The All-League of Legends Starts From the Heavens

Chapter 199: husband is currently guilty of

People from the motherland who like to be in the limelight have already stood on the side of the stage and greeted the fans enthusiastically.

The outstanding performance of the previous plane incident has given him more fans, and these fans have followed him here today.

Xingguang is not as boring as him, because the charity meeting has not yet started, she can wander around.

As for Lu Wu, he was still there just now, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xingguang, who originally wanted to invite him to go shopping, couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and finally had to give up.

Today's heroines have a complicated attitude towards demons, with a hint of disgust, a hint of curiosity, but mostly fear.

But I couldn't help but want to have more contact with him, in short, it was very contradictory.

While Starlight was thinking about it, Ashley, who finally woke up, found her, claiming that the rally was about to begin, ending her brief journey to freedom.

On the stage at this time, the people of the motherland have returned to the backstage and replaced the organizer of the rally: the elastic man Izkir.

The inflammatory language of the white middle-aged man in a vest quickly attracted the attention of everyone present.

He kept instilling in the audience that superhumans are the children chosen by God, which invisibly strengthened the status of Water Company in the eyes of the public.

But at this time, Xingguang, who also returned to the backstage, scoffed at this.

Since she was a child, she followed her mother to attend Izkir's rallies, and she knew almost everyone at the meeting, including Izkir.

She used to be convinced of these divinely chosen remarks, thinking that she was the child chosen by God.

But after experiencing all kinds of things for more than a month before, Xingguang found that this place was not what he remembered.

Faith is no longer sacred, full of lies and ignorance.

And she wasn't the only one who had this idea.

Billy and Huey also came to the meeting, and they were scattered among the crowd, listening to Izkiel's babbling nonsense.

However, the purpose of their coming today is to meet this resilient man.

However, the security measures in the rally are tight, with guards with live ammunition at every entrance and exit, and many plainclothes are hidden in the crowd.

In addition, there are many probes monitoring the scene's every move.

It was impossible for them to steal Izzyr silently.

If you want to achieve the goal, there is only one way, let Huey get close to Izkiel through the relationship of starlight.

Billy has a video of this elastic man in the nightclub in his phone. As long as he can talk to him, he is not afraid that he will not be honest.

Who knows, Huey was in a dilemma because he didn't tell others what happened that night.

So Billy doesn't know yet, he and Xingguang have broken up.

After much deliberation, Huey decided to give it a try, because in addition to threatening Izkir to tell the truth about Compound No. 5, he might be able to extort the 300,000 he desperately needed.

Izkiel has funding from the Water Company, and 300,000 must be a drizzle for him.

The reason why the kind-hearted salesman in the past had such sinful thoughts was that he was really afraid, and he wanted to get rid of that demon as soon as possible, and then stay away from everything related to superhuman beings.

Coincidentally, Xingguang couldn't stand Izkiel's nonsense at this time, and was standing at the entrance of the backstage blowing wind.

Huey, who had been watching her silently, hurried over.

"That... hi, long time no see, Annie."

In response to the salesperson's initiative, Xingguang's serious face became even colder, and he said lightly with his arms folded:

"Not long, just a few days."

Huey had to laugh a few times awkwardly, and politely said, "How have you been recently, how are you doing?"

"Fortunately, please take care of yourself." Xingguang was still indifferent, and he planned to turn around and leave after saying that.

Seeing that she was leaving, Huey didn't care about being polite, and hurriedly said, "Oh, wait."

"Well, could you please do me a favor?"

"I have always admired the elastic man Izkiel. I would like to ask you to introduce me, or give me a ticket. I will find him myself."

"Haha." Xingguang laughed angrily: "Why do you think I will help you?"

The salesperson was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that he couldn't come up with a reason for a long time, Xingguang couldn't help but feel even more disgusted, and snorted coldly as he prepared to go back.

As a result, at this moment, Lu Wu's gray-white figure suddenly appeared behind the girl, and then whispered a few words in her ear.

The devil's breath breathed out on Xingguang's face, and it was very comfortable, causing her to blushed all of a sudden, she couldn't help but gently pushed him, and said softly:

"Oh, what are you doing?"

The intimate actions of the two and the coquettish complaining made Huey on the opposite side feel extremely ashamed and wished to kill the pair of dogs and men immediately.

But even if he tied one of ten, he couldn't beat one of them.

So, Huey, whose face was livid with anger, turned around immediately and wanted to leave this disgusting place.

"Oh, wait a minute."

After listening to Lu Wu's words, the starlight, whose flushed face had not faded, suddenly stopped him.

"Want an admission ticket? I'll get it for you later."

After he finished speaking, he walked back into the infield.

Although Huey didn't want to stay here for a moment, but in order to plan, he still had to stop and stand in place with a blue face.

Lu Wu did not follow Xingguang in, but still stood outside and said with a smile, "Remember, you still have three days."

Although he had already learned the devil's scoundrel, Huey's behavior of changing the deadline at will, made Huey feel furious, and immediately wanted to talk about the theory.

But before he could speak, Lu Wu disappeared from sight again, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

This scene made Huey clench his fists tightly, and his whole body trembled with anger.

After about a few minutes, Xingguang came out and handed a piece of paper the size of a movie ticket to the salesman: "No, what you want."

"Looking at his face, this is the highest-standard diamond admission ticket, and you can see Izkiel directly."

"Thank Huey with a face full of humiliation stepped forward and took the thing handed by the girl with one hand.

"By the way, what about others." Xingguang retracted his hand and looked around for the figure of the devil, with a complaining expression on his face, without even looking at the salesperson.

Huey gritted his teeth and said, "He just left."

"Oh." Xingguang then set his eyes on him: "Then what are you waiting for, the things have been given to you, so hurry up!"

"Let's go now." Huey held the admission ticket tightly in his hand, and lowered his head for some reason.

In the end, he left in a trance, stumbled on something halfway and almost fell.

"Hmph, disgusting." Xingguang said disdainfully, then seeing that there was no sign of Lu Wu around, he turned and entered the infield.


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