The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1591: : Earthfire

"Emperor, this evil attack is too strange. It can attack the soul directly. It is impossible to prevent it. We are not opponents."

A retired Tianying realm peak leader was shocked. ★ starting chasing book help ★

The devil's face is iron and blue, but there is still a trace of horror in the eyes. Looking at the evil spirits of the strong under his own hands, the heart also gave birth to a chill.

"Afraid of what, we have a fairy, I don't believe, fight this evil!"

The devil's emperor suppressed the horror of the heart.

In his body, a ray of light is a serpentine jade.

This jade has a terrible power, and it is a treasure of the fairy level.

This Xianbao is also the treasure of the kingdom of the Devils.

The magical power of the demon king rushed into the black jade, the black jade radiance was generous, and the pattern was intertwined, almost sucking up the magical power of the devil's emperor.


Under the flash of light, a behemoth appeared in the magic cloud rolling.

This is a black giant python, wearing a black scales with palms and a row of magic thorns growing from head to tail. It has a hundred feet and exudes a magical power.


This black scorpion appeared a terrible magic dollar rolling, the power is not weak, a robbery.


The devil's feet stepped on the black konjac, and the devil roared and smothered to the evil spirits.

"Hey, fairy magic"

The evil spirit stunned and looked at the konjac to kill, not afraid.


In the mouth of the konjac, a magical rainbow was spit out. This magical rainbow contained a terrible force. The void was shattered and broken, and the mainland space enchantment could not bear this power.

The evil spirits flashed and escaped the attack. However, behind him, one of his men was bombarded, and the explosion immediately became a powder.

"The owner is careful, it is the treasure of the town of the king."

The emperors of the evil spirits were shocked and reminded.

This fairy magic snake is a demon device that detains a powerful konjac soul as a spirit. The main force of the absorber can erupt the power of the fairy magic.


The black scorpion's tail was pulled out, and the tail slid across the void, pulling out a long hollow tail to sweep toward the evil spirits.

"Ha ha ha ha, a district magic weapon, today let you see the real magical power of my evil spirits"

Evil mad laughter, the magic knife in the hand broke out a terrible knife, the tears of a knife, the knife smashed the sky, directly opened the tail.

The konjac also spit out the magic rainbow, and the evil spirits screamed at the knife, and the sword was turned into two halves.

"What, this, how can this guy resist a blow from the robbery!"

The devil, the emperor, was scared and almost didn’t jump.

"Shentong, the devil's sword!"

The evil spirits roared, and in the spirit sea, a powerful soul power poured into the knife, and the magic knife burned a fire of soul.


A knife smashed out, and a knife that burned the flame of the soul slammed into the konjac.


This konjac soul is the sorcerer of the fairy tales formed by the spirit gathering magical demon. The konjac is smashed, and it instantly burns and the devil is burned.

The konjac, burning has become a force of the soul to dissipate.

The devil's emperor smashed, and the fairy magic snake in his hand fainted.

At this time, the evil spirits were killed, and the devil's emperor scared the three souls and shivered.

"Stop, I surrender!"

The devil is shocked and stunned.


The evil spirits flashed a terrible knife, and the devil's head flew away, a soul, and was detained in the hands of evil spirits.

"Forgive, forgive!"

The demon screams, but is smashed into a group of souls by the evil spirits, directly devour the entrance.


The followers of other Devil's Emperors saw this scene scared pale, one by one hurriedly retreat, and exhaled in the mouth.

This war, evil spirits, thoroughly mastered the whole country of the Devil, the entire demonic group of the mainland.

No one knows that in this corner of the mainland, a real demon, rising in the dark, has formed a climate that can incite the mainland.

Time is another two years.

Tianfeng Dynasty, in a palace, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, dark clouds, a terrible pressure sweeping the entire state.

Above the palace, there was a crack in the enchantment of the space. A colorful fairy scented from the void and flocked to the world.

"Everyone, withdraw from my palace!"

In this palace, a resounding voice sounded.

The guards in the palace quickly rushed out of the palace, and after a few kilometers of retreat, they were shocked and looked into the palace.

"This, what's wrong with this?"

"What a terrible pressure, what happened to his old man?"

These Shura Wang Weis were shocked to look at the top of the palace, and the colorful celestial clouds shrouded.

Subsequently, a group of figures flew, are the emperors of the Tianfeng dynasty.

"This, this breath is, you have to rob the fairy, too old emperor to his old man, is it necessary to cross the fairy into a fairy!"

Hua Feng old man looked at this scene excitedly.


Soon, the earth trembled and the earthquake started. The entire Zhongzhou City could feel the earthquake.


The earth cracked a gap, the rift, and at this moment, the entire state was shocked.

Fortunately, the buildings in the cultivation industry are all sturdy, and the array is reinforced, so as not to collapse in the earthquake.

In the depths of 10,000 meters below the earth, in the lungs of the earth, a terrible red-yellow lung fire rushed out and rushed to the top of the earth.

In the fire of the lungs, there is a force of burning the road, and the power is amazing. This fire of the lungs instantly wraps the entire palace.

The defensive array of the palace was instantly destroyed by burning, and the palaces were burned to ashes and ruins.

And a figure, but a vaguely sitting in the ground fire, was burned by the ground.

"Three disasters and nine robberies, ground fire robbery!"

Countless people looked at the surging fire and stunned. This was the first disaster in the funeral, and the fire was robbed.

The ground fire is quenching, the soul, and the introduction of the immortality into the body, transforming the Yuan Yuan slowly into the fairy power, achieving the robbing of the fruit.

"The enchanting, he is more enchanting than the emperor of the emperor. What is the existence of Mutian, the practice is too fast, and the enlightenment is too fast."

Hua Feng was shocked, and at the same time, there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

He stopped at the peak for hundreds of years without further, and this Mutian practice is triumphant all the way, without any bottlenecks.

"Hua Lao, how long does it take to get a fire robbery?"

Asked to expand Qinghai.

Although they are also shocked, but thinking that Mu Tian is a demon swearing Mu Feng, it is not surprising, the old man is not enchanting, how to give birth to a enchanting son?

"This depends on the strength. It is said that the stronger the talent, the more time it takes for the robbery to take over, because their strength and harder to transform, in general, within ten days, but this place Fire robbery is dangerous, and half of the immortals are on the robbery."

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