The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1973: : Fight for God Tea

This time, Mu Feng's rewards are extremely rich, but his interests for the Xianyuan are even more generous. ★ first ★ hair ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

As a defeated party, the devil's resources will be huge, and the Xianyuan still does not know how much it can be distributed.

At the end of the awards ceremony, the crowd has not yet dispersed, and no number of lights have gathered on Mu Feng. All the eyes are envious or revered.

This time, Mu Feng can be said to be the biggest winner in the disciples of the Xianyuan.

"Ha ha ha ha, congratulations, congratulations to Mu Feng Xiaoyou."

At this time, a lot of people gathered to smile at Mu Feng, and there was a trace of sorrow in the depths of his eyes.

Mu Feng looked at these people slightly different, turned out to be the strongest of the Xiandi level, it seems to be the long old man in the Xianyuan.

In the Beihai Xianyuan, the strongest in the realm of Xiandi can be the elder, and the elders also have high and low. The ordinary elders are also between the 20 gods and the 80 gods, and the distinguished elders of the emperor It is the top Xiandi.

"Wangfu, the elder of the Shendan Temple, can you make friends with Mu Feng?"

The old man in a black alchemy robe looked at Mu Feng and smiled.

"Haha, Mu Feng's younger friend is a young man who is invincible. The future is bound to be limitless. The elders of the Xianyuan Shenbingge, the East Eagle, also want to make friends like Mu Feng Xiaoyou."

"And me, Wu Ming, Mu Feng Xiaoyou helped me to win the glory of the Fairy, so that we all have light on our faces."

An elder of the Xiandi level came over and made a self-report.

The disciples around me were even more exclaimed.

"God, it is the emperor Wang Lidi, the emperor of the Shendan Temple. This is the Dan Dao Master of the 9th-order Shangpin."

"There is also the East Eagle Emperor of the Shenbing Pavilion. It is also a top refiner of Xiandao, and the Emperor Wu Ming, who is also the emperor of the Xianyuan."

"Mu Feng is so powerful that even these emperors have come to take the initiative to make friends."

The disciples around them exclaimed envy, these people are very high-ranking people in the Xianyuan.

In the Beihai Xianyuan, only the ninety gods above the Shenquan can be called the elders of the emperor. They open their own dojos in the fairy garden and cultivate disciples. These people are all high-powered figures. Not ordinary Xiandi can compare.

Mu Feng’s eyes also showed a strange look. They did not have any contact with these people. They even did not even hear about it, but they came to take the initiative to make friends.

There is no interest, no reason, no ruthlessness, and let the other party take the initiative to succumb to the relationship.

"Mu Feng has seen the emperors, I don't know what the emperors are looking for in Mu Feng?"

Mu Feng still held a younger ceremony to the man, but he already knew what these people were doing.

"Ha ha, Mu Feng Xiaoyou talented talent, future achievements will inevitably reach or even surpass me, so come to make friends, Xiaoyou do not have to be so constrained, call me a big brother, can be called the emperor is too big."

The body is burly, and Wu Wu, who is powerful in Kong Wu, laughs.

"Yes, Mu Feng Xiaoyou will not be lower than me in the future. I can call it with my classmates. It is ok to call me a big brother."

Wang Li also said with a smile.

The East Eagle Emperor also smiled: "The talent of a small friend is amazing, and it can be said that I can't be lucky with my friends."

Mu Feng sneered in his heart, big brother, big sister, oh, a bad old man, at least tens of thousands of years old, do not think that the young master does not know what purpose you reported.

"In this case, then Mu Feng will be more and more divided, and he will call you a brother."

Mu Feng did not debunk, said with a smile.

"Well, well, Mu Feng's younger brother, Mu Feng's younger brother, as a face-to-face ceremony, this is a nine-order Huayuan Dan. The first time you take it can improve the millennium skill."

Wang Li took out a jade box and said.

"And mine, this is the more empty boat of the Emperor, can travel through the space in a short distance, and it is a good treasure. It is also a good gift for the younger brother."

Dongying was afraid of slowing down, and he quickly took out a palm-sized silver streamlined silver boat for Mu Feng.

"The old man is ashamed, there is nothing to send to the younger brother, but after Mu Feng's brother has something, or who will provoke you, even if you greet, the old brother will help you solve him."

Wu Ming couldn't find any good treasures, and quickly rushed to Mu Feng.

People around are looking dumbfounded, and they are envious, but there are also smart people who seem to think of something, but leave a good show.

"Nothing is unreliable, and you will be excused from your brother."

Mu Feng shouted.

"Hey, Feng Ge, how can these seniors give a face-lifting ceremony? You can't give a face to your predecessors. You are a senior brother. I am a good brother. I have thanked my predecessors."

Yaochuan quickly stood up and smiled, and reached out to pick up the gifts from these people.

Mu Feng’s mouth twitched, but he did not stop.

"Haha, this brother of Mu Feng's brother is very interesting."

Wang Li laughed and then whispered: "Mu Feng, the younger brother, you should have no use for tea now? How about selling it to your brother? I am willing to give out one billion, no, one hundred billion stone to sell to you? Or you can get any medicine, and my brother will help you refine."

"Hey, Pharaoh, you are overkill."

Dongying pushed Wang Li and quickly said: "Mu Feng, the younger brother, I have recently refining a dragon tooth sword. It is made with the dragon's teeth. It is invincible, sharp and comparable. I heard that the sword you used is still one. With the sword, the old brother uses the dragon tooth sword to exchange with you how to make a **** tea, not to let you suffer?"

The ancient rumors in Mu Feng’s body screamed and snarled: “Ah ah... This old guy dared to say that Lao Tzu is a remnant sword, and what is a broken dragon tooth, Lao Tzu’s dragon masters have been smashed.”

"I rely on you, the two old guys really don't want Bilian, is that Wandao Shencha comparable to these treasures?"

Wu Ming and his sister stunned and released the momentum of the tyrants. He quickly laughed at Mu Feng haha: "Mu Feng, the younger brother, you don't give me that 10,000 teas, my brother will break through the achievements of one of the emperors. I eat it bit by bit, and you will eat it as a brother."

"I rely on, empty gloves, white wolf? Wu Ming, you and his mother do not want Bilian."

"That is, your commitment to the top of the egg, I also promised to become an artifact to the Mu Feng brother to refine an artifact."

The two men screamed and screamed, and all three came for the sake of the gods.

"Hey, that million sacred teas are also a waste for you. I am unmatched in my strength. After breaking through that realm, I will be able to be listed in the Emperor's list. I will become a sacred sect. I am covered with Mu Didi. Later, he can walk sideways." ""

Wu Ming retorted, blowing the cow's face is not red.

Mu Feng looked at the three people in the dispute and sighed that this Wandao Shencha is indeed a terrifying temptation to Xiandi.

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