The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1547: : 毙王毙王

"How is it possible, this..."

The extension of Qingshan was pale, and the seven-bedroom battle was so ruined!

"My seven-night battle!"

Tuoba Qingshan heartache screams, this is the country's heavy equipment that the Dashang Dynasty used to spend countless treasures and materials. Now, it is so ruined?

"Mu Feng!"

The extension of Qingshan anger looked at Mu Feng, and he wished that Mu Feng would be stripped. ★ starting chasing book help ★

"To expand Qingshan, you can kill even your own brothers and sisters. What is the significance of your scum living in the world? You are the big brother of Qinghai, but not my brother, but you hurt my brother and sister, I Let you use your life!"

Mu Feng slowly stepped into the void and headed for the extension of Qingshan. The terrible pressure of the power of Tianying’s realm was released, and those Wang Wei did not dare to approach the points.

This kind of battle is not something they can intervene.

"You take my chance, destroy my treasure, I am not in harmony with you."

Tuobaan roaring, the body turned into a cold light to kill.

He holds a sword in his hand, gathering Zhou Tianhan Yuan Li into the sword, the sword whistling into a gust of wind, and the violent force is boiling.


He waved the emperor, and the sword snarled and became a nine-sword sword to kill Mu Feng.

Mu Feng Lei Huang's body was released, step by step to the extension of Qingshan, and the nine swords roared in the strength of his body.


The violent sword air broke out in all directions, but it was impossible to shake Mu Feng's body.

"how is this possible!"

Tuoba Qingshan face pale, the same realm, how is this gap so much?

"I don't believe, come again!"

To expand the Qingshan roar, wave the sword and another sword, but still can not break the defense of Mu Feng.

"In my eyes, your so-called emperor is just a weak person."

Mu Feng sneered, and then Lei Yuanli snarled in the body, condensed into countless thunder, he punched out.

Lei Long roared, and the thunder was intertwined into two dragons running through the void, and the bombing was to expand the Qingshan.

Six-level battle pattern, double dragons cover the sea!

The extension of Qingshan Jiujian was directly shattered, and the defense was also shattered by Ssangyong. The body was bombarded and vomited to the shot.

"how is this possible!"

To expand the Qingshan roar, do not want to believe that the emperor's own, in the hands of Mu Feng is so weak.


A thunder of light broke through, almost instantly came to the front of the Tuo Qingshan, a palm buckled the neck of the Tuoshan, and smashed it in the palm of his hand.

The extension of Qingshan's face turned red, and was blocked by Mu Feng, and a pair of eyes stared at Mu Feng.

"Your Majesty is so defeated!"

"This, this Mu Feng is too strong."

"Is this the strength of the top of the times?"

Countless people are shocked and shocked to see this scene.

"Mu Feng, you can't kill me, I am the king of a country, you can't kill me!"

To expand the Qingshan horror.

"Haha, the ridiculous king of a country, you are not the king of Mu Feng, I kill you, who can help me?"

Mu Feng is cold and domineering.

"Mu Feng, enough!"

At this time, in the depths of the palace, a voice finally came.

Then a more terrible breath pervaded, and a figure broke through the depths of the palace and soon came to the void.

The same person is also a royal robe, middle-aged appearance, extraordinary.

"First Emperor"

The other princes, sergeants, quickly made a salute to this person.

"Oh, the big business first emperor"

Mu Feng looked at the man. He also met several times. It was the first emperor.


The extension of Qinghai looked at this man's look with a sigh of relief. When he was to be desecrated, the Emperor of the Shang Dynasty did not appear. Obviously, he had chosen to expand Qingshan and gave up himself.

Dashang first emperor and Pingchuan looked at Mu Feng, and his heart was also amazed. When he first saw Mu Feng in the past, Mu Feng was only a smart boy. Now, he has become the emperor who stirred the mainland, and this rise speed It made him shocked.

"Mu Feng, forget it, the thing in Qinghai is here. You and the Qingshan thing, I am not pursuing a house, how about letting him go?"

Tuoba Pingchuan looked at Mu Feng calmly.

"Are you qualified to say this?"

Mu Feng said coldly, and he flattened Pingchuan, and then his face was heavy.

"Take up the Qingshan is your son, Qinghai is not your son? If today, Mu Feng does not come, do you really want to let the two knives fall? Now I am going to kill, you are not worthy. Qualification comes to me to ask for love!"

Mu Feng said indifferently, and did not give up the face of Pingchuan.

Tuoba Pingchuan's face was gloomy, and he was silently refuted by Mu Feng. Then he said indifferently: "I didn't want to be an enemy of you, you, is this necessary to be an enemy of my family?"

"How about that, how can you get my Mufeng with your extension? If you are a strong player in the late days of Tianying, you can’t help me."

Mu Feng said sarcastically.

"What about the old man?"

At this time, another old voice in the palace sounded.

An old man with a white-haired purple robe came out of the palace and walked into the air. The atmosphere of his body has already reached the peak of the Tianying realm!

"It is the old emperor, the top of the stream!"

"This old guy is still not dead, this is the big business emperor more than a thousand years ago."

"Old ancestors!"

When I saw the person in front of Qingshan, I was ecstatic, and I was saved.

"Interesting, I didn't expect the big business to hide such a peak emperor."

Mu Feng saw this person slightly surprised, but there was no fear.


The extension of Hirakawa also gave a tribute to this person.

"This little friend, you have enough trouble, take a break, otherwise, don't blame the old man for bullying."

The extension of the cloud is like the old man of the age of more than 80 years old, said to Mu Feng calmly, the peak of the Tianying realm is released.

"Ha ha ha ha, today, Mu Feng wants to kill him, whoever comes out is useless, this is what I said."

Mu Feng laughed aloud, and then he gathered a horrible force, and bombarded the head of the Qingshan.

"Do not!"

The extension of Castle Peak feels the breath of death and grief.


The explosion of the head of Qingshan suddenly exploded and the soul inside was instantly crushed. There was no chance of fleeing even the baby.

The expansion of Pingchuan, the extension of the clouds and the scorpion are all shrinking, and then anger looked at Mu Feng.

"How dare the thief!"

The two roared out.

Others were shocked to look at the headless body, and Mu Feng was free to leave the air and couldn't believe it.


The body fell on the ground, and blood rushed out of the broken head and stained red.

Previously, this person was still a king who was ordered to be the world, but now he has become a dead body.

What about Wang Tu’s dominance, in the end, the soul will return to the West, everything will be nothing but empty.

And Mu Feng killed the tomb of the Qingshan, calmly looked at the two angry people.

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