The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1122: : Exploring the Horde

These dozens of people attacked Mu Feng. Four of them were killed in the middle of the road. The remaining swords were separated from Mu Feng by hundreds of meters. The black knives were screaming and screaming. Knife gas is broken.

Mu Feng's body retreats and escapes, while in the other two directions, Bai Zi jumped out and screamed to support Mu Feng.

Mu Feng whispered, and one person raised the sword into a light of thunder and lightning to the demon wolf who was killed.


A soul force that blends with the true meaning of the illusion instantly slams into the mind of a demon wolf monk in front of him. This demon wolf monk screams, like an instant fall into the hell.

At this time, a purple sword light fell down, this person together with the devil under the wolf was killed by a sword, blood splattered.


Other Devil wolf warriors attacked and killed Mu Feng, and Mu Feng’s body protection was defended. At the same time, a fist was smashed out, and the body’s blood was like a dragon roaring, accompanied by Yuan Li’s killing from a fist, and turned into an eighteen thunder. The boxing wave roared and killed.


These killed attacks were directly shattered. Two people were involved in Mu Feng’s fists. The screams were slammed by the explosive power of the horror. Even the people took the wolf and directly shattered them into minced meat.

"Strong strength!"

A demon wolf warrior was shocked, then screamed with both hands and the knife, the body of the magical force tilted out, and a smashed out, turned into a tens of meters of knife raging.

Mu Feng, a sword and a thunder, melted the three intentions and directly tore the attack. The purple sword light crossed the human body.

The body of this demon wolf warrior emerged from the left chest to the lower abdomen, and the whole person was slashed by a sword.

"Jiaoyun Jiujian"

At this time, the squad is also supported by the madness. The son jumped into the nine swords and smashed out and directly killed a demon wolf.

Mu crazy punched out, shocked a boxing force vacuum, fistard violent bombardment on the attack of a demon wolf monk, directly shattered the attack, the fist box hit the person, the person's upper body directly exploded and broken, turned into broken meat.

The rest of the people, who did not persist for a long time under the attack of three people, were directly killed. Every time they kill one person, there will be a life-threatening spirit inhaled into the jade card of the three waists.

Killing a spirit of the realm of the realm of the soul of the real world has a 10 points of merit, killing the double heaven to have 20 points.

In the end, the group of demon wolves were killed and only the last one was left. The demon wolf looked at the three people, and they were shocked, but they roared.

"Small madness, interrupting his hands and feet, to live"

Mu Feng said, Mu sneer, screamed and rushed to the demon wolf. After a few moves, the demon wolf screamed, and the limbs were hard and crushed.

The trio came around and looked at the demon wolf who was screaming on the ground. Mu Feng asked faintly: "What tribe are you? This site is the territory of that tribe? How many people are in the tribe?"

"Humans, the great Devils will not yield to those sinister and sinister humans!"

The demon wolf climbed on the ground and roared and said, showing the fierce light, the body violently.

"I still want to blew!"

Mu sneer, and stepped on the belly of the devil wolf.

The demon wolf screamed, Dan Tian was directly shattered, and a blood spit out.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it."

Mu Feng was indifferent, and the light of the gods in the eyes was brightened. A soulful magical spirit that merged with the true meaning of the magic slammed into the mind of the demon wolf.

"Hypnal illusion! Dream!"

Mu Feng's voice, faintly echoed in the mind of this demon wolf monk.

The roar of the demon wolf stopped, and the eyes became apathetic and calm.

Hypnotic illusion, a type of interrogation illusion commonly found in illusion.

"What tribe are you?"

Mu Feng asked again.

"Wolf tribe"

This demon wolf numb generally said.

"How many people? What is the strongest person? How many soldiers in the Linghai realm?"

"There are nearly 10,000 people in the tribe. The strongest is the patriarch, and the Tianzhu realm is a day of cultivation. There are more than 3,000 soldiers in the realm of Linghai."

This demon wolf said one by one.

"More than 10,000 people, such a tribe can only be regarded as a small tribe, but it is not our strength to be a hard enemy."

Bai Ziyue said.

On the magical source, there are hundreds of thousands of large tribes, millions of demon wolves, small tens of thousands of people, and even weaker ones with only a few thousand.

"How far is your tribe in that position?"

Mu Feng asked again.

"This direction is going forward, about 80 miles away, it is our tribe."

This demon wolf is generally pointing in one direction.

At this time, Mu Feng received the illusion. This man returned to God, and Mu Feng pointed his finger at his head. A thunder force directly smashed his head, and he succumbed to the fate of Mu Feng’s waist. Among the jade cards, there are more than ninety points of merit.

Now, on Mu Feng’s waist card, there have been more than 300 points.

"Feng brother, what should I do now?"

Bai Zi Yue asked.

"Go, go to this tribe to inquire"

Mu Feng said that the three people cleaned up the bodies of these people, collected their weapons, and the magic of the body, which went in the direction of the direction.

Eighty miles, in terms of the speed of the three people, they sneaked all the way, and they only saw the tribe in ten minutes.

On the grassland, there is a group of demons that are surrounded by tents. Like a small town, the surrounding area is surrounded by wooden fences of up to 100 meters. There are many squadrons around the demon wolf warriors.

In the surrounding area, many of the dark green beasts that look like cows and the heads of the four horns are eaten around.

This is the magical cow, which can produce a very high content of magical aura, comparable to the spirit of milk, can be used for cultivation, consumption, is the survival of a demon wolf tribe.

Ling Yunhua flew out as a thunderbird and flew into the tribe. The spirit entered Lingyun's mind. Mu Feng and Ling Yun's soul were related, and the spirits entered the body. You can see everything Lingyun saw in a certain range.

There are indeed more than 10,000 people in this tribe. In the central area, in a prison-like iron cage, there are many people who don’t wear clothes. There are thousands of people who are fed like pigs and dogs. In the cage.

From time to time, someone will be pulled out and slaughtered and sold directly on the meat farm. The picture is bloody.

Through Lingyun saw this scene of Mu Feng, an amazing murderous moment broke out, and the white leaps around him, Mu mad were surprised to look at Mu Feng.

However, this killing quickly converges.

Lingyun hovered around and flew back, standing on Mu's shoulder.

"Feng Ge, what did you see? Just so excited?"

Bai Ziyue asked in surprise.

"I finally understand why my people have such a big hatred with this demon wolf."

Mu Feng said that although he is a Shura, half of his blood is also a human race. Seeing that his family is killed by aliens, he is naturally angry.

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