The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1324: : Xiao Yan, I am

Purple electric spirit boat carrying Mu Feng, and Hou Yuan, Hou Fang two dream monsters from the ice city above the ice, this time, Mu Feng did not continue to ship to visit the sea. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing][book][help]

Zhang Jiazhu and others looked at Mu Feng and went away.

"Old Sun, you said that this Mu Da Ren, in the Vientiane Shengzong, what identity is in the Ming Dynasty, but the Ming Dynasty is not a heaven and a six-day sky. The fighting power is so amazing. I think, the core disciples of the Tianzhu realm are all heavy. Not his opponent"

Zhang Jiazhu frowned.

"Who knows, the king of the Holy Family is like a cloud, and the genius is countless. This Mu Daren may be a pro-disciple like the emperor, or maybe it is the strongest on the Vientiane list."

Said the Sun family.

"Vientiane List, it is said that the smell of people on the Vientiane list, the power of the sky, is one of the peerless arrogance of the kingdom of the mainland to suppress the kingdom, I do not know what kind of peerless style he is."

Zhang Jiazhu sighed.

"Haha, the person who smells people is too far away from us, but it is destined to become a peerless person, not that we can look forward to it."

Sun Jiazhu smiled.

"But Zhang Xiong, now Cao Chongxiong, Yuan Hongxiong have fallen, do you have any thoughts on the two?"

Sun Jiazhu suddenly laughed.

Zhang Jiazhu heard the light and looked brightly at Sun’s master. He smiled and said: "Sun brother is thinking..."

"Oh, the pattern of the ice city in the millennium has changed. It has changed. The four big families, leaving two just fine..."

Sun Jiazhu smiled coldly.

"Haha, I won my heart..."

Two old foxes laughed at the same time.

Demon and chaos are good, but, in this world, is the most dangerous really a demon? No, it is the sinister heart of interest!

The most dangerous is not the demon, it is the heart...

Zidian Lingzhou galloped in the direction of Mu Feng's arrival, flying in the sky, turning into a long purple streamer, flying to the North Sea half an hour, entering the inland, and rushing to the direction of Vientiane.

Three days later, Zidian Lingzong finally flew to Vientiane Shengzong and fell outside Vientiane City. Mu Feng showed his identity token to the disciple and walked to the city with two demon monkeys.

"The kid was just Mu Feng."

A goalkeeper disciple saw Mu Fengyuan whispering.

"What, he is Mu Feng, the newcomer Wang who entered the Vientiane list, and was named by the Rising Sun Feng Zhu, the boy who named the name to teach."

Another person exclaimed.

"Well, that's right, it should be him. His identity token is written by Mu Feng."

The guardian disciple checked after the release of a same-door identity and said.

"Hey, this kid is afraid to come back. Is he not afraid of death? Isn’t he saying that he went out to escape the disaster?"

"Who knows, but Mu Feng is back, I am afraid there are good plays in the city, but unfortunately, we are in the task and can't leave here."

"Hey, what good play, Mu Feng's strength, dare to fight with Zhu Xi, is definitely crushed, I am thinking, this kid will really go to Jiuyang community to admit mistakes"

"Haha, too, the strength of Mu Feng is against Zhu Xi, and he will definitely die. He will not admit his mistakes. It is really possible. After all, he wants to continue to mix in the Zongmen, and he only succumbs to Jiuyang Society."

Several guardian disciples said, and Mu Feng is also going to the mission hall.

There are a few people in the mission hall. They have been waiting in the mission hall today. One of them is Zong Qing who bet with Mu Feng that day.

"Zong Qingxiong, today is the day when the task expires. Do you say that the kid can complete the task?"

Said a core disciple.

"Haha, how could it be, his strength, how could he accomplish this task?"

Zong Qing disdainfully smiled.

"It's hard to say, that kid defeated Qin Yanhua, and the fighting power is amazing."

The core disciple sighed.

"Hey, Qin Yanhua's waste, I don't know how to lose to a newcomer, he is throwing away the face of the old disciple on our Vientiane list. I said that Mu Feng could not complete the task, not that his combat strength is not good."

Zong Qing sneered a sneer, he is also a strong player on the Vientiane list, ranking a few higher than Qin Yanhua.

"Oh, what is this?"

This core disciple is curious to ask.

"The dream monsters themselves are not strong in the monsters. What is powerful is their talent illusion. Although Mu Feng's combat strength is strong, but the realm is low, the soul power is bound to be weak, it is easy to be a monster. Was killed"

Zong Qing explained with a smile.

"Haha, it makes sense."

Others heard the words suddenly realized.

"Is it possible that the kid can come back alive, but even if he can come back alive, he may not be able to pass the Jiuyang Society’s Xu Rifeng’s brother-in-law."

Zong Qing said with a sneer.

"Look, it’s a dreaming monster!"

"Who is this kid, actually conquered two dreaming monsters"

"Hey, it’s him, isn’t he Mu Feng?, Zhu Xi’s brother is named to deal with the point of Mu Feng”

At this time, in the hall of the mission, a burst of exclamation, I saw a young man in black robes and silver hair pulled the two hands and feet and tied the chain of the demon monkey into the mission hall, many people who took the task were surprised to see Mu Feng.

Zong Qing and others looked at it, and the smile was solidified. I looked at Mu Feng’s hand incredulously and held the two dream elephants.

"Dream monsters, how is it possible, this, this kid has completed the task?"

Zong Qing looked at these two dreaming monsters in an incredible way.

Mu Feng came to the front of the work platform and said: "Complete the task"

The elders in front of the mission were also afraid to look at the two dreaming monster monkeys that Mu Feng was holding. They were surprised: "You have completed the mission!"

"Impossible, kid, your cultivation, how can you complete the task?"

At this time, Zong Qing came over and said coldly, not willing to believe.

"Oh, it's you, just, remember that we gambled on the same day, and when you complete the task, you will apologize to me. Now that I am done, should you apologize?"

Mu Feng looked sneer at the man.

"Hey, how is it possible, that the snow-capped city is doing the chaotic demon monkey, it is said that the Tianzhu realm is seven heavy, it may be the eight-fold cultivation, your soul power, how can you resist the demon monkey illusion, these two dream monsters, who knows Where did you get it?"

Zong Qing said with a sneer.

"Yes, elders, this kid is likely to grab the other dream monsters to pretend."

Zong Qing’s friends also stood up.

"Yes, Mu Feng, you have to prove it first."

The elder also frowned.

"The heavens are sevenfold, eight heavy?"

Mu Feng heard a sarcasm.

"Hou Yuan, Hou Fang, they are still stunned by you, and the atmosphere of the outside world."

Mu Feng said coldly.

The two dreaming demon monkeys whispered, and suddenly, two amazing demon powers released the atmosphere, and the demon gas filled the temple, and the momentum was horrible.

Everyone feels these two strong breaths and their eyes are big.

"This, this is a savage, and the big heavens of the dream monster!"

The crowd exclaimed, shocked to look at Mu Feng, and Zong Qing, even more incredible.

"Zongmen intelligence is wrong. The cultivation of the chaotic demon monkey is not a sacred, but a big heaven in the realm of Tianzhu. Moreover, there are two demon monkeys doing chaos. You, do you still have opinions?"

Mu Feng calmly asked, Zong Qing heard the face of iron blue, as if eating flies can not speak, disgusting.

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