The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1956: : The Devil Wars (1)

The hard thunder bones, it seems that the power of the Huangquan Shenlei can not be corroded, and at this time, the tyrannical Leiyuan condenses, and the five internal organs of Mu Feng actually re-aggregate, flesh and blood, Yuanmai, have emerged, and are very strange, born In flesh and blood, it absorbs the original strength of Huangquan Shenlei. ★ watch ★ most ★ new ★ chapter ★ section ★ hundred ★ degrees ★ search ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

"What kind of strange people are the strange and wonderful exercises of this kid?"

Feng Ling shocked and said.

In the fairy country of Mu Feng, the ninth Shenquan, and even the tenth Shenquan are all cohesive, the skill is growing wildly, the power of Huangquan Shenlei is also absorbed by the refining, the **** of the birth of Huangquan Shenlei The wisdom is already weak.

The passage of time is five years in a blink of an eye.

In the outside world, this year, the two chambers of the Xian and Devils broke out in a real comprehensive war.

Under the mighty stars, the power of the fairy magic gathers boiling, and the powerful energy fills the heavens and the earth for 100,000 miles. The 100,000 meters of the starry sky can feel this terrible power and the momentum of convergence.

Under the starlight, two batches of torrents are under the stars, one side of the magic is rolling, and one side is rushing.

On the side of the disciple's disciples, almost six million people gather together, the demon family, the sword demon family, the one-eyed troll family, the shadow demon family, and the great demon strong people gather in the sky.

Magic Tianxiang, Guan Xuan, Bacheng, Charm Girl, the top powerhouses among these magical camps are among them.

On the side of the Xianyuan, the number of people is much less, almost half, only three million. Of course, the people in Xianyuan are much less than the magician.

After years of trials and trials, both sides have fallen into too many people.

In this battle, the disciples of the two chambers seem to have endured enough of this century of war and trials.

Above the starry sky of the two camps, a group of Xianyuan supervised by the commander of the Qing Dynasty, and the demon emperor led by the Dean of the Devil's Court, are all concerned about this battle.

"Green, the result of this battle is almost certain."

The child laughed and looked at the two camps below, and seemed to have great confidence in the side of the magic house.

"The four emperors, and among the disciples of your Xianyuan, but the two emperors, the results of this battle are almost certain."

A supervised war emperor said confidently.

Dean of the Qing dynasty did not speak, but the look was also two heavy.

The other supervised war emperors, the face is even more dignified.

"President, these little guys are too impatient. The trial time of the war is still long. I want to win a game now, oh..."

A supervised war emperor sighed.

"We are only supervising and have no right to interfere. This is the war of their young people. The war between the two demons is enriched on them, and they are already cruel."

The president of Qinglan said indifferently.

"Is everything ready for the loss?"

The child awakened and laughed, but the fairy side was laughing.

"Mo is too imaginary, this battle, you have no chance of winning, you will not admit defeat, you can also save your life."

Magic Tianxiang sneered.

"Prefer to lose, I am too vain to practice 560 years, still do not know these two words, come to war. This battle, set for the world!"

Mo Tai was indifferent and said.

"Well, except for the loss of understanding to Mu Feng, my magic Tianxiang also does not know the word defeat, come to fight!"

Magic Tianxiang roared.


More than six million magic fairy roar, Wan Moe.


Mo is too angry, and the killing of the fairy school is shocking.


Two energy torrents rushed to the other side, and the figure swayed the magic light, the magic weapon, killing the other side, and the 100,000-mile scorpion turned into the battlefield of the fairy.

The people at the front are one of them.

Magic Tianxiang bears the brunt, the terrible star magic yuan is released, the nine-day starry sky, the power of the stars is coherent, and the power of the emperor is pressing.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Countless immortal celestial methods, magical powers, magic weapons, gathered into a terrible torrent of shock to the magic Tianxiang, under such power, the ordinary Xiandi strong did not dare to face the edge.


The magic Tianxiang roars, the body is turned into a thousand ancient demon, the magic body supports the sky, exudes an indestructible momentum, and the ten channels cover the power of the powerful blood in the magic wings.

"The power of the sun, the sun is burning, burning!"

The magic Tianxiang roared, igniting the power of the sun, turning into a golden fire of the sky, sweeping the magical powers that flooded countless attacks, magic weapons, and blast into the crowd.


A stalwart of the late Xianjun was screaming, and the mourning was annihilated by the sun god. His body protection did not resist a few moments. The whole person instantly burned into ash, and the gods abandoned their students and lost.

"Do not……!"

A large number of strong men shrouded in his terrible sun **** fire, directly burned and killed, a magical power, hundreds of immortals.

"Taiyin cold wave, drop!"

Subsequently, his second wave of supernatural powers came, and the power of the Taiyin stars was taken down, turned into a terrible cold current, and swept into the battlefield, supernatural powers, and the magic weapon defended his first sun gods and fires. Ice cubes.

"The power of Jinchen, Geng Jinjian burst!"

Subsequently, the Venus in the universe released the power of the stars, and was introduced into the body by the magic Tianxiang, releasing a terrible sacred stream of swords, condensing countless swords and smashing hundreds of thousands of meters of heaven and earth.

Three strokes of God passed, hundreds of thousands of meters around the magic Tianxiang, almost empty, the attacking and killing disciples of the Xianyuan only left the gods who were frightened and defeated, too strong, the strength of the magic Tianxiang, the ordinary Xiandi probably can be him The second is not known to the mother, these Xianjun is even more difficult to resist.

Star Wars, one of the anti-sky warfare, adapts to the power of various stars in the universe, attacks, and the power of the gods can be vast, even in the plane of the peak of the universe, Magic Tianxiang can also kill a world of its own, not the universe The name of the level genius.


A five-kilometer-long one-eyed troll, the body shape makes people fear, and the sky is standing on the ground. Holding a hand-opened magic axe, this side is full of turmoil, and the power of dispersal is also the level of the emperor. The body of the body is erupting a terrible skill.

The top Tianjiao in the Magic Academy, hegemony!

"Open the magic axe!"

The tyrant is axe, and the terrible axe tears 100,000 meters of space, and hundreds of centuries screams, and the body protector is released, shrouded in this axe.

Hey! Hey! Hey...!

However, they were smashed and smashed one by one, and they could not resist it.

In his huge one-eyed eye, he even shot out the red-red magical light and swept the sky.


A Xianjun strong man was swept in, the Yuanshen stinging, as if Wan was split, the Yuanshen was then directly shredded, the head exploded, and the fire of the original source was reunited at the time of the gods, and countless Xianjun was This terrible light was directly smashed and killed, and only some people with guards and magic weapons resisted.

This one-eyed troll family's talented magical martial arts can directly attack the gods, which is also terrible.

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