The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1593: : Daqian World

"The big world, the universe, the continent, but a constant sand in the ocean of the universe, only the world like the fairy world can get the table. Of course, the monks smell the words, regardless of the order, the resources in the Hengsha world are scarce and difficult. Some people smelled Xiandeng, but they could become immortals. Everyone is determined to be determined and persevering. The world of Hengsha is small, but the immortals who have come out of the Hengsha world are very popular disciples among the major fairy forces."

"However, this platform is now limiting your growth for you."

Mu Tian sighed. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing][book][help]

He seems to think of some forgetting things. If he used to, he might let Mu Feng stand on the shoulders of giants and grow up with the top geniuses.

"Father, what about the strength of those who are geniuses in the fairy world?"

Mu Feng asked.

"If it is against the people in the world of Hengsha, they also have the ability to crush in the same realm. Besides, because of the strong practice of their cultivation, the power of the realm in the fairy world is also very strong. After all, the world The laws of the universe are more powerful, except for some ordinary geniuses, and there are many genius characters born with unique ability."

"For example, you have heard of Lord Luo."

Mu Tian suddenly said.

"Well, I often listen to the moon, Loh, is one of the masters of this universe."

Mu Feng nodded.

"Luozhu, the life of Luo Yu, the ninth reincarnation of cultivation and the true spirit is not lost, the soul is not destroyed, and finally the achievement of the avenue, the universe dominates, you know, what kind of genius is he?"

Mu Tian sighed, and there was also admiration in his eyes.

"The ninth reincarnation of cultivation is not dead!"

Mu Feng heard the words were scared, and there are people who can reincarnate in the reincarnation of ninth?

"He is essentially a reincarnation of the world. He is born into a reincarnation. The world is not destroyed. His soul will never die. You can even borrow the power of a world. You say, if you are right. Such a character, do you have the power to resist?"

Mu Tian asked.

Mu Feng is amazed, with the help of a world! What a terrible power? He thinks he does not have that strength.

"And the landlord of Luo is the most powerful body of the celestial being. In addition, he also has a burning tunnel to burn the heavens, the strongest body of the fire, and the power of the universe. There is no such thing as a superb name. In addition to his body, there are many other powerful bodies in the universe. For example, the most powerful nine-thousand sacred body of the thunder! The representative figure is the lord, and the lord is your inheritance. The power of the law, the space of the Tao, the body of the stars, the body of the war, etc."

"Of course, these are the most famous celestial bodies in the universe. The people in these bodies are the top geniuses in the universe, and they are destined to become powerful. There are millions of people like this."

"There are many ordinary Taoist bodies, fire-spirited Taoist bodies, Leiling Taoist bodies, five-way Taoist bodies, etc. Although ordinary, but also relative to those top-level Taoist geniuses, they are also rare geniuses among mortals, big forces. The talents that are regarded as treasures. These people are born with natural care, fast cultivation, such genius, do you want to fight for a battle?

Mu Tian asked again.

In the heart of Mu Feng, there has been a burning battle.

"miss you!"

There is no hesitation in this word.

"Ha ha ha ha, of course, you are not bad, although I don't know how much Rafa, who you are practicing now, can cultivate in the future, but since it is the mainstay of the thunder, I don't think it will be bad, and don't say your Leifa, you If you can practice your Shura bloodline and achieve Shura Shinto, you can also laugh at one side. The ancestors of the Shura people once fought against the universe with the Lord, and they have the power of the world. The strength is not necessarily worse than that of the Lord."

Mu Tian laughed.

Mu Feng heard a heartfelt move and learned a more important news from him. He asked: "Father, since the Shura people are following the big family who fought against the universe, why did Shura fall into the end of being oppressed by angels?"

"Oh, this Xiu Luo is not a Xiu Shuluo, just like the Terran, many worlds in the universe have Shura. The Shura people in Tianwuxianjie are not the Shura people who followed the Lord Luo, and you can’t be a small family of white feathers. Background is deeper than you think."

Mu Tian smiled, and his face gradually became dignified.

Mu Feng looked at his father's face and knew that there was too much involved behind it. I am afraid that behind her mother, it also involved many things that he could not imagine if he could not reach it.

"Right, why do you know so many things about your father, especially about the Lord?"

Mu Feng asked questions.

"I can tell you some things. When I say it, I have a relationship with Luo. The world I was born in is not the mainland, nor the Tianwuxian world above the mainland, but another world."

Mu Tian said.

"Another fairy world?"

Mu Feng is like a student who knows nothing about school and listens carefully.

"The cultivation culture of the world is famous for its prosperity and prosperity. It is also the world where the Lord was born. I have practiced in the most powerful Zongmen in the world. Luozhu once served as the sect of the sect. I said, I should also It is called the Lord of the Lord, and the most powerful exercises in the door are all left by the Lord, and the sacred sacred ritual for the father’s cultivation is one of the exercises of the town of Luo. This practice is the ultimate practice, and it can also achieve a powerful body."

Mu Tian smiled, Mu Feng heard the horror of the heart and also sighed his father's history.

"Lord Lord don't mention anything, it's too far from your realm. You should think about it. When you decide to tell your father, yes, you are ready for the holy sacred thing, whether you follow it or not. For the father to go to the fairyland, this teaching cannot remain in the mainland, or it will inevitably threaten the safety of the Shura."

Mu Tian said.

Mu Feng returned to God, nodded, and with a heart and mind, left the new palace where his father lived.

He went out of the palace and walked on the street, unconsciously, and came to Tianfeng College.

This Tianfeng College is also built like a palace. The courtyard gates are hundreds of feet high. The monks who wore the words of Tianfeng talked and laughed in and out. Most of the disciples in the realm of Yuandan.

There are also many architectural treasures in the college, covered by practice.

The disciple of Mu Feng, Chu Chen is now practicing in Tianfeng College.

"Ordinary people are eager for a better place to practice, competing for the platform, what do I have to hesitate?"

Mu Feng looked at the disciples of Tianfeng College. If they felt something, they decided indifferently and they already had a decision.

"Then go to fight for the battle, the so-called celestial celestial arrogance! I, Mu Feng, I wish to be plain and mediocrity!"

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