The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1520: : Ten emperors

Looking back on this road, Mu Feng himself did not know how many hardships he had experienced. He lost his mother since childhood. There is no need to say more about life in the military. His childhood was on the battlefield, in the military camp, under the severe training of his father. ★ first ★ hair ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

Later, 200,000 Mu Jiajun was raped and killed by Nanhao, his father was missing for three years, and he alone supported the Mu family.

Another way to come, into the college, stepping on Zhou Wu, wearing the autumn feathers treasures by the forces to join forces to build up their own forces, was also destroyed by the Zhu family.

When he returned strongly, he killed everything in Zhouwu and entered the Sanctuary of Vientiane. Now he is persecuted by the Holy Faith because of his identity.

Along the way, he did not know how many hardships he had experienced, how many pains he experienced, and sometimes he felt that he could not collapse and could not hold on.

At this time, a powerful power of the gods wrapped Mu Ling's Linghai, a figure that condensed.

She has a long white dress and looks like a goddess under the moonlight.

She hugged Mu Feng's soul and used her own power to resist the fire of the light. The eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and seemed to have some pain.

The pain of Mu Feng’s soul is lighter and he only feels warm and comes from the warmth of the soul.

The moon quietly embraced his soul and accompanied him silently.


Mu Feng's eyes were moist, and he also hugged the moon god.

"Thank you, thank you for staying with me."

Mu Feng whispered in a low voice.

"It’s the hardships of suffering, this is the way of Shura, you are not alone."

The month of the month, holding Mu Feng’s soul, she said softly that she was so gentle on Mu Feng.

"Reassured, I, will not despair, even if there is no road ahead, even if the front is not overwritten, I will not despair, month, accompany me, don't leave me."

Mu Feng’s soul clung to the moon and said to the god.

"It’s always there..."

A soul, a **** of the gods, hold together in the burning flame of light, and share the joys and sorrows, and never give up.

After the soul prison, Mu Feng was taken back to the iron prison and held in the iron prison...


Vientiane Shengzong.

It has been ten days since Mu Feng was arrested.

In these ten days, Vientiane Shengzong also fell into repression. Obviously, after Mu Feng was forcibly taken away and saw the strength of the immortal destroying the earth, all Vientiane sanctuaries were attacked and affected.

Vientiane Shengzong, the God of War.


A qi and blood, the light column of Yuanli's fusion rises into the sky, rushing into the sky, only listening to the sound of dragons and screams coming from the heavens and the earth, the blood and the power, condensing the shadow of the ancient dragon elephant.

"Ha ha ha ha, body yuan baby!"

In the mountains of the God of War, a big laughter sounded, and the emperors of the God of War were flying out in surprise.

I saw a huge figure with a height of 100 feet appearing between the heavens and the earth. He covered the dragon scales, and the head was born with a dragon's horn, like a demon from ancient times.

The terrible blood and strength are combined to spread the power of the sky.

"This kid is, Xuanyuan's disciple, Mu mad, this kid, actually turned into a emperor!"

"Well, powerful blood and strength, how is his battle body like this, what is his practice?"

The ten emperors of the God of War were exclaimed, and the Xuanyuan Emperor smiled at the madness, and the eyes were full of praise.

However, this is not over yet.

Yu Jianfeng.


The sound of the sword whistling and screaming, I saw a golden sword rushing into the sky, from Tongyun, condensed into a tens of thousands of swordsmanship, swordsmanship contains a terrible sword, sword meaning.

The entire Yu Jianfeng is shrouded in this sword.

A golden light rose into the sky, and the thousand-footed swordsman earned him in his body. He was scattered in white, releasing golden swords, and the whole person was like a sword.


The young people drink lightly, and a sword light flies out of the body and turns into a golden ancient sword. This golden ancient sword is like a fish, surrounded by youth and swords.

Yu Jianfeng’s tens of thousands of disciples were also shocked to see the youth, not convinced.

"Yes, it is Bai Ziyue!"

"How could it be that Bai Ziyue actually condensed Jian Yuan Tian Ying so quickly, this..."

"Tian Ying realm, Bai Ziyue, became emperor!"

The disciples of Yu Jianfeng are not convinced.

But then, in the Yu Jianfeng, there were two sounds of dragons screaming, and two terrible ice-cold forces condensed out, turning into a dragon and roaring in the void.

A man and a woman are also rising into the sky, and the body emits terrible cold power.

To expand Qinghai, nine princesses, become emperors!

Yu Jianfeng, the three-way extraordinary atmosphere filled the void.

Shenkang Valley.


A terrible black poisonous force rushed into the sky and condensed into a hundred-foot-old black illusion of nymph, releasing the terrible toxicity, making the voids corrode and twisting. This scene is so beautiful that there are countless gods The pharmacist is amazed.

"Ha ha ha ha, fat man, I finally became a real emperor, hahahaha"

An obese figure laughed loudly over the Shenkang Valley.

Rising Sun Peak!

boom! boom!

Two towering fire pillars burned the void, twisting the space and rising into the sky. One pillar of fire is reddish gold, and the other is purple. The terrible burning force makes the space twist and cracks appear.

The same figure of a man and a woman, from the red gold fire column, the purple fire column, the two people have the same breath, but the fire is different. The two of them are like the masters of the flame, and they have collected the power of the sky. .

Yan Huchen, the owner of Ziyun County, broke through the emperor!


A blood-colored lightning also rises to the sky, the speed is astonishing as electricity, and the blood is scattered. The thin body grows a pair of wings surrounded by magical light. When he flashes, he can fly far away and the speed is abnormal.

Flash, become the emperor!

Afterwards, Jin Jiafeng, a figure also turned into a hundred Zhang Xiu Luo body, wearing a purple gold magical armor, Xiu Luo body into a king, Shi Zhengxiong!


The same is the God of War, a scorpion demon spurt out, the magic power is rolling, condensed out six ancient deities of the gods, power can be terrible, the devil snarls, the devil is the world.

The beauty in a pink dress wiggles and goes out to the God of War.

Bai Ziyue, Mu mad, Tuo Qinghai, Nine Princess, Shi Zhengxiong, Flash Ling, Yan Huchen, Ziyun County Master, Yaochuan, Hao Meimei!

These ten people, the same day retreat, turned out to be the same day into the emperor!

Ten emperors, different emperors of the atmosphere to suppress the void, Vientiane sanctuary, hundreds of thousands of disciples shocked, the entire sect.

"Zhen Shen Mu Mu mad, Hao Mei, Yu Jianfeng Bai Ziyue, Tuo Qinghai, Tuo Ying Yu, Flash Ling, Rising Sun Yanyan Chen, Ziyun, Shenkang Valley's Yaochuan, these people, not all newcomers Genius, warfare disciple, today, even become emperor! This, this!"

"How is it possible that ten people will be out of the same day, this, how can this be done?"

At this moment, the ten emperors are like a rainbow, and Vientiane is shaking.

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