The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1,362 Prison robbery, prison robbery

"Things went more smoothly than expected."

Kenneth, who had just completed his first mission and returned to the headquarters of the Defense Association with Dobby, changed himself into suitable clothes, looked sideways at the empty medicine bottle on the table, and murmured: "The Felixir is really good. It’s a pity that it’s so difficult to cook.”

However, what makes Kenneth happiest is that Albert agreed to let him participate in this mission, which also allowed him to find his own position.

Yes, positioning.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that Kenneth longed to become Albert's own.

Many people who join the Defense Association actually ignore one thing, that is, the opportunity to change their destiny is right in front of them, but they just can't see it and don't know how to reach out and grab it. This includes Fred, George and Lee Jordan. It seemed to Kenneth that the three of them just had some shitty luck.

As for Cedric?

That's a fool too, he didn't even realize the opportunity had been placed in front of him.

The only one who really seized the opportunity was the woman named Shanna Wilson.

And he will be the second one to seize the opportunity.

Kenneth's thoughts were interrupted by a light and sweet song, which represented preparation for a party.

People who had just received the news gathered in twos and threes in the conference room, talking in low voices and discussing the content of the next gathering.

They generally believed that this opportunity was probably related to the Hogsmeade incident.

"It seems that the plan is going well."

As soon as he entered the conference room, Kenneth heard someone greeting him from behind.

"What's the plan?" Angelina asked curiously.

"You'll find out soon enough," Fred said mysteriously.

The conference room was quickly filled with people, including Hannah, who was supposed to be in the shelter.

People were talking in whispers until Albert entered the conference room and gradually became quiet.

"I know what you are curious about." Albert said with a smile, "Next, we will have a big operation that requires everyone's full cooperation."

"What big move?" someone couldn't help but ask.

When Albert mentioned at the party that he was going to join the Order of the Phoenix to rob Azkaban, there was a fierce response in the conference room. Everyone present knew that they would one day break into Azkaban and rescue Those poor people imprisoned in prison did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Has the time come?"

"Yes, the time has come."

"Because of the incident in Hogsmeade?" Cedric quickly guessed the reason.

"Yes, I just played a little trick. Those dark wizards from abroad will help us hold off the Death Eaters and give us a chance to break into Azkaban to save people. And the mysterious man is not in the UK either. I think The time has come." Albert raised his hand and pressed it down to signal everyone to stay quiet. "Of course, this operation is divided into two parts. Some members will follow me to Azkaban to save people, and the other part will stay to receive Guests from Azkaban prepare."

Hearing this, many people present had a bad premonition and listened to Albert continue.

"Members who cannot use the patron saint will be divided into the remaining people. I remember mentioning this before." He directly ignored the resentful looks of most people and continued, "This operation does not require too many manpower. , and if we can't summon the Patron Saint under the pressure of the Dementors, there is no point in going. We don't have extra time to take care of others. If we go there, we will be held back by everyone, and we may even lose our lives. It is better to stay and help complete the follow-up tasks. placement work.”

The few people who originally summoned the Patron Saint on the spot froze in place. They could indeed summon the Patron Saint, but they were unable to summon the real Patron Saint in front of the Dementors.

"We won't hold you back, and you definitely need manpower... there are so many prisoners in Azkaban." Someone whispered.

"I hope you can understand that although the mysterious man is still looking for things abroad, breaking into Azkaban is a matter of seconds. If you are not ready, there is no point in following. You can do something better by staying. For more meaningful things, I must remind you that even if we rescue them from Azkaban, their subsequent resettlement will be a big problem."

"Where are you going to put them?" Shanna asked, standing up. "The public shelter?"

"Yes, that public shelter, I need someone to be stationed there temporarily to ensure the safety of the surrounding area."

"It's not a place for cultivation." Cedric frowned. He had been there several times, but he knew the conditions of that shelter very well.

"Before we confirm that they are reliable, it is impossible to bring them to the shelter we use." Albert said bluntly: "To be honest, I don't trust them, so I won't give them a chance to betray us, and We cannot afford that kind of betrayal."

"Of course, we will provide them with some humanitarian assistance, and those who need to stay are prepared in advance."

After speaking, Albert looked at Shanna.

"No problem, but I need enough manpower." Shanna nodded and accepted the task. She was already very skilled at doing similar things. She helped manage the entire Defense Association headquarters most of the time.

"Very well, Hannah, you also need to make some preparations. I'm not sure whether there will be like-minded partners willing to join us."

Albert's intention was already obvious. Those who were willing to join would be provided with shelter. Those who were unwilling would be provided with some help. He would leave them alone after they recovered a little.

After all, they are not doing charity.

No one objected. After all, people here don't like those who like to be wallflowers, and they even hate those cowards who don't even have the courage to resist.

Joining the Defense Association does not necessarily require fighting. Logistics matters require help after all. Just like this time, most of the people were left to help with logistics tasks because of their unqualified abilities.

"Very good. Those who have been called will stay. The rest will wait outside for a while. I will arrange your tasks later."

Only twenty-three people were left behind.

Albert asked them to use the Patronus Spell one by one, and four of them were dismissed by him on the grounds that they were not skilled enough in using the Patronus Charm and could not summon their own Patronus under the pressure of the Dementors.

"Azkaban is the base camp of Dementors. The number of Dementors there is far beyond your imagination. If you cannot summon the Patronus under their pressure, you will only become a burden even if you follow them." Albert Say it bluntly, "This is a matter of life and death, and I can't play with other people's lives."

Only this attitude can make everyone feel at ease.

"I am very happy that more people can participate in the operation together. This shows that you are more powerful than before. I dare say that when the Ministry of Magic restores peace, you are fully qualified to apply for the position of Auror. You can consider it then. Down."

Everyone looked at each other, wondering why Albert suddenly mentioned this matter.

"I can secretly reveal to you that the next Minister of Magic will be Kingsley, so you don't have to worry at all."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Now let me talk about our next actions." Albert raised his wand and tapped on the blackboard behind him, causing the blackboard to unfold in front of everyone, revealing the top some text.

"I think you should be aware of the bad things in Hogsmeade. According to the latest news I just received from Sirius, the people from the Order of the Phoenix have successfully instigated those external dark wizards to find trouble with the Death Eaters, that is, It is said that the outsiders will loot Hogsmeade before leaving the UK, just like the Death Eaters did last night, so our plan will be carried out late at night, and the outsiders will help us attract the attention of the Death Eaters. Force, we will take the opportunity to break into Azkaban and rescue the prisoners detained there. It will take about half an hour to an hour. It is best to complete it within half an hour, because the shorter the time, the safer it is. I believe that the group of people who were horrified The Death Eaters who were attracting attention from Germode's side would definitely not be able to react.

"Why don't we cooperate with those outsiders and unite with them to defeat the Death Eaters?" Kenneth asked for the others, "I mean we can use the compound potion to sneak into the group of dark wizards and find books. Yuan retaliate against the Death Eaters, or even kill them completely. As long as a few more Death Eaters die, the mysterious man may become a loner."

"I know what you mean, but we don't need to take this risk at all, and we don't want those dark wizards from abroad to stay. What if they are absorbed by the mysterious man? Don't forget, dark wizards rely more on In terms of strength, those outsiders are not comparable to the current group of Death Eaters, so letting them leave the UK is the best choice."

Albert said these words not only to Kenneth, but also to those who had doubts about this.

He quickly brought the topic back, talking about how to fully suppress Azkaban, how to launch a rescue operation, how to deal with accidents during the process, and how to retreat in an orderly manner after the rescue operation.

Albert made arrangements one by one and provided unexpected solutions.

This is an elite combat team. Even if the mysterious man appears in the end, they can persist until others can rescue them.

No matter how powerful a wizard is, there is always a limit, just like Percival was killed by a Death Eater.

In Albert's original plan, Percival would be the protagonist who led foreign dark wizards to seek revenge against the Death Eaters.

Unfortunately, he was tricked by his temporary team and other foreign dark wizards. After being besieged, he failed to retreat in time and lost his life.

As a result, Albert had to activate a backup plan.

Of course, Albert is not too worried about problems with the plan. After all, the Felixir is really a good thing. The only trouble is that the person who used to make Voldemort and the Death Eaters hate each other is gone.

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