The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1476: : Promotional duel (five)

Xiahou Lian Tao, Dao Junling, Qin Tianyi, and Qian Qian, these characters who have been optimistic about becoming the new era of Tianjiao are naturally easy to win even ten wins. This book is the first ↘ ↘ .. Book. Help ↘

These people, nowadays, are also unfathomable in their strength. They can't see the depth of the realm, and they are all defeated by a single player.

Daojun Mausoleum, the chief genius of the Taoist Temple, the soul power is a stronger who is comparable to the realm of Tianying. As soon as he reads it, the law is made, and the shot is the sixth-order battle pattern, and the strength is amazing.

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The number of kings participating in the feast of Tianjiao is still relatively large, no less than 10,000, no one is lower than the peak of the realm of Tianzhu, and many have realized the meaning of Tong Xuan.

That is to say, these thousands of kings have the foundation of becoming a emperor. In the future, there will inevitably be a spiritual and prosperous life in the mainland, but in the end, it will be difficult to know how many people will become emperors.

Nearly 10,000 people of Tong Xuan Wang may seem to be many. However, this is a genius of more than half of the mainland. The entire continent, people, demons, and some alien monks add up to a huge base, no less than 100 billion.

Everyone who is through the king of Xuan is also one of the best.

Ten wins of the selection battle lasted for six days, and thousands of Tong Xuan kings all smashed the record of ten wins, and qualified for the top ten Tianjiao battle.

On the sixth day, all the ten winners were finally selected, and the real Tianjiao confrontation finally began.

Numerous monks sleepless, watching in all directions, up to the height of the kilometer, down to the ground below, are gathered together with the monks.

The eyes of all people gathered on the ten platforms.

"After the six-day showdown, all the ten winners have finally been selected. Today, the competition for the age of arrogance is officially started. The battle method is very simple. If anyone can defend for ten games, they will have the opportunity of the genius candidates. Only one chance of failure is allowed. Finally, all the candidates for Tianjiao compete for the name of Tianjiao in the ten eras."

The voice of the ancient fairy city, Li Mu, echoed in all directions, spread throughout the ears of all monks, and the rules were simple.

"Let's go on,"

Li Mu looked to all the ten winners and said faintly.


A king laughed, and his body was turned into a stream of light, flying to the tenth Tianjiaotai.

This person wants to compete for the position of Tianjiao in the era of Tianjiatai.


A group of figures flew to the era of Tianjiaotai, and they believed that the powerful people would choose the top Tianjiatai.

Sixteen people took the lead in the Tianjiao stage. From the tenth day Tianjiaotai to the third Tianjiaotai, there were people venting.

However, the first and second Tianjiaotai, but no one is going to a war.

Obviously, there is confidence in yourself that you can kill the top of the genius of the times, and there are very few people in the second.

"It’s ridiculous, there are so many strong people, no one dares to go to the stage to compete for the first day of arrogance, then I will come."

A sneak rang, a figure, set foot on the stage of Tianjiao in the first era.

This person is a horror of the Golden Moon Wolf State.

The horror hopes to embark on the first day of the arrogant battle platform, otherwise people are surprised, this demon wolf prince, there is even the ambition to compete for the first era of Tianjiao!

Although the relationship between the number of Tianjiao and the final ranking is not big, the final competition depends on it.

However, this can also be seen as a monk who is not confident in his strength.

For example, the monk who chose the No. 10 platform must have thought that his strength is not as good as some people, and he would not go to the higher-ranking platform to find abuse.

The horror set foot on the 1st stage, and many people frowned.

"This wolf is so mad."

Qin Tian blinked his eyes and showed a hint of suffocation.

His goal is also the top of Tianjiao.

However, he did not want to rush to shoot and expose his true strength.

At this time, on the 2nd stage, there was finally one person to set foot on.

This person, also a different name, is huge, three meters high, like a little giant, born a pair of plush bear ears, arms, chest, white fine fluff.

"It's the snowy mountain!"

The disciple of Tianzong Shengzong recognized this strong man.

It is the strongest interracial of the northern continent. The snowmen of the snowman family, the snowman family, live in the bitter cold of the north, the blood of the ancient animals on the body, the people are born with endless power.

However, this family is okay, there is no tyrannical tyrannical, and the relationship with the Terran is not as stiff as the Devil.

"Haha, no one dares to go to power to fight?"

It’s also a sneer to smile at Qingshan.

If the monk comes to power, no one will challenge in ten minutes, it is automatically promoted to a game.

"Shock, you kill my brothers, I am fighting you!"

Finally, a strong man couldn’t help but set foot on the first platform.

This person has a black robe, a face is just right, and is also the king of the big family of the Terran, the strength can not be underestimated.

Those who can kill the record of ten wins are not weak.

"Good, finally someone with courage came out"

A sneer sneered.


This strong man did not have the slightest nonsense, the body moved, and turned into a sword light murder.

In the hands of a four-footed sword, the release of the Baizhang Jianguang, Tong Xuan Jianyi to communicate the power of the heavens and the earth, the yellow soil through the metaphysical, but also make this sword breathe.

This is a genius who is a two-minded genius.


This strong man roared down with a sword, and the mighty sword contained a thick and heavy soil.


The horror of the dark golden scorpion is cold and screaming, and the majestic power of the body rushes out, and the hands grow the Wolverine claws and tear it out.

Ten golden claws were killed, and they resisted the sword that the strong man had come. The two attacks collided with each other.

The two men played in an instant, the sword light flashed, and the claws were full of heaven, and they took up more than ten strokes.

On the other platforms, a battle broke out.

The strong sword changed, and a sword condensed hundreds of swords and smashes. It was like a storm, and the attack was fierce.

"The wind and the moon claws!"

The horror shouted, the body power surged, the two claws waved, and the numerous claws and awns intertwined, and even condensed for a hundred-foot golden moon.



The criss-crossing moon rims lingered on countless swords, and made a jingle collision, like a metal handover.

There were countless claws in the moon, tearing the sword rain, and the claws hit the strong defense body.


This strong screams, the defensive enchantment is broken, the body is torn out of a **** mouth, directly flung off the battle platform, seriously injured, I am afraid that in a short time, there is no strength to fight again.

The horror received the wolf claws and grinned: "But so"

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