Chapter 300 Void Fissure of League of Legends from the Heavens

Stephen Strange, also known as Doctor Strange, is a former Supreme Mage.

As the most powerful secret magician of Kama Taj, he uncharacteristically took off his cloak and robe today and put on a decent suit, as if he had changed back to the high-spirited surgeon a few years ago.

As for the reason for this dress, the reason is also very simple, he is going to a wedding.

The bride's name was Kristen Palmer, and they had been colleagues and best friends when Strange was a doctor, even a little closer than friends.

Unfortunately, before the two could get together, he suffered a car accident and became the Supreme Mage.

This relationship hasn't even started yet, and it just ended without a hitch.

And today, Christine got married, and Strange was invited as a friend.

From the moment he stepped into the church, he already knew in his heart that he probably still loved this girl.

At the reception after the wedding, Strange explained his feelings to the girl.

It's not that I want to save it, it's just that I'm unwilling to do so.

However, the girl told him decisively that it was impossible between the two of them.

His desire to control is too strong, and he can only gain her respect, but not her love.

Just when Strange was saddened by the girl's words, there was a commotion outside the banquet hall.

A guest standing on the balcony pointed to the street in the distance and shouted: "What is that!"

Strange and several other guests were attracted and walked to the balcony one after another. One of them did not forget to take out his mobile phone and turn on the camera.

I saw that at the intersection a few hundred meters away, panicked pedestrians were running in all directions, and cars were panicking, as if something was chasing them.

Seeing this, Strange immediately drank the slightly bitter wine in his glass and jumped off the balcony.

In the process of falling rapidly, he summoned the magic cloak, put on Kama Taj's iconic esoteric vestment, and then controlled his body to fly towards the intersection.

It also rescued several pedestrians who were almost hit by an out-of-control car.

When he reached the intersection, Strange was surprised to find that the culprit of all the chaos was a few strange creatures he had never seen before.

Not from hell, nor of any dimension he knew.

Floating in mid-air, they swim like fish, but have no specific shape, their fibrous bodies are soft and pale, and they are covered with a black chitinous carapace.

The gap between the carapace and the carapace exudes an evil purple light.

If you look closely, you will find that although they are a kind of creature, their appearance is different, some have an extra eye, some are full of sharp teeth...

Even the body size varies, the largest is equivalent to a car, and the smallest is only the size of a cat.

The only thing they have in common is probably the unpredictable, unidentifiable terror radiating from their bodies.

Even the mighty Doctor Strange is affected by these creatures at first sight.

The heart beat violently, the soul swayed constantly, and an inexplicable sense of hunger arose spontaneously.

At this time, these creatures were frantically hitting a bus that was in the middle of the road. The steel shell of the bus was hit with dents, and the windows were all scattered and shattered.

The entire car body was turned over, the wheels that were about to fall off were drooping, silently speaking of their powerlessness.

And behind them, is a space crack in the air.

More strange creatures are trying to descend into the world from this long and narrow crack.

The sharp-eyed Strange found that there was a young girl hiding in the car, so he made a decisive decision, raised his arms, and opened his palms to the sides.

Driven by magic, the bus was instantly disassembled into countless parts, revealing the girl inside.

Seeing this, one of the monsters immediately opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and bit the girl.

At the critical moment, Strange turned his hand into a knife and slashed forward, with an invisible force, instantly severing the monster in two.

But the monster that fell to the ground had extremely tenacious vitality. Even with such a serious injury, it was still squirming in the direction of the girl.

Not to be outdone, the remaining monsters slammed into the bus parts desperately, trying to get close to the girl.

It's like something is attracting them.

Strange had to throw out his magic cloak, wrap the young girl in it, and fly back to him.

Not bothering to talk to the panicked girl, he once again used magic to piece the bus together into a whole, and then slammed it to the ground.

Two monsters got too close and were completely blocked in the car.

More were hit by the falling bus and crushed into a puddle of mud.

The only two remaining, seeing their companions dead and wounded, immediately turned around and fled towards the crack without hesitation.

Strange couldn't help but sighed in relief when he saw this, these monsters just knew they were afraid.

Then, he flew up, intending to completely close the space crack.

Then Strange saw a scene that terrified him. The two monsters were not afraid at all, but went back and bit the edge of the crack, intending to expand it.

To be fair, he had never seen such terrifying creatures, the cracks in space that countless people could not avoid, and encountering them was like encountering a natural enemy.

Like a jelly bean, it was bitten and creaking.

Strange had to admit that he was a little scared, and at the same time made up his mind that he would never let this kind of creature appear in the human world.

However, just as he was stunned, a "big fish" that was many times bigger than before appeared in the enlarged crack.

If I have to describe it, it is similar to the long snake-shaped biological battleship that the Chitauris drove when they invaded the earth.

The same huge, the same full of oppression.

In the face of such a terrifying creature, Strange could only do his best.

mirror space.

Otherwise, the mental pollution emanating from the giant monster alone is enough to drive a large number of civilians crazy.

In an instant, the tall buildings on both sides began to fall toward the middle, the straight street had a curved arc, and the surrounding space was like a kaleidoscope, reflecting all kinds of gorgeous lights.

A mirror space that is completely dependent on reality but separated from reality is formed.

The sudden change made the giant monster a little confused about the situation, but soon, he was driven by an insatiable hunger and immediately gave up thinking.

Shaking his body like a fluid, he rushed towards the tiny human not far away.

At this moment, they were locked in the crack of the mirror space together, and a roar of strange and inexplicable meaning came out.

Hearing this, the giant monster gave up attacking Strange in an instant, turning its head and hitting the crack.

As the crack gets bigger and bigger, an even more appalling creature is trying to come to this world. +Bookmark+

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