The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1407: : Bright Son

The cultivation of skill depends on the refinement and accumulation of energy. As long as there are resources and resources, it is not difficult to improve the skill. "^追^^^^^^"

This is also the reason why the disciples in the big family are repaired faster than the general background without the background. It is plain and different.

The improvement of Dao Li is difficult. Even if there is Tongxuan Lingcao, you need your own feelings. It is also the same equation. If you look at it again, you will understand and it will be flexible.

It is difficult to thoroughly understand if someone looks at it ten times. This is the gap in understanding talent.

"The leopard of the green-winged clouded leopard is very powerful, but the principle is simple. It uses the beast to rotate the wind, and the huge tearing force generated, destroying the power attack. I can't use this style to improve my attack. in"

Mu Feng secretly said that in the process of understanding the breakthrough of the green-winged clouded leopard, he also saw how the green-winged clouded leopard honed some of his own skills in the battle. These include the storm.

“Yuanli Huafeng...”

In Mu Feng's body, the blood power surges, and his accelerated blood flow rate controls the flow rate of each energy.

Gradually, there was a **** storm in the temple, and the **** wind was rolled up in the temple.

However, the squally winds then collapsed and turned into energy shocks.

"The control of Yuanlihuafeng still needs practice."

Mu Feng lamented, and sure enough, not so good to learn.

Yuanlihuafeng, the flow rate of each energy of differentiation should be well controlled, and there will be a big gap in the frequency rhythm, which will self-crash.

"Exactly, you control the power of the Yuan, and your control is also an exercise. Your control has been sent to the peak of the small weights of the weightlifting. After the Dacheng, you can become the second form of the Wanjian Fire Phoenix."

The voice of Haoyue remembered, Mu Feng nodded and continued to practice.

As I said before, there are three realms of control.

The first is to enter the micro-level, what is micro-invasion, to control the extremely weak force, to minimize the control of the giant force, but also to force the power out.

In this realm, almost all monks can be reached. Otherwise, the power of the monks to pull down the mountains and fall into the mountains is not well controlled, and it will have a great impact on life. Imagine eating a meal and breaking the glass when it hits. This is the power control. Into the micro, resulting in too strong power.

In the second world, the weight is light!

This control realm is much more difficult than the previous one. The 100,000-pound weight of the soldiers, waving it is equivalent to waving a hill, how hard it is.

If the energy of this force, with ingenious control to resolve, unloading, 100,000 Taishan, I am self-sufficient.

And the third place, light weight!

In this situation, random attacks can explode terrible power, a sand can be broken mountain, a drop of water can wear the sea, can integrate the giant force into anything.

The three styles of Wanjian Huohuang correspond to the control requirements of these three realms, because each style needs to control too many lines.

In the temple, Mu Feng kept practicing Yuanlihuafeng and created his own martial arts magical power based on the leopard crack.

Mu Feng got the Tongxuan Lingcao and practiced in the Pearl of the Immortal Kingdom. In the secret world of the ancient fairy, countless monks also swayed in this vast mysterious environment, looking for Tongxuan Lingcao.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Among the ancient forests, a figure is fighting with a group of fierce beasts, and the violent energy is overflowing.

A handsome young man in a white robes in Phnom Penh, in his hands, smashed out the crescent-shaped light-blade blaze.


Each of the crescent-shaped blades of a few meters long contains an amazing amount of heat and power.


These beasts that besieged young people are wolf beasts covered with black scales. They are large in size and have a natural world.


A bright blade cuts and squats directly into the body of a scaled wolf, easily breaking through the scales of the wolf beast, breaking into it, the heat of the power contains a terrible release of true meaning, being screamed by the scales of the wolf, directly Burning a white bright flame.

Every blade of light is like a reminder, and the attack power is extremely powerful.

This young man was besieged by dozens of fierce wolves in the same realm, and he was able to easily kill the enemy with ease, showing that his strength is terrible.

His body is flexible, and behind him, he has a pair of white energy wings, like the wings of an angel, evading the slaying of the wolves, but they can attack them.

This youth is also the Son of Light.

His life is a force, the light of the Yuan Li, the light and the true meaning of the mysterious, and the comprehensible fire attribute 炙 true meaning is also mysterious, the attack power is terrible.

If it wasn't for the Pope to let him shoot, he would definitely be preparing to break through and become a emperor. He wouldn't come to participate in this time. The secret of the ancient fairy was opened, because he had a qualification for the emperor.

In a blink of an eye, the Scorpio Wolf King who died in the hands of the Light Son has more than twenty heads, and the blood is stained with red.


At this time, the white-haired wolf king screamed, and the surging animal power, condensed a hundred-footed giant wolf to kill the bright son.

This wolf king's animal power has reached the realm of false infants.

"Uncultivated barbarian beasts"

The bright saint indifferently looked at the cohesive wolf roaring and snarling, and did not fear.

His palms were painted in the void, and the light of the light rushed out, condensing into thousands of white spears.

Carrying one hand and waving the sleeve with one hand.

"Thousands of rains broke through the city!"

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Thousands of white jade war spears were killed and gathered together to form a kilometer of white mans, and the cave was killed on this giant horse.


An explosion of roaring, Yuan Li giant wolf was directly hit by a blow, white mans divided thousands of streams, violent to the leader of the wolf king body.

The number of guarded kings and savage wolves rushed up, directly smashed through the killing, penetrated the wolf body, burning a bright flame.

The Wolf King was also directly killed by a white manhole, and the huge body mourned to the ground.

The beast of the fake baby realm, but also his enemies, this bright son is indeed a bit terrible.

The bright flames burned, and the beasts of these fierce beasts burned and screamed, turning into a bright light that poured into the body of the bright sun, blood and flames, and the holy fire.

The angels said that the Shura people were evil, and the practice of this family was much better than that of the Shura.

The difference is that the Shura people will manifest themselves in violent killings, and the angels will hang their benevolence and morality on their lips and do evil things.

Hey! Hey!

Many figures came from other directions in the other forests and gathered together to the bright Son.


Everyone who comes here is respectful and polite, standing on the side, and soon there are hundreds of people coming together. They are the kings of the great heavens in the realm of heaven.

"You search for the whereabouts of the Shura Mozi in the secret. If you can take it or kill it, you can directly shoot it. If you can't, you can use the note to inform me where you are."

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