, the fastest update starts from the heavens to interpret the latest chapters of the League of Legends!

"Long time to see Xuan Se, how has it been recently?"

"Looking at a very boring look, how about bringing insight into the world of flowers?"

Lu Wufang walked out of the shadows, and warmly greeted the seven members of the group who were wrapped in black armor and dressed like ninjas.

Xuan Se was taken aback, and he meditated cross-legged for a second, then jumped straight up in a second.

After seeing Lu Wu, his eyes revealed doubts, and then it turned into deep fear.

Madeleine only told Xuan Se that she would break into the factory and let her watch.

As a result, I didn't expect that the last one was actually "myself".

But Xuan Se dared to despise Lu Wuwei to take over for the invisible self, although both are invisible abilities, the two are different.

Invisibility Invisibility, or the ability to be transparent, can be felt by ordinary people with slightly sharp senses.

And Lu Wu was three meters away from the black color just now, but he couldn't find it.

Later, Lu Wu took the initiative to show up, and Xuan Se even knew about it.

Opposite, Lu Wu also observed the most mysterious member of the seven groups.

According to the plot of the original work, a "ninja" can very well use the trump card of Water Company to contain the motherland.

Judging from the strength of the performance, it seems that a wolf girl, Kimiko, is not enough to take on this important task.

What is even more paradoxical is that the motherland does indeed respect this kind of clear trust. ..

Like the locomotive, the deep sea, and the like, the motherland has never spoken evilly to Xuan, and even took the initiative to care about his physical condition after he was injured.

The devil, who had thought about it for a while, decided to stop wasting his brain cells.

Take care of your trump card, kill it first, then do it a favor to the motherland.

As a result, when he was hidden in the darkness again, the black face on the opposite side suddenly opened his mouth.

To Lu Wu's surprise, in the original episode, Xuan Se seems to have never spoken, at least never outside.

Only to hear Xuan Se say in a dull, emotionless voice:

"Sacco, get out of here, so you can act."

It seems that the mysterious ninja thinks about a conflict with the devil, or thinks of a conflict for a while.

Lu Wu obviously appreciates it, but instead jokes: "The sound setting is quite suitable."

Then: "If that's the case, why did you leave the room and pretend you didn't see it?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words were said, Xuan Se immediately responded with a good word, and then turned around and walked to the warehouse where the compounds were stored.

"????" Lu Wu was stunned by the decisiveness, and his mind turned.

Just left, planning to stop one?

When he returned to his senses, Xuan Se had already left the pharmaceutical factory.

If Lu Wu chased him now, he should still be able to chase him, but he's lazy.

In line with the concept of being spared and spared, I decided to temporarily release the black horse. After all, I have not left the Super Seven Group yet, and the two are still colleagues.

Moreover, the real goal of this trip is to have hundreds of thousands of compounds.

After stepping on dozens of corpses of **** guards, Lu Wu returned to the door of the factory.

As a result, several refrigerated trucks were already lined up outside the factory.

After the door was opened, the vehicles that were large enough to transport all the compounds drove into the factory and went straight to the warehouse where the goods were stored.

If the scene is seen, it will be found that the expressions of the drivers in the refrigerated cars are all the same.

The corners of his mouth grinned into a strange smile, and his purple eyes were blurred.

There was a gray-white ugly doll on the driver's seat, which was shaking.

Unfortunately, not a single life was left in the pharmaceutical factory.

On the other side of the city, the motherland is frantically looking for traces of demons.

Now I have finally made up my mind to kill Lu Wu.

A motherland believes that the Lu Wu Charity Association has sabotaged the well-prepared speech and made all its efforts in vain.

The second reason is that the motherland figured out to kill Lu Wu to restore Madeleine's tense relationship.

The perfect performance of the hijacking thing, did not get Madeleine's affirmation, recognized it.

But killing Lu Wu, Madeleine personally asked to do, if it can save the relationship between the two.

At that time, the motherland cannot guarantee what it will do.

Only, as Xuan Sedang thought, if Lu Wu showed up, even the motherland with super hearing and super perception would find the trace.

Otherwise, the motherland would have been injured by Lu Wu.

After searching all over the country, I searched all over half of America, and the motherland could not find any clues about the crazy demon.

It was not until late at night that he reluctantly returned to the headquarters of the seventh group, ready to continue searching.

Just when he was going to rest, he was told that Lu Wu had returned to the headquarters this evening and should rest in his room now.

The angry motherland was instantly drowsy, and it was obvious that the gray-white devil knew that he was looking for it, but he didn't show up on his own initiative, and was sneaking around like a dog.

Then, the motherland, which became more and more angry, immediately went to Lu Wu's room.

Now, in front of the office, the Seventh Group Headquarters, beat the cheap gray creature to death!

The motherland's rampant behavior was alarmed, and they surrounded the door of the room, trying to see what they wanted to do.

Ashley, who was almost fired for charity.

The person on duty tonight, without saying a word, called Madeleine, the vice president who had gone home, claiming that the motherland was crazy.

Xingguang, who was already asleep, was also awakened from his sleep. After getting dressed, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ searched for the sound and arrived at the scene of the incident.

The heroine knew that the room belonged to Lu Wu, so she asked Ashley next to her what was going on.

Ashley was so panicked that she didn't have time to answer the question.

Coincidentally, the roar of the motherland was heard in the room: "What are you looking at, get out of here!"

The rest of the staff were frightened and quickly retreated, and simply turned around and left in order to cause trouble.

With some staggered opening of the gaps, the starlight could just see what was going on in the room.

I saw that the motherland, whose eyes were glowing red, was pulling on the collar of the gray-white devil, and he was dragging him from the bed, and then lifted it into the air.

As for Lu Wu, he was still immersed in dreamland, his long-horned, slender head was tilted to one side, and a transparent bubble was exhaled from his nose.

What's more, snoring!

To provide you with the color of the great **** from the stars, the fastest update of the entire League of Legends starts from the heavens, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save your bookmarks!

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