The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1541: : Big business turmoil

Under the command of the extension of Castle Peak, Wang Weiyong, who was surrounded by the realm of Tianzhu, suddenly pressed the central king. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing][book][help]

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Yang Wang’s face changed and he was placed on his neck.

"Yang Wang, don't blame the widows for not reminding you. Today, I am the emperor of the big business. You maintain Tianyingshan so much. I can hardly doubt that you have nothing to do with Tianyingshan. Come, please ask the king. Go on, be a good waiter, don't let it leave the palace."

Tuoba Qingshan said indifferent.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Grand Emperor, I am loyal to you, and I have no intentions. I am only saying that I can build an enlightened and prosperous world!"

The central king was not willing to swear, but he was still brought into custody.

"Your Majesty, I have seen that Wang Wang has had two hearts. Tianyingshan has become more and more influential in the dynasty these years. It threatens the imperial power in the morning and evening. I support the removal of Tianying Mountain."

Fengzhou Wang said.

"I am waiting, too, this is the holy light."

Others have also been seconded.

The new official took up three fires. This is the first thing that wants to stabilize his imperial power.

"There are also families that support the fourth, and they also suppress the suppression, Liujia, Shenzong, Shijia, etc., or surrender to the widows, or destroy!"

To expand the Qingshan cold and indifferent road.

As soon as the Qingshan Mountain was enthroned, the situation in the Dashang Dynasty was suddenly turbulent.

The family of Liu Yixue, the family of Liu, the family of Shi Zhengxiong, the family of Shimen, and the ancestral sect of Shining, these forces immediately encountered the violent suppression of the dynasty, and the important figures in the family were directly arrested and imprisoned. Take control and control these forces.

The Dashang Dynasty was finally ready to start with Tianyingshan.

Inside the Tianying Mountain, the center of the Tianying Temple.

Tianying Hall, located in the center of Tianying Mountain, is built on a majestic mountain. It is the place of worship for the elderly in Tianying.

At the moment, there are many people gathered in the Tianying Hall.

Hundreds of kings gathered in the Temple of Heaven, and above the temple, a white-haired old man with a gray robe was the old man.

Below the temple, there are wind and thunder, easy to be old, these kings living in the Tianying Mountain are below the temple.

"Teacher, the dynasty has already heard the news, the new emperor has expanded the Qingshan, in order to stabilize the imperial power, it is ready to start our Tianyingshan."

Feng Leizi said a little face.

In the situation of the Dashang Dynasty, Tianying Mountain naturally pays attention to it at any time. Especially now that the new emperor is enthroned, Tianyingshan does have some people in the Dashang Dynasty.

"This is the extension of Castle Peak. Do you really want to give us these scattered roads? Do you want the people of the world to surrender under his imperial power?"

A blue woman said coldly.

"Take up the Qingshan Mountain. This power is extremely important. When he ascended the world, he will not tolerate the existence of the power that does not surrender to him. And we are the head of the scattered forces, and we do not pay the tribute, do not obey the imperial power, he naturally wants Tell us about the world"

Yi Lao also said quietly.

"Then what do we do, we people may not be able to withstand the iron hoof of the dynasty."

Others also talked about panic, and Tianying old man closed his eyes and sat up, no expression.


At this time, another king of the Tianzhu realm entered the temple, anxiously said: "Teacher, not good, the dynasty sent troops to surround us Tianyingshan"


Everyone heard that their faces were changed, and they looked at Tianying old people one by one.

The old man of Tianying finally opened his eyes and got up and said: "What are you panic, let me go and see!"

The old man of Tianying got up and his body was turned into a streamer, flying to the periphery of the enchantment of Tianying Mountain.

Outside the Tianying Mountains, the enchantment array has been launched, covering the entire Tianying Mountain.

Outside the door of the enchantment, there have been numerous sergeants of the dynasty wearing armor, and no less than 300,000 horses surrounded the Tianying Mountain.

This is not a 300,000 ordinary person, but a monk.

In front of the people, there is a scale-like beak, a giant beast shaped like a tiger, pulling a golden canopy and squatting over the 300,000-strong army. Sitting in the car is the extension of Qingshan.

There are more than 100,000 scattered disciples in Tianying Mountain. At this moment, they look at the army outside, and their faces are pale.

Soon, the old man of Tianying and others came down.

The old man of Tianying looked at the extension of Qingshan, and he said: "I have seen the new Emperor Qingshan, and I don’t know what it means to be my Tianying Mountain."

"Tianying old man, the emperor wants to build a spiritual life, and Tianyingshan does not pay tribute, does not listen to the imperial power, does not violate the development of the dynasty, today I have only one purpose, or you Tianyingshan surrendered to the dynasty, from now on Listen to the command of the dynasty, or destroy it, how to decide, you can do it yourself."

Tuoba Qingshan said indifference.

Tianying’s old man’s face was so heavy that he said: “I have never intervened in the development of the dynasty for thousands of years since I founded Tianyingshan. I just want to provide a place for practitioners to practice and learn, and not to compete with the dynasty. The heart, why can't the dynasty give a living path to Tianying Mountain? Give the Dynasty a way to build a life?"

"Under the whole world, it is not the king's land. The land of the land is not the king of the king. Tianyingshan has seriously affected the power of the dynasty. There is no second way for this matter, surrender or destruction, you choose!"

Tuobaing Qingshan sneer.

"Awful, it is rare that we have to surrender under your imperial power, are you relieved?"

"Yes, Ningsa is **** and free, not a dog for the dynasty."

The kings of the Tianshan Mountains suddenly screamed and refused to surrender.

"Stubborn, not listening to the imperial power, it is only destruction!"

The wind king sighed coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha, good, good, to expand children, since you do not want to give us a piece of calm land, then the old man still wants to teach and teach, you have a few strengths into the empress!"

Tianying old man was angry, sneer out, let people open the door of enchantment, out of the enchantment, looking at the extension of Qingshan sneer.

"Heavenly, Tianyingshan, really can't exist!"

At this time, a figure emerged from the void clouds, indifferent.

This person is a great emperor and a master of Qingshan.

"Do you support him to do this?"

Tianying old man asked frowning.


Dashang first nodded.

"There is nothing to say, fight."

The old man of Tianying stepped out in a step, and the strong blue power swept the sky and swayed the sky. This old man was also the strongest player in the middle of the Tianying realm.

The Emperor of the Shang Dynasty also erupted a terrible force. The two men were in the tens of thousands of meters, and the battle of countless people came together.

"The three armed forces obeyed, killed me, did not surrender, killed innocent!"

The extension of Castle Peak is also a cold drink, and the three army.


The 300,000-strong army bombarded the Tianying Mountain enchantment.

"Everyone, for freedom, fight!"

The wind and thunder roared, and the body became a light of the wind and thunder, and it was killed from the door of the enchantment.


The orcs will never be slaves... unless they eat and wrap...

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