The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1553: : Wolf Emperor


Mu Feng's body was directly slammed into the ground below, and the smashing bombarded the wolf below, and blasted a big pit. ★ first ★ hair ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★


After the squad, the wolf emperor squatted down and turned to hundreds of knives to the ground below, where Mu Feng fell.


This area was covered by knife gas, and the earth was torn out of the road, and the dust was everywhere.

"Ha ha ha ha, kid, even if you are good, but what is the difference between you and the emperor is still too big"

The geek wolf king looked at the cracked ground below and sneered.

"is it?"

However, his voice just finished, and a figure emerged from the area covered by dust below.

"What, this kid is not dead!"

The singer wolf was surprised to see this scene, and there was a trace of incredulity in his eyes.

I saw Mu Feng's chest position, blood dripping, blood scales broken, but that blow did not blast into Mu Feng.

Like a young man of ancient demon, he walked out, and his blood was flying, looking at the wolf, and revealing a sly smile.

"That hit is good, it is stronger than scratching it."

Mu Feng said sarcastically.

"Little beast!"

The squadron of the wolf was bitten by the fangs, followed by a roar, and the knife was slain and smashed. The magical force was released from the knife and turned into a knife.

In Mu Feng's body, 30% of the blood is burning, and it is directly into the sword for a thick **** sword.


In the ancient Shu sword, he swallowed Baizhang Jianguang, and Mu Feng took out a sword. A kilometer of swordsman was released from the sword, and turned into a sword-mantle that burned blood and blood, just like the sky outside Changhong!


This sword is on the other side's knife, and the two swords are in the air, and the sword is storming in the void.

"Come back!"

The squadron of the wolf was roaring, the magical rainbow in the mouth condensed, and again murdered to Mu Feng, this time the target is Mu Feng’s head.

In the eyes of Mu Feng, the blood flashed, and a powerful sword in the body was released.

I saw him in the body, a **** sword pill that lingered in the spell released a terrible **** sword in Dantian.

This **** sword swells in the palm of your hand, condensing into a **** sword with only one foot long, but it contains a terrible power in the sword, and Mu Feng is a force, half of which gathers in this sword.

"Shentong, Shura blood sword!"

Mu Feng hand-controlled swordsman, turned into a blood rainbow shot.

In the swordsmanship of the captain, it was the moment that he released the **** sword of the kilometer, and in a moment he tore a **** mouth in the heavens and earth, containing an amazing **** atmosphere.


This sword is on the other side's magic rainbow. The Shura blood sword is like a bamboo, and the magic rainbow is directly smashed into two halves. .

With a slap, this **** sword mantle directly tore the magic rainbow, squatting in the body of the wolf.

The defense of the squadron of the wolf was smashed by Yu Wei, showing the power of this sword.



The screaming wolf screamed, and the body was smashed by a sword. The body of Baizhang rips out a blood hole dozens of meters long and bloody.

"Shentong, the real magic eye!"

At this time, Mu Feng seized the opportunity to fly, and released a powerful soul illusion into the spirit sea of ​​the wolf king, attacking the soul during the weak period of injury.

In the moment, the soul of the wolf king wore a coma, and instantly lost consciousness.

However, he quickly broke away from the illusion, but at this time, Mu Feng took a golden flame with a fist, and has already been killed from the near.

"Shentong, flame lotus!"

This fist blasted out, and the emptiness of the sky burst into a thousand liters of lotus, and the hot fists bombarded the body of the wolf.


This punch is hard in the body of the wolf, the wolf screams, the bones in the body do not know how many are interrupted, the hot punches poured into the body, his body burned from the blood, from the emptiness Fall and fall to the ground.


Then, another hundred meters of Jianguang descended from the sky, piercing his body and inserting it into his chest.


The screaming wolf screams and is smashed by the sword to the ground.

Mu Feng fell in front of the wolf, and the same huge body, carrying a sword, was placed on the head of the wolf.

"How is it possible, how can I lose to you in the end of the days?"

Ge Tu Wolf is still not willing to believe in roaring.

"This world is not fair, there are still too many things you don't believe."

Mu Feng said faintly.


At this time, there was a scream in the distance, and the wolf emperor was directly turned into a fireman, attacked by Yan Huchen, and his body became gray in the fire.

On the other side, there is another person who mourns and directly turns into rotten meat under the magical poison of Zhichuan, and it turns into poisonous smoke.

Only Bai Ziyue, Mu mad, still fighting the two mid-term strong players, but also the upper hand.

Mu Feng and his sword smashed the head of the wolf, and the huge head rolled down.


However, a Yuanguang broke open and flew out, it was his Tianying.

The singer wolf Huang Tianying fled in horror.

"Have you escaped?

The expansion of the array of Qinghai sneer, step by step, the horrible north of the cold weather swept out, the void instantly frozen, a blue sky ice enchantment enveloped the void, blocking this side of the void.

The geek wolf was shocked and turned to look at Mu Feng, roaring: "Mu Feng, you dare to kill me, it is bound to set off a wolf war!"

"Ling Yun, swallow!"

Mu Feng faintly said, Lingyun shouted, Zhang Kai huge mouth swallowed away, directly sucking the geek wolf Huang Tianying into his mouth.

"Do not!"

The screaming wolf screams, and is directly swallowed by Lingyun, refining the baby.

Mu Feng looked at another void, Mu mad and Bai Ziyue still fighting with his opponent.

The two wolves were repaired well, and Bai Ziyue’s opponent was the peak of the mid-infant.

Finally, Mu was impatient, broke the power of the dragon elephant, and violently murdered his opponent. Tian Ying's blood was collected by Mu Feng.

That type of Xiu Luo blood sword is incomparably consumes the strong blood, Mu Feng used more than 30 drops of Tian Ying blood before, but only cultivated into the realm of Tian Ying Datong.

"Jin Chen Jian Body, Body Sword One Skill"

Bai Ziyue is also explosive. He is currently the strongest supernatural power. All of his swords are out of the flames. They are combined with the broken spirit swords, and the spirits are all integrated into this sword.

The spirit sword entered the body, and the outbreak of swords in other people's bodies. He was completely humanized in order to kill the sword and kill the sword, and instantly crossed the kilometer.


The wolf's defense was instantly cut through, and the body was directly divided into two halves, and the blood splattered into the sky.

The baby wanted to escape that day, and was smashed by a white sword.

Five wolves, all fallen!

"My emperor!"

In the wolves, countless werewolves looked at their emperors all down, sorrowful voices, and amazed eyes looked at Mu Feng and others.

There are countless wolf warriors roaring, and they are not afraid of death and red eyes to kill Mu Feng and others.

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