

"Unfortunately, they are not very lucky."

Yin Zebel looked at Fleur and Bill who were standing in front of the little wizard for the ring exchange ceremony, and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com I feel from the bottom of my heart that they are very unlucky.

Also being targeted by mysterious people and Death Eaters, his wedding went smoothly, but this place may become a battlefield next.

No, it is not possible, but it will definitely become a battlefield.

"Don't worry, I'll give them gifts when the time comes. I believe Bill and Fleur's luck won't be too bad." Albert seemed to have heard something and turned to look at the man who was so moved by the wedding just now.

Hutu, Hagrid, who was taking out his big handkerchief to wipe his tears like a trumpet, also saw Hermione, whose face was also full of tears, and turned to look at Yin Zebel.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought you were moved to tears just like them."

Yin Zebel rolled her eyes at Albert, and clapped along with everyone else, sending her blessings to the young couple. .

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