The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 617 Hermione's Discovery

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After the yellow powder exploded, the realgar powder completely enveloped a large area in front, and the black snake summoned by "Oolong out of the hole!" became very anxious, and instinctively wanted to stay away from the area enveloped by the realgar powder.

The statement that snakes hate realgar is undoubtedly correct, but I don't know if this trick will work on basilisks!

Although the basilisk is also a snake, that thing is a very dangerous dark creature after all. No one dares to treat the basilisk as an ordinary snake, otherwise it will definitely lose his life.

Albert waved his wand lightly, turning the black snake hiding in the corner into a cloud of smoke, then walked to the table, picked up the metal box, and put away the remaining snake repellent bullets made of realgar powder.

By the way, remember to mix in something next time, preferably so that the basilisk can't open its eyes. If this can be done, the threat posed by the basilisk's eyes can be eliminated.

That's a good idea, just write it down.

After closing the notebook, Albert closed his eyes, the fireplace in the room on Demand disappeared, and many windows suddenly appeared around the room. The sunlight came in from the window glass, which immediately dispelled the dim and gloomy atmosphere in the room.

Albert immediately opened all the windows and used magic to roll out all the realgar powder in the room.

Realgar is poisonous. If you accidentally poison yourself, you will be really unlucky.

Albert stood by the window, lifted the blister spell on his head, took a deep breath, looked at the students who were playing and laughing in the sun in the courtyard outside, and couldn't help sighing: "Humans are really forgetful creatures."

The attack happened not long ago, but everyone has forgotten about it now.

I really don't know what their expressions will be when the attack happens again.

It must be fun!

Now his plan has been gradually perfected.

It won't be too long before the door closes for Tom.

An owl flew through the window into the Room of Requirement, landed on the desk by the window, and dropped a thick letter on the table.

It looked left and right, saw that Albert had nothing to eat, and cried out tiredly, and quickly flapped its wings and flew away.

"Really realistic."

Albert picked up the envelope and found that the letter was sent by Louise. It was written in English, and he had to say that the beautiful French girl was getting better and better in English.

Albert did not rush to open the letter, but stuffed the letter into his pocket, carefully tidied up the room, and got up and left.

When passing the corner, Albert almost bumped into Hermione hurriedly, and the Miss Granger seemed relieved to see Albert.

"You're here, I've been looking for you for a long time." Hermione didn't wait for him to speak, she reached out and grabbed Albert's hand and pulled him into a secret classroom.

"I know, I know, how the ugly big snake hides itself." Hermione was shaking all over, not knowing whether it was excitement or nervousness.

"What did you find?" Albert asked directly.

"Pipeline, there are many pipes in the school, they extend in all directions, the basilisk must be moving quickly in the school through the pipe, so everyone..."

At this moment, Hermione's voice stopped abruptly, she saw Albert make a shush gesture to herself, raised his finger and pointed to the corridor outside the classroom, almost headless Nick passed through the wall, and after seeing the two of them. After being stunned, he greeted the two with a smile, "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't disturb your date."

"We didn't..." Hermione was misunderstood, her cheeks flushed instantly, she seemed to want to refute, but was interrupted by Albert.

"Is something wrong?"

Albert looked at the ghost in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly, "You overheard it just now."

"I didn't eavesdrop, it was just an accident." Nick, who was almost headless, was stared at by Albert for a few minutes, and finally compromised, "Well, I seemed to hear you talking about the secret room just now."

"A guess!"

Albert said to Nick: "We think the monster in the Slytherin Chamber is some kind of serpent,

It is said that there is a snake king that can live for thousands of years. "

"You mean there's a big snake wandering in the castle?" Nick's eyes widened and he murmured in disbelief, "But, I've been in school for so long and I haven't met your so-called snake king, if the snake king It's huge, it's impossible not to be discovered. Sorry, I'm not…”

"This is just speculation." Albert reminded calmly: "It's best not to let other people know, it may cause panic, after all, no one wants to have a big snake around them."

"Does Dumbledore know?" Nick asked. "He told us to keep an eye on the situation in the castle."

"I think Headmaster Dumbledore thinks so too. He may just be missing the prisoner and the location of the secret room." Albert said of his analysis.

"A thousand-year-old serpent sounds absurd, but if that's the case, it's terrifying. But if the monster in the Slytherin Chamber is a serpent, it makes perfect sense," Nick muttered. Floating away silently.

"Your sense of confidentiality is still very poor!"

After watching Nick float away, Albert turned his head to Hermione beside him and said, "This will hurt you sooner or later."

"Did Dumbledore really know?" Hermione asked again, having heard Albert say something similar more than once.

"You can go to Headmaster Dumbledore, or tell Potter your speculations, and let him go to Headmaster himself to talk about these things." Albert paused, thought about it, and continued: "The latter may Not sexual, I think Porter may have lacked the courage to take the initiative to tell the truth."

"Confess what?"

"the truth."

"The truth?" Hermione looked confused.

"Yes, the truth." Albert said, "Potter definitely doesn't want to risk his secrets with others. Even me, there are secrets that I don't want to tell."

"Then where do you think the Chamber of Secrets will be?" Hermione wisely changed the subject.

"Underground!" Albert said without hesitation, "Slytherin likes to go underground, don't forget, their common room is underground."

Hermione felt that Albert's statement that Slytherins liked to burrow into the ground was appropriate, but there was no doubt that this sentence was correct.

"In fact, I guessed the pipeline you mentioned, but the question is where is the entrance of the pipeline?" Albert asked rhetorically: "You should know that Fred and George know a lot of secret passages in the castle, if such a place There are many, it is impossible not to find it, so there must be only one entrance, and it is very secretive. You may need to use Parseltongue to open it, otherwise it is impossible for no one to open it after 50 years. Of course, these are all my guesses, but I think the principal Guess it's not hard to think of these things."

"I'm going to find Harry," Hermione said and hurried away.

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