The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1561: : A hundred poisons are difficult to prevent

Among the inns, the courtyard where the drug lords lived has been secretly surrounded by the people of the front, but they are not allowed to order from Mu Feng. No one dares to do it. ★ watch ★ most ★ new ★ chapter ★ section ★ hundred ★ degrees ★ search ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

"Smuggling poison... Hey, fat man really wants to meet you, how to use poison?"

Yaochuan stood on the top of a loft, and a black robe hunted with the night wind. On his shoulder, there was a golden dragonfly.

Soon after, a thunder came quietly and broke into the top of a building a few kilometers away from the inn.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

A figure appeared in the darkness and came to Mu Feng.

"Little Lord!"

These people were wrapped in blood-colored robes, could not see the face, like a group of blood fog, came to Mu Feng and bowed.

These are the Shura people who have practiced the blood-smooth magic, and they are also the dark-leaders trained by Kong Yan.

Kong Yanjiao emerged into the blood mist and came to the front of Mu Feng: "Solved?"

Mu Feng smiled and raised his head and nodded.

"How about the poison?"

Mu Feng asked.

"It’s in the inn of the inn, and there’s already a place around the sky. He can’t escape, so I’ll wait for you to order.”

Kong Yan said.

"He is my prey. You keep it all around, don't let him escape, come to my place, want to kill me Mu Feng, I want him to understand, who is this hunting ground?"

Mu Feng said coldly, a hand-caught baby head, his body slid into the air, and went to the poisonous courtyard.

As soon as he waved his hand, there was a roar in the void, the Thunder condensed, and a violent purple thunder fell from the sky.


The lightning was several kilometers long and went directly to the courtyard where the poisonous people lived.


However, when the middle of the court was over, the other party’s courtyard was over, and a golden array of enchantments rose and turned into a light curtain, which resisted Mu Feng’s thunderstorm.

Around the courtyard, there was a large golden spirit jade plate that released the array of forces and protected the courtyard.

"defensive front"

Mu Feng’s eyes are awkward. This poison is also cautious. He protects his courtyard with the spirit of the array at any time. However, the power of this spiritual array is at least a sixth-order refinery.

At this time, in the courtyard, a figure appeared in front of Mu Feng. This is an old man with ordinary clothes and even some ruin. If he meets on the street, Mu Feng will not look at the kind of heart.

"Mu Feng!"

When the scorpion venom saw Mu Feng, the scorpion shrank and his heart sank. How, the fire venom did not hurt him? How did he find his own?

"Dao friends, who are you, why attack my house?"

The vicious face said calmly.

"Vicious, the second in the list, you, do you want to go on?"

Mu Feng said indifferently, and raised the head in his hand.

"Ghost baby!"

The poisonous face was sinking, and the ghost baby was killed by Mu Feng.

Although the strength of the ghost baby itself is not strong, but the five corpse ghosts are powerful, the joint can fight the strong days of the Tianying realm, and now, actually killed by Mu Feng!

The poisonous face was gloomy and looked at Mu Feng and said: "How did you find me?"

"This doesn't have to be yours. Since you want my Mu Feng's head to trade for wealth, you, leave some things."

Mu Feng received the head of the ghost baby, and the sword went to the poison.

"I am not the waste of ghosts and infants. You dare to fight me alone, just to have your life."

The poisonous smirk, in his body, a red poisonous force swept out, the momentum is like a rainbow, the realm of the realm is in the late stage of the Tianying realm.

The red poisonous force swept the sky, and this poisonous force was filled with fire poison. He cultivated the fire attribute poison.

"Tianyun Huo Huo!"

The poisonous scorpion scorpion venom force poured into the hands, and a palm smashed the blaze of fire. A red poisonous hand of a hundred feet in size smashed down from the sky, and the poisonous palm smashed an amazing fire poisoning power. The air aura touched the fire poison and instantly burned up. It burned a blazing flame and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Mu Feng's body is hard and the Thunder is condensed in the palm of his hand. The violent fire-fighting power has condensed into a big Thunder and a hard-hitting attack.


Two violent attacks roared in the void, and violent waves and waves, many monks in this city were awakened.

And that type of Tianyun fire poisoned hands were also shattered.

"Can kill ghosts and infants, and sure enough, there are two points, five poisonous fists!"

He was sneer and sneered. Then, he punched out another boxing, and there were five kinds of terrible poisonous gas in the body. He condensed five poisonous beasts and smashed them to Mu Feng.

The snake, the fire spider, the dragonfly, the dragonfly, the scorpion, these five poisonous punches contain five kinds of amazing poisonous gas to kill, covering Mu Feng.

"Twelve days of thunder!"

Mu Feng swayed the sword and led the thunder, and even stepped out of the road, and a trace of Lei Hong smashed out, turned into a dozen swords, Lei Hong smashed in the five poisonous fists, directly smashed the five poisonous fists.

At this time, the poisonous sneer, the big sleeves waved, his sleeves are different, the sleeves turned out to be a space storage bag, a large black light swept out, I saw, a large piece of fire shot, it is countless Only the fire spider.

Thousands of fire reptiles turned into red light and shot at Mu Feng. Each one has the size of a calf. Their strength is not strong, but fire poison can poison the baby.

Mu Feng's face changed slightly, and the sword kept smashing. A sword smashed hundreds of fire spiders, but more fire spiders smothered it, and spit out a fire poison sword.

"Thousands of robbers!"

Mu Feng whispered, condensing the thunder of all directions, countless lightning rushing out, killing the fire spider, the fire spider continued to explode under the thunder.

However, there are also a few fire poison swordsman shot in the body of Mu Feng, piercing the skin, into the body of Mu Feng for fire poison.

In Mu Feng's body, a drug snarls in the body, directly devours these fire poisons, and the detoxification of Yaochuan Lian has an effect.

"go with!"

However, at this time, the vicious control controlled a black light to kill, directly broke the defense of Mu Feng, killing to the front of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's body swayed and ducked at an alarming rate, but this black light dagger still made a **** mouth on Mu Feng's arm.

Suddenly a black-red virulence surged into the body of Mu Feng through the wound. This virulence is overbearing, and Mu Feng’s arm burns and begins to rot.

Mu Feng was shocked, but his body's potency also flocked to this virulence, and he was able to keep up with this potency.

However, the arm of Mu Feng holding the sword was seriously injured, and it was corrupted by virulence and the strength was damaged.

"Haha, in the poison of my poison, Mu Feng, you are dead"

The poisonous smirk, then turned into a red light, and the dagger was killed again.

"The poisonous spears gather!"

However, at this time, a cold drink, a poisonous spear burning a green flame, shot to the poison.

Suddenly, the poisonous stunned, and quickly smashed the first smashing out, a poisonous blade smashed out on the poisonous spear, and the two attacks collided.

"Oh, finally there is a chance for the fat man to shoot!"

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