The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1828: : Wan Poison Tower

However, as the fighting time lengthened, the wars of the warfare were more and more dead, and more and more warriors had to flee into the medicine tower of Yaochuan. ★ watch ★ most ★ new ★ chapter ★ section ★ hundred ★ degrees ★ search ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

This medicine tower is black in color and divided into three parts. The interior is engraved with space space and self-contained space. It is also a life-saving magic weapon that Jichuan himself cultivates and cultivates. The third layer of medicine tower contains medicine power, which can be used to restore healing. It is also his special refining for his brothers.

And there are more and more abyss swordsmen coming from all directions in the distance. The constant gathering and killing, no less than a thousand people, the situation of the battle front is getting worse and worse, and there are already 40 or so warriors who have had serious injuries. Escape into the medicine tower.

"Qinghai, what should I do? Feng Ge has not come yet, this group of magic scorpions is getting more and more."

Mu madly shouted, flying a deep abyss sword, and his back was also sneaked out by another sneak attacking abyss sword.

"Get out!"

Mu screaming, the dragon 吟 吟 啸 通 通 通 通 通 通 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷

Mu mad body and Yuan double repair, and now also reached the realm of the six robbery wonderland, the power is not weak under the outbreak of the general, the nine tyrannical wonderland strong, anti-strike ability is amazing.

"Remove first, you can't be surrounded."

To expand the Qinghai Daxie Road, a sword out, Han Mangdong kill a sword.

"Yugawa, cover everyone to retreat!"

"Take me the pills for you, the fat man wants to enlarge the trick, and give these magic scorpions a surprise."

Yaochuan Daxie Road.

Sura, who had all the battles at the same time, quickly took a cyan pill and refining it into the body.

"Poisonous Emperor Pagoda, Thousands of poisons, give me the town!"

Yaochuan was low-lying, and the body's poisonous powers rushed into his own medicine tower.

The poisonous royal medicine tower was turned into a giant of ten feet. In the first layer, a black poisonous mist suddenly swept out and covered the spread, covering a radius of a hundred miles.

The hourly old tree in the radius of a hundred miles began to rot.


An abyss swordman inhaled a thousand poisonous gas, screaming out, and the body began to wither and rot.

In an instant, there are dozens of abyss swordsmen poisoned and screamed to the ground, other abyss swordsmen quickly defended the magic Yuan, sealed their own breathing, although their IQ is touching, but also know how to defend against poisonous gas and the like.

And this thousand poisonous hegemony, actually began to erode their power, a famous abyss swordsman left the area.

The people at the front of the battle, surrounded by a cyan force, resisted the poisonous airflow.

"Haha, this is not over yet, let's try the drug lords cultivated by the fat man."

Yaochuan sneered, the second layer of the poisonous tower lighted up, and saw a large group of black-pressed mites flying out of the second layer.

These locusts, each of which is only the size of a person's palm, looks like a huge black bee, with a one-foot-long poisonous needle at the end, such as the same handle.

"Swordtail Bee!"


Thousands of scorpion bee stings swept out and rushed to the battlefield. The poisonous needle at the tail spurred out, containing the toxicity of the swordtail bee.

Hey! Hey! Hey...!

Hundreds of venomous light spurred out like a storm pear.

Hey! Hey! Hey...!

An abyss knife magic defense body was pierced, dozens of poisonous needles in the body, poison gas burst in an instant.


This abyss knife screams, the body is alive, the soul, instantly eroded by poison gas on the ground, no less than hundreds of abyss swordsman fell.

"Haha, dead fat man, well done, brothers, withdraw!"

Mu madly laughed.

"A good fart, these sword poison bees fire a needle at a time. To feed and raise it, you need to buy a lot of poisonous flowers to feed them. You give me money."

Yaochuan Road, quickly received the drug tower, a group of people fled.


However, at this time, a more powerful magical spirit swept from the other direction, in the distance, and a group of abyss swordsmen killed, this group of abyss swords and magical realm is no less than five robbery, the number is also four or five hundred There are many.

This group of abyss swordsmen flew and spread, and quickly surrounded the Yaochuan and others, and the abyss and swords that had been forced back by the poison gas again forced them up again.

"His grandmother, this time is not easy to do."

Mu mad and others looked back in a circle and looked at the square, his face dignified.

"Tear them!"

A nine-royal wonderland abyss knife magic.

Hey! Hey! Hey! ......!

Nearly a thousand abyss swordsmen have come round again.

"Brothers, kill a **** road!"

To expand the low-lying road in Qinghai.


At this time, the outside is reminded of a violent thunder roar.

"Destroyed Leiyang!"

A Leiyanghua, who did not know how long it had saved the thunder, rushed to the thunder and smashed in the air.


The terrible Thunder's explosive power spread instantly. There were celestial winds and thunders, there were ice and thunder gods, stone sacred gods and thunders, and all the way to gather the heavens and the earth's thunder force broke out. Hundreds of abyss swordsmen were swallowed in an instant, and were torn into thunder powder by the Thunder.


On the outskirts of the explosion, hundreds of people were struck by the power of the Thunder and were shocked by the waves.

A figure turned into a lightning-fast appearance, and soon rushed into the encirclement through dozens of miles, and came to the crowd.

"Feng brother!"

When everyone saw this figure, they seemed to have a heart.

"Is it too late?"

Mu Feng smiled.

"Haha, it's not too late, it's time."

Everyone laughed, and they regained their spirits in an instant. As long as the front brother is there, everyone will feel peace of mind.

And those abyss swordsmen who were shocked by the turbulent waves and stopped and stunned again gathered again. The number of opponents is still far more than the number of war fronts. The battle front is now able to fight, only over 150 people, and most of them. It also burned the blood and quickly entered the period of weakness.


The Abyss Knife smashed up from the Eight-Party Void.

Mu Feng stepped out step by step, only to see the force of his feet rolling out to cover all directions, but a few breaths, gathered a myriad of patterns covering hundreds of miles.

"Array, Qi Xian!"

The young man screamed coldly, and the metal of the heavens and the earth in the circle of hundreds of miles condensed, and numerous golden swords light condensed and appeared. Thousands of golden swords light condensed and smashed and smashed out!

The 诛 剑 sword array, the strongest has nine-order pattern, the weakest is also the seventh-order pattern, is one of the most powerful killings in the ancient inflammation.

Breathing condenses the seventh-order upper-class 诛 剑 sword array, now Mu Feng's martial arts repair does not know what the realm, of course, his current soul power, has surpassed too many years ago.

Thousands of swords were intertwined, and countless swordsmen were killed in the fear of snoring. Finally, they also knew the fear. After leaving a body, they fled in horror and escaped from the scope of the sword.

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