The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1785: : Yu Ren Xiandi

The pain of burning flames swept through, the veins, the bones, and even the soul. The surface of Mu Feng burned red red flame, the skin became red and hot, and the surface temperature reached a point of melting gold and wrought iron. This book is the first ↘ ↘ .. Book. Help ↘

In the heart of the thunder, the hail of the gods thundered out, lowered the temperature of the body surface, and made Mu Feng suffer a lot. Mu Feng clenched his teeth and refining the stone. The stone was refining into the thunder and absorbed a lot of thunder. force.

In the body of Dantian, the eggs of Lingyun have also absorbed the power of this kind of thunder.

Beads are guarded by the side, not to let the beasts in the magma approach.

On the stone island ten thousand meters above the magma, Mu Tian and others also lived in this Xiao family, waiting for Mu Feng to refine the gods.

After the passage of time, after a month, a group of figures came from the distant seas and flew into the fairyland of the stream, and soon after, they came to the city of Tianmo.

A total of ten people, and these ten people are dressed in white robes, with wings floating behind them, two of them growing four pairs of white feathers.

These feathers are extremely powerful and will be in the city of Tianmo.

Tianmo Wangcheng, the night cold king has already returned, and he was also angry when he learned that his palace was looted by the Ouyang family. At the same time, he sent people to find the whereabouts of Ouyang.

"This is the king city of the family where Xiu Luo Xiandi is?"

Among the ten white-winged people, one of them was a middle-aged man who asked for a half-foot long man.

"Yes, the general family is here."

Orte of the Orr family asked with respect.

After he clarified the general family, the general family sent people. These ten feathers, two of them are the feathers of the emperor, and the other eight are also the top Xianjun.

There are four major veins in the general family of Yuren. They are among the generals of the Yuren, the Dongye family, and the four major veins of the Beidou, Ximen and Nanxuan families.

"A group of mourning dogs are also dare to show their limelight."

This man Xiandi's face was cold, and then a powerful fairy thought swept out. In the fairy, there was also a force of the overbearing god.

I saw that the fairy tales spread and spread. Almost a dozen breaths covered the land of 100,000 miles, covering more than a dozen cities, and the entire Tianmo Wangcheng was under the cover.

Numerous robberies, Xianjun strong people have a strong sense of being snooped, but this strong immortal makes them horrified.

"This is the power that is so diffusing?"

There are those who are stunned by the immortal king. This strong immortality makes him feel the suppression, and only the powerful characters in the realm of the emperor.

"Well, no!"

The Xiandi brow wrinkled and did not detect the atmosphere of the Shura.

Sensitivity to the Shura people's breath, only the Yu people are the strongest, other races may not be able to identify Shura Yuanli, but the Yu people can directly sense Shura Yuanli.

This was also the first time that Mu Fengyi used Shura Yuanli and was immediately spotted by Orffan.

"Adults, it seems that they have withdrawn in advance."

Orte frowned.

"They are not stupid. Since they are exposed, they must know that my family will chase and kill, and will not stay here for a long time. However, there are some unexpected gains."

This Dongye Xiandi showed a sneer.

His body moved, almost a moment is a hundred miles distance, a few breaths, it flew over a thousand miles, equivalent to a straight line from Zhejiang to Guizhou and other places in a dozen seconds, how fast can use a hanging word describe.

And this is a gravitational world like the fairy world. If there is no gravitational space in the universe, the speed can reach the speed of light.

In a blink of an eye, he came to a strange city, which is the Jiahe City in the desert state.

In Jiahe City, Hu Family and Hu Family are also an old family in Jiahe City. There are tens of thousands of years of age, there are also hundreds of people who are robbing the strong, and one is Xianjun.

Dongye Xiandi came to the Hu family, and a terrible pressure directly fell on the land of Hujiafangyuan.

"Where did the seniors come to my Hu family?"

Among the Hu family, there was a horrifying voice, and a figure appeared in the sky. One of the Xianjun strong people asked in amazement.

At first sight, the feathers of the eight-winged face changed greatly.

"The Shura family is quite hidden."

Dongye Xiandi showed a sneer.

This Hu family is also a Shura family, but the scale is far less than the Ouyang family.

"Not good, let the people escape!"

The Hu nationality roared.

"Escape? In the hands of the Emperor, can you escape?"

In the hands of Dongye Xiandi, the fairy light flashed, and a terrible fairy power swept out, covering a hundred miles, the entire Hu family.

Subsequently, a hot white fairy light vented like a raindrop, landed on the earth and shot into the Hu family.


The Hu family screamed, and the body became Shura. The body burned a white light and fire, and it was turned into ashes in the fire.

Within a hundred miles, it became a white sea of ​​fire, and the immortals of the realm of robbing the fairy could not stop a light fairy.

"Do not……"

This Shura Xianjun is mournful and looks at the millions of people who are dying.

"Why? We are already obsessed with the name and we are not willing to let us go, why!"

This monk Xianjun roared into a kilometer Shura, burning nine drops of blood, fighting a battle, burning life, repaired to the peak of Xianjun realm.

He roared and angered and rushed to the Dongye family, and the blood rainbow was lifted.

"Why? Because you are dirty underground reptiles, not flying in the sky, as a Shura, it is a death sin!"

This Dongye Xiandi saw him rushing, his face was indifferent, and he underestimated the palm of his hand and smashed the opponent's attack.

Subsequently, a bright **** seal condensed, screamed from the sky, slammed in the body of this Shura.



This Xiu Luo Xianjun was smashed by a printed body, smashed the whole body, fell to the ground, pulled out a big pit, vomiting blood in his mouth, his heart, his Shura heart was broken.

In the eyelids, all are tears, all blood.

"Is it a sin to be a Shura? Then I am going to die, don't be doing Shura..."

He murmured, all the pain in his eyes, because of this identity, his people, relatives, wives and children were all fallen.

He screamed, and the gods led the reincarnation space, and they voluntarily fell into the reincarnation.

"Unfortunately, I will not give you this opportunity to become a Shura, and the qualifications for death and reincarnation are not worthy."

This Dongye Xiandi indifferent road, a bright fire into the other gods.


This Xiu Luo Xianjun screams, burned by the light of the gods, the gods are burned to the ashes, and the true spirits are also annihilated and completely degraded between heaven and earth.

Hundreds of miles of land, a ridiculous, whole Hu family, was wiped out from the world by hard life.

Shura was ruthless to the angels, and the angels never softened the Shura.

It’s just that Tiandou’s reincarnation is fixed, and today’s Shura’s blood debt, he will be repaid!

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