The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1799: : Three desires to die

"Budget, what is the situation? Guard?"

This Xianjun strongman has a blue gown, and his appearance is also handsome. A pair of eyelids emits golden light and looks at the ruined shopping mall with a gloomy face. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing][book][help]

Fan Li also frowned at this scene, and this happened just after returning to the family.

"Kun adults, son!"

The team's guards flew over and respected the group.

"What do you think of the field? What are you doing with this waste? Who is the field?"

This Xianjun strong face, smashing his face is a burst of drinking.

"Adult, this, this, the little people can't stop it. The two women are on the field, and the woman is the fairy of Taishang, we can't offend."

The guard captain said bitterly.

"The fairy of Taishang!"

This Xianjun strong Fan Kun heard his face changed slightly and looked at the two women who fought. As the guards pointed out, they saw the female disciples of the group. They immediately angered the three points and were really female disciples.

How did the female disciple of the sect come to Jinluo Island?

"is her!"

Fan Li looked at a woman who was fighting, and there was a smack of sin in her eyes.

It is the woman next to the kid.

"The Six Devils Open the Sky!"

Little beautiful and low-lying, dancing and dancing, the magic is rolling, the whole person is like a peerless witch.

The six demon gods roared, and the power of the six devils poured into her body. A huge magical axe in her hand condensed. This axe is like the axe that was born when the universe was born, crossed the space, crossed a A few kilometers of axe went straight to the cloud.

This blow, Xiaomei has already moved the real anger, the power is tyrannical, and the Seven Robbery Wonders can also be killed.

"Too much forgiveness, three desires to die!"

In the clouds and clear scorpions, the sharp murder was also revealed. The sword was turned into a white rainbow, and it was divided into hundreds of scabbards. The swordsmanship was condensed into a sword pattern, and a sword in the imaginary sky was formed. .

In the sword array, the three stalks of the swordsmanship condensed and smashed out, containing three kinds of great power.

"Death, broken desire, missed! This magical power, Zongmen passed to the cloud sister!"

"This is the magical power that transcends the fairy tales. Only the power of forgetting the feelings of the lockers can be exerted."

The emperors of Taishangzong were amazed, and there was a hint of envy in their eyes, as well as awe.

"Hey, if you want to learn, you can also learn to change your mind and lock your heart. But, do you have that power?"

The sister is cold.

Other fairy tongues, no words, people live forever, wonderful is all kinds of love, really want to seal their own become no desire, no joy, only know how to cultivate immortal, then what is the fun of life longevity?

Changed to the man, let you swing the knife from the palace to become the uninhibited **** to practice the sunflower collection, dare you? It is estimated that there are not a few guys who have the courage. With that courage, it is not a man.

In Taisong, there are not many people who have the power.

The teacher and sister looked at the little beauty that fought with Yunqing, and the thoughts flowed in their eyes.

The Mu Feng, who is often said in this woman's mouth, may be the key to forgetting the feelings of the Yunshi girl.

Years ago, she went back to her hometown to settle down some grievances. On her way back to the fairyland, she met Yun Qingyu, who almost died in the turbulent space. She rescued her and found that Yunqing and her practice are the same sect, and they also use The secret technique of forgetting the feelings and locking the heart.

When she was shocked, she brought back Zongmen and told the incident. At that time, she also caused quite a stir in Zongmen. She thought that it was a forgotten genius given to Zong.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The three peerless swords lighted out from the sword array, and the three swords staggered.

Hey! Hey! Oh...

These three swords directly smashed this shocking axe, and Jiandao Jianguang also cut through the small and beautiful Xianyuan defense and cut it into the body.


The blood splatters, the small beautiful body is smashed by three swords, the flesh is everted, the blood is dripping, and there is a sword light on the face, the whole person is directly disfigured.

And the power of forgetting to corrode in the wound, constantly invading the small beautiful body,

"Beautiful sister!"

Kong Yan and Tuo Yuer exclaimed, and quickly went to pick up the little beauty that fell.

"Cloud clear!"

To expand the Yu Er angry, they are a few women, but the sisters of love, the body of the fairy power is also swept out, the same is the top of the cold attribute of the fairy law, the North is cold!

"Yuer... cough...!"

Little beautiful and bloody, facial flesh and valgus, looks extremely scary, she shouted weak.

"You are not her opponent, don't fight with her."

Xiaomei was busy, looking to the clouds and clearing her eyes, and there were also silky taboos in her eyes. She felt that Yun Qingyi still left her hand, otherwise the might of the three swords could annihilate her.

Tuo Yuer’s teeth angered and looked at Yunqing, she couldn’t understand why Mu Feng was so obsessed with this woman.

Yun Qingyu indifference received Yuan Li, and the sword array formed in the void also disappeared instantly.

"This is my last warning. I will use my hands again to kill me next time!"

Yunqing’s cold and indifferent road turned and flew to his sisters and sisters.

"Sister, let's go."

Yun Qingyi said to the sister.

"Well, although they are your fellow countrymen, I don't think they have any good intentions for you. Don't contact them in the future. You can't bear to kill them. Your sister can help you."


"This time I spared a life, it is not an example."

Cloud clear and indifferent.

The group of people left here to speak.

"Do you need to pass the voice to the Lord?"

Kong Yan frowned.

"This woman, not worthy of Mu Feng, don't pass it to him." Tuo Yuer said coldly.

"Beautiful sister, how is your injury? Go, let's go find Jichuan to heal you."

Tuo Yuer looked at the small beautiful bruises, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable. The beautiful sister Ziyun was the most loved Mu Feng. I don’t know why Mu Feng’s pig head was thinking about the indifferent woman Yun Qing.

I think that there is a burst of anger in the heart of the extension of Yu'er, so good.

"Several people, ruining our Fan’s shopping mall, causing such a big loss, would you like to leave?"

At this time, a voice of indifference came, and the figure walked into the air, surrounded by small beautiful three women.

Fan Li, the Xianjun strong and a group of guards surrounded, surrounded by three women.

The disciples of Taishangzong did not dare to provoke them. These three gimmicks, their Fan family are still not afraid, let alone some contradictory hatreds.

"It's you!"

Tuobaer recognized Fan Li at a glance and sneered: "You have not been afraid of Mu Feng? Dare to block our grandmother's road."

Fan Li heard that the sneer on his face was sullen and turned into a sinister poison.

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