The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2157: : Shen Lei quenching (section)

"How could it be so fast, even if it is a quasi-artifact like Xue Huang Ding, it will take two years to refine this medicinal material. Moreover, the temperature of the six-flavored empire can not exceed 2 million. Degree, the difference is also not good. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing] [book] [help] This guy, that is the flame power, it is impossible to refine so fast."

Han Yu was shocked and said, it’s incredible.

"Is it true that this kid is really a disciple of the ancient Yan master, will be a special alchemy method?"

Snow was also guilty in the heart, and if so, he would not be able to buckle the name of theft on Mu Feng’s head.

At this time, Mu Feng began to refine the Wantian Sedum, Wannian Sedum, and it only took ten days.

Others have been completely shaken by the horrible refining speed of Mu Feng.

It is the turn of the most difficult to refine, the cold nature of the Asparagus.

The ice-cold force contained in this strain of Asparagus can make a thousand miles into a frozen seal, which is the most difficult to refine.

However, this time, Mu Feng only spent 13 days, three days more.

"Unbelievable, the speed of refining the gods."

A nine-order Dan Shi said shocked.

“How can there be such a terrible refining speed? Is it because of the fire? Or the reason for the Dan furnace, or is there any special law?”

Compared with the average person, these stagfathers have already blasted the pot, and one of them is shocked and looks at the tempered Tinkeras and becomes a warm liquid.

Subsequently, it was 18 auxiliary medicines, and these medicines were refining faster, but in 60 days, all the medicines were refining.

Subsequently, combing the drug properties, blending the drug solution, according to the proportion of the proportion, what steps, what weight, no mistakes.

When all the liquids are united, it is turned into a golden yellow medicine.

Condensed into a Dan!

Everyone has been unable to speak at the moment, and many alchemists are shocked to see Mu Qing alchemy.

Sixty days, the quasi-god Dan Dan Dan! This terrible refining speed is only seen in their lives.

"How is it possible, I, it will take at least six years for me to complete this step, this, this..."

Han Hao roared in his heart, his body shivered slightly, and he stared at Dan furnace, his bloodshot appeared, and his heart panicked. He looked forward to the sudden drug conflict.

"This Ye Feng, is really a descendant of the ancient Yan master."

The snow is still in the air at this moment, and there is no conviction at all.

Other people who don't understand alchemy are equally shocked because it is too fast.

After that, Mu Feng used special blood as ink, and cooperated with his own strength to build a sacred pattern. Numerous dan dying condensed into the furnace under the peculiar tactics, and the power of the sage was poured into the Dan furnace. Stimulate the potency.

In the furnace, there are two medicinal herbs, which are emitting light. Gradually, under the warmth of the force of the sage, a circle of aura continues to emerge, the potion is stimulated to condense, and the medicinal properties of the medicinal herbs are in the dans. The warmth of the force is stimulated.

This medicinal herb, such as the fetus, is like a special nutrient solution. Without this nutrient solution, it can be absorbed by the fetus, and the fetus must not develop or even die.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

The faint halo of the medicinal herbs is constantly condensed under the gaze of the people.

As long as there are six rings of dizzy halo, then the six-turn emperor Dan will refine the pass.

Finally, on the eighty-seventh day, the six-ring faint ring appeared on this day!

Mu Feng took a Dan furnace and set up Dan Sheng!

Hey! Hey!

The two medicinal herbs are shot into two brilliant light, suspended in the sky, emitting two powerful medicinal forces, and the six-ring faint halo radiates the glaring light.

"Three months, I really made it into six emperors! Miracles, miracles, quasi-sacred gods, even three months can be refining!"

"Unbelievable, this, this turned out to be true, it is really six turns of Emperor Dan, faster than the elder Han Han."

"His approach, speed of refining, I can't see anything too great, but why can he refine it so fast!"

Dan Cheng, the audience was stunned, countless Danesques exclaimed constantly, looking to Mu Feng's eyes have already brought two points of respect.

The quasi-god-level Dan teacher can also refine the six-turn emperor Dan at such a speed, which is enough to make Ye Feng the name Zhendan teacher!

"No, impossible, impossible..."

Han Hao murmured, not convinced in his mouth.

The snow is gloomy as the water, the big prince, the second princess and the six sons, the other princesses and princes and others are all shocked.

Many princes, even more envious of the hope of the Eight Princes Snow Morning, have this Dan Shi help, why not?


Ming Yi and others looked at Mu Feng, and his eyes also showed a adoration. This Shura lord is simply an all-round genius.

"Ha ha ha ha, old dog, you still don't hurry down to apologize to my brother, send a gift?"

At this time, Mu madly laughed out loudly and ironically, looking at Han Han.

Han Hao looked pale and looked at the medicinal herbs that Mu Feng had made. He whispered: "He only satisfied one condition. He said that he said that Dan's drug rank would surpass me. Now it is only the middle-class emperor Dan. Dan robbing, at most, is only the top-grade medicinal herbs, how to surpass me in the grade?"

Others heard the same thing. Mu Feng also said that he would surpass Han Han in the grade, but at this moment, he can refine this Dan so quickly, which can almost prove his innocence.

"Ha ha ha ha, well said, then today, I will let you lose your conviction, my remedy, have not finished yet, I said, your Dan Fang, not the most six emperor Dan Fang."

Mu Feng sneered.

At this time, the thunderclouds in the imaginary sky have gathered, and the tyranny is coming!

At this time, I saw that Mu Feng was low-lying, and his whole person broke out with a strong thunder. In order to turn into a thunder and green light, Mu Feng became a thunder and rushed into the robbery.

"Raytheon origin, refining!"

Mu Feng whispered, and his own Raytheon originated into the robbery cloud, which improved the quality of the robbery cloud. The thunder of the robbery cloud turned into a higher level of thunder!

boom! boom! boom!

Under the robbery of the **** Leidan, they rushed into the medicinal herbs, wrapped the medicinal herbs, and thundered them!

This is a step that all elixirs must face!

But Mu Feng, even with his own Raytheon source to change Dan robbing Dan!

The magical thing happened, two six-turn emperor Dan, after the power of Thunder, the golden light is generous, and the six-ring halo is more intense! Quality, and soon reach the top grade from the middle!

However, this is not over yet, and the six-lap halo quickly turned into a red gold!

"The best medicine!"

Han Hao whispered and did not dare to set the channel.

Other alchemists are also wide-eyed, Dan Cheng is the best, this is the peak of the realm of Danshu! The whole fairyland, the person who can refine the best for the gods, no more than five people, one palm!

“The best of the best!”

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