The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2032: : caught off guard

"The first emperor died, and none of the children in the royal palace reached the standard of inheritance. In a branch, the emperor once had a love story with a woman with a branch, leaving a The Princess of the Beads, it is surprising that the blood of the princess has reached the anti-ancestry, qualified to inherit the inheritance of the ancestors, and will become the emperor of the emperor's future. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing] Book] [help]

Chu Mingxi said slowly, observing the look of Limen Monroe.

Liekoukou heard the words of the girl next to Chu Ming, squinting: "The princess that Chu Xianzi said is this girl?"


Chu Ming妃 nodded and said: "The Lord of the Holy Island, we have encountered the power of the ambitions of the tribes. Now, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for high-rises. If you can **** the princess Hui. In the future, if the princess can inherit the position of the emperor, and lead the Nanhai group demon, the lord of the island will be a great success."

Lie Mengluo did not speak, staring at the dream, squinting at some of the twins looking at the grimmon, out of the voice: "If the Lord of the island can send me Hui people, help me, the future dreams will not Forget the island's great achievements."

"The princess is very polite."

Lie Monroe quickly got up and gave a ceremony to Princess Yu Meng.

In his heart, he was secretive. Why did the great elder not tell him the true identity of the girl? He only asked him to help kill Chu Mingxi and a young girl. This is the girl, and he does not know the true identity of the girl.

Liemen Luo thought of circulation, and then asked: "Chu Xianzi said that all the way to the pursuit of the ambition of the forces of the ambition, do not know the ambition you mean is ..."

"The heart of the Great Elders is already well known. The Lord of the Island does not want to say no."

Chu Ming’s eyes looked at Lie Monroe with great depth.

Limeno Luo’s heart mentioned it slightly, and laughed and said: “My Lie Monroe is just a foreigner. It’s not clear to the insiders. But the elders are also the old people in the sea royal family. They should be the sea royals. Loyalty, why come from what is ambition."

"Oh, that sea whistling is loyal to the race, but he also has his own great ambitions. Until the emperor squats, there is no new dynasty to inherit the throne. He wants to replace himself. If he is the indispensable pillar of the family, early He was killed in the name of a traitor, and he also clashed with countless forces against the Emperor. These actions made heaven difficult."

Chu Ming stunned, and did not evade in front of Liemen.

"Hahaha, then I asked Chu Xianzi, since the insiders know the great ambitions of the elders, and they can't check and balance, do you think that this princess can have the opportunity to inherit the position of the emperor?"

Lie Mengluo suddenly laughed and asked.

"Yu dreams only inherit the inheritance left by the ancestors, and by then become the new emperor emperor, the elders do not dare to violate the will of the entire race."

Chu Ming shouted.

"Well, even if you said it makes sense, unfortunately, she still can't reach the Haihuang clan."

Liemenro sighed and suddenly sneered.

"What does the Lord of the Rocks mean?"

Chu Ming stunned.

"Ha ha ha ha, Chu Ming 妃, long time no see."

At this time, a sneer came, only to see the secret door, and walked into the hall, it was the killer who killed the Chu Ming.

Chu Ming's face changed greatly: "Is it you? How are you here? Wait, is it, Lie Monroe, you, you are also a great elder?"

Mu Feng and others also started to panic, but one after another, they were weak and sat down.

"How come without strength, you, you are poisoned in tea!"

Chu Mingyi also sat down in his chair and said weakly.

"Oh, yes, what you just said really makes me tempted. Unfortunately, I am a great elder. You have already been in the soft fairy, and you can't make any effort."

Liemen Luo sneered.

"Ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect it, Chu Mingxi, the power of the elders is beyond your imagination, you actually came from the net, this time, you are dead, and you guys, who let you join this 淌Drowning, this time, your life will be ruined."

The deputy leader looked at Mu Feng and others and said with a smile.

"Lemon Monroe, you, you are betraying the emperor, betraying the emperor, betraying the sea royal family!"

Chu Ming angered the voice.

"I have not betrayed the sea royal family, but my loyalty is the great elder."

Liemen Luo sneered.

"Come on, tie them all up, except for the Princess of Dreams, everyone else is tied to the cage to feed the beast."

Liemen Luo shouted coldly.

And his men are swaying and ready to tie up Mu Feng and others.


At this time, Mu Feng suddenly whispered.


Everyone who had been soft in the seat had a powerful energy bursting out in a flash.


Mu madly punched the head of his demon embe, and the demon was caught off guard, and he was beaten by a punch and his body fell.


Bai Ziyue smashed out a sword, and the demon emperor beside him was also smashed into two halves by this stunned sword.

The extension of Qinghai's palm fell, the terrible cold road magical force into a demon emperor, the demon emperor slammed into an ice slag.

Just a moment, the thirty demons were almost instantly killed.

And Mu Feng, even into a blue Rayman, violently attacked the body of Lie Monroe at a terrible speed.


Lie Monroe did not react at all. He was shot in the air by Mu Feng, vomiting blood and flying. He hit the hall and his bones were blown a lot and he was seriously injured.

"How is it possible, you, you are not in the soft fairy?"

Lie Mengluo's body retreats, looking to Mu Feng and others to be astonished, and his mouth was attacked by Mu Feng and spit out a blood.

"I don't think it's the top emperor. In the middle of it, I can still jump and jump."

Mu Feng said coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha, there is my top pharmacist, and I want to take medicine for us. It is simply an axe."

Yaochuan sneered.

The black-handed killers were also angry and reacted to retreat and opened the distance.

Just this wave of sudden sneak attacks, let Liemen Luo more than 50 demon emperors, was killed and killed 30 people.

"Lemon Monroe, you dare to betray the Emperor, do you know, how will you end?"

Chu Ming sighed coldly and quickly pulled the dream into his own protection.

Liemen Luo spit out his blood and his face was gloomy. He said, "If you don't have poisoning, you guys can't escape here anyway."


A wave of energy fluctuations swept from the Monroe Palace, and I saw countless demon kings gathered together, no less than tens of thousands of demon kings surrounded this void, combined into a battle of many emperors.

And Liemen Luo, also broke out the terrible momentum of his more than 90 Shenquan demon emperors, and the town was full of audience.

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