The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1,419 Reliance

Chapter 1419 of Harry Potter: The Alchemist A few days later, the "breaking news" that a Muggle village was brutally massacred by a dark wizard appeared on the front page of the Daily Prophet for the first time.

In the past, this would have been almost impossible to happen, but now it appeared openly on the front page of the Daily Prophet.

In this short and concise article, there is not a single sentence that criticizes the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic, let alone Voldemort, the chief culprit of the massacre of Muggles. It just tells one thing very calmly:

A group of dark wizards destroyed a remote Muggle village, causing a large number of Muggle casualties.

That's all.

It's baffling to watch.

After all, similar things have happened countless times since Voldemort took control of the British Ministry of Magic.

However, in the eyes of the majority of anti-Mysterious Person groups, this is just ridicule and provocation from Death Eaters.

There were quite a few "people with lofty ideals" who were indignant about this, and even more people cursed the Death Eaters in a low voice. But what made them most angry was that the two major organizations that resisted the mysterious man were indifferent to this matter, allowing Voldemort and Death Eaters massacred Muggles and created Inferi.

In addition to the Defense Association and the Order of the Phoenix, there is naturally no shortage of other anti-mysterious groups in the British magical world.

This group of people more or less emerged during the suppression of the Death Eaters a while ago. Most of them are talkative people. They are the kind who only dare to talk in private but cannot muster the courage to take action. And among this group of people, there are Some of them were mostly guys hiding in the asylum with nothing to do. Most of them were Muggle wizards who had been rescued from Azkaban Prison.

Don't listen to what they say. If they were to face Death Eaters, they would be frightened stupidly.


Tonks coughed lightly and knocked on the wooden door next to her. After bringing everyone back to their thoughts, she walked into the room and announced to the people inside the news she had just received.

"You have also read the recent issue of the newspaper. The mysterious man is trying to eliminate us. Both the Order of the Phoenix and the Defense Association believe that we should strengthen combat training so that we can resist the Death Eaters in the near future. So. … The volume of training per week will be doubled.”

Tonks looked at the group of guys with bad faces with a smile, and reminded them kindly, "There will be training in the afternoon, remember not to be late."

When Tonks turned around to leave, the man deliberately exclaimed: "Double the training volume, are you crazy?"

"This is obviously necessary. You may need to face thugs like Death Eaters or Dark Wizards in the future. Although those guys are indeed not very good, at our current level, we may still suffer misfortune when we encounter them."

"Didn't you say that we don't have to fight the Death Eaters? This is different from what we originally said." After hearing what Tonks said, some people couldn't help it anymore.

Because that most likely means they need to go to war, but not everyone has the courage.

"I don't know, but I need to be just in case." Tonks looked at the people who had been talking so much just now with a strange expression.

"But this is different from what was originally said." Someone was worried.

"I'm afraid you have to tell the mysterious person about this." Mr. Tonks reminded him before leaving, "Remember not to be late."

Everyone was confused and didn’t know the specific reason.

Albert knew it very well.

This all has something to do with Snape preparing to become the teacher of the third generation of Death Eaters.

This is almost a bad omen.

Especially after learning that Snape had successfully persuaded Voldemort to deal with him, Albert felt that he had to do something. \u003cdiv id='gc1' ;;\u003e\u003cscript type='text/javascript'\u003etry{ggauto();} catch(ex){}\u003c/script\u003e

Therefore, he chose to increase the intensity of everyone's training. This was good for everyone. It also prevented some too laid-back guys from making weird remarks, and it also allowed them to better face future challenges.

However, is Snape preparing to surrender to the enemy?

Well, this seems wrong. It should be another rebound?

He didn't know what Snape's mentality was in trying to persuade Voldemort and find ways to strengthen the Death Eaters' combat effectiveness, but this was not a good thing for them and would likely significantly reduce their own advantage.

However, what Albert didn't know was that Snape completely regretted mentioning this stupid method when he first trained the Death Eaters.

Even if Snape was Voldemort's right-hand man, he couldn't make the new Death Eaters obediently learn useful fighting skills from him.

No one wants to admit that they are worse than others or inferior to them.

Albert would definitely be in a happier mood if he knew.

Unfortunately, Albert didn't know about this, so it was worthwhile for him to become more diligent, at least the frequency of giving lectures to everyone became significantly higher, which made most members very happy, because going to listen to Albert's lectures can always gain something.

In this way, the two sides actually maintained a short-term peace.

Well, the main reason is that Voldemort is still in Britain, causing the entire Defense Association to be afraid to go out and cause trouble.

This depressed Voldemort and the eager Death Eaters under his command. Voldemort finally stayed in the British wizarding community to support them, but was shocked to find that no matter how they set traps for them, they would be ignored.

During this period, the unwilling Yaxley caused several more tragedies, which directly led to the massacre of several villages.

However, the enemy seemed to be blind and pretended not to see.

On the contrary, after the massacre of Muggles was exposed, it caused great panic in the Muggle world. The new Minister of Magic, Piers Thicknesse, received a stern warning from the International Federation of Wizards, but that was all.

For this reason, Kingsley, who was so busy putting out fires, his whole head was about to explode. Even if he finally reported what happened in Britain to the International Federation of Wizards, he still did not receive effective rescue.

Those hypocritical guys didn't dare to interfere in the situation in Britain at all, so who let the enemy be Voldemort.

What if there was a real conflict with Voldemort and one of our own people had to pay for it, would we really lose money?

"What does the International Confederation of Wizards say?"

Looking at Kingsley with a tired face, Arthur couldn't help but ask.

"They didn't plan to interfere at first. They asked Shuyuan Later, I tried my best to get them to send a warning to the Ministry of Magic."

Even though he had expected this to be the case from the beginning, Kingsley still had a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Aren't they afraid that wizards will be completely exposed to Muggles?" Hermione asked angrily.

"Probably... not afraid!" Arthur said with a bitter smile.

"No, they are afraid of death."

"What should we do now, just let it go?" Ron suddenly asked.

"What else can we do, welcome the Death Eaters?"

"Perhaps, we should discuss a plan and seize the opportunity to punish the Death Eaters." Harry suddenly suggested.

"What about the mysterious man? Who will convince Albert and Harry that you have mastered the Fire Curse perfectly?" Sirius was not optimistic about this so-called counterattack plan because the core of the whole plan was Albert. , if he is unwilling to cooperate, the plan will become a joke.

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