The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2266: : Calling the emperors

"The poisonous ant family used to be a very famous race in the Wankun demon country. The patriarch's night wind also competed with the Wancun master's colorful crickets to win the Wan Kun theme, but it ended in failure. Later, the family expanded the site to Beihaixian. In the field, the countless people and countless forces were killed in the Beihai Xianyu area. When the killing of the sky, the old man shot and killed many of the strong people of this family, and sealed it here, the night wind’s bone ant poison It is also a kind of poison that everyone in the heavenly emperor is chilling. Even if it is a warrior, it can't resist the pain of ant colony. "^追^^^^^~"

Yan Mei said that there is also a kind of taboo in the discourse, which can make her be jealous of people and races visible.

"Can compete with the colorful pipa."

Mu Feng's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the colorful pipa is also the top ten strongman on the list of the Emperor of Heaven. His reputation is not weak.

"Bone ant poison, this poison is indeed very powerful, the body of the night wind is a bone poisoning ant."

Yaochuan said that from the poison, you can infer the other's body.


Yan Mei nodded.

"Feng brother, the venomous ant is also a terrible monster, and does not say how his virulence, the dragon spider can restrain, but the power of poisonous ants is amazing, not the inflammatory ants may compare. ”

Yaochuan Road.

"You don't want to conquer these emperors, then take them out?"

Lieyangtian asked.

"Yes, such a force, being imprisoned here is also a waste."

Mu Feng nodded. If he could conquer these heavenly emperors, the power of the Shura Temple could rise to the point where it was comparable to the four demon kingdoms.

Although the Snow Phoenix Empire and the Black Dragon Empire are extremely ally with him, the vengeance of the two families depends on their own strength.

Moreover, now that he has obtained information from Dongye Zhanxiong, one of the two ethnic groups has sent people to deal with him.

"Other ordinary Heavenly Emperor said that it can be conquered after suppression, but this poison ant is really difficult to deal with."

Liyang Tian said that he did not dare to recruit poisonous ants.

"Liangyangtian, I will give you a task. You will summon all the Emperor of Heaven on this sealed star. I have a way to conquer them."

Mu Fengdao

"it is good."

Lieyang nodded, although he did not know what method Mu Feng said was a skeptical attitude, but now Mu Feng’s order he did not dare to violate.

Lieyangtian and his ten deities of the Emperor of Heaven, turned into a dozen fires to go empty, went directly to the invitation to go.

"Feng Ge, what are you going to do? Entice them with the conditions of going out?"

Yaochuan asked.

Mu Feng smiled and said the mysterious road. "It’s the reason. Now I have to get a fox and a tiger, and I’m going to be a big flag.”

The drug is fascinating and the two are puzzled. Mu Feng laughed and said, "You will know when you wait."


The speed of Liyangtian is also amazing. It flew hundreds of thousands of miles and came over a black city.

In this black city, all of them live in the genus of poisonous ants, and the population is not tens of millions.

Liyangtian descended from the sky, and the city pool was protected by the phalanx. It could not be directly entered and landed in front of the city gate.

"There are people to stop! The outsiders of the Ant City are not allowed to enter."

A poisonous ant demon who wore a black armor and had a horn on his head shouted.

"You are... Liyang Tiantian!"

A demon priest who recognized the door recognized the raging sun, and quickly gave the man a slap, and said, "Let's go, this is the savage celestial person of the food fire."

The Emperor of Heaven is a strong person, and everyone of any race is respected, not to mention that Liyang Tian is one of the peak emperors in this abyss.

"I want to meet your two heads of night wind and night rain."

Liyang Tian Shen channel.

"Well, the villain immediately sent a notice, please ask the adults."

The demon king came over and laughed, letting people accompany Liyang Tiancheng into the city, and he himself quickly notified.

Liyang Tian was taken to the reception hall of the poison ant family. Soon, two famous men came to the temple in a hurry.

"Haha, Liyang Tian brother, what the wind has blown you."

A very burly black robe man laughed loudly, this person was full of flesh and blood, a pair of triangle eyes, the face gave a ferocious, night wind.

There is also a person who also wears a black robe, but he is born with a lot of Jun Lang, his lips are meager, and his mouth is often hung with a slap in the face, night rain.

These two brothers are also the strongest of the Emperor of Heaven. They used to be fierce in the South China Sea.

"Night brother, night rain brother."

Liyang Tianyi held a fist and smiled. "I am coming, naturally it is a good wind."

"Oh, what good wind in the land of this mysterious prison?"

The night rain sneered, this is a prison for them.

"No, what I bring is definitely a good thing."

Liyang Tianxiao smiled and said, "I must have stayed here for a long time, stayed enough? Now there is a chance to go out in front of both."

The two people who had been carelessly heard the light and the light at the same time, and both eyes stared at Liyang Tian.

"Yang Tianxiong is not kidding, you, have a way out? Can you unlock this seal?"

The night winds stared at the fierce sun, and the expression was slightly excited.

"Ha ha ha ha, I naturally don't have it. However, some people have two, my master has an appointment. Please ask the two to go to the Drought Palace. You can go to the strong people in the realm of your family. As for what, and the freedom of everyone. There are relationships."

Lieyang laughed loudly and didn't stay too much. The words were brought to the turn and left directly.

The two brothers looked at each other and looked at the back of Liyang Tian and frowned.

"The master of Liyang Tian! The Drought Palace, when does Liyang Tian have a master, is it a woman?"

The night wind frowned.

"Big Brother, are we going or not?" asked the night rain.

In the night wind, the fierce light flashed. "Go, you must go. I want to see what the woman wants to do, and it is about freedom."

"Then I will go to summon the strong people in the family, and also prevent the means of flames."

The night rain got up and left.

After Lieyangtian notified the poison ants, he went to inform other emperors.

Most of the other emperors are alone, and there are no powerful people. These people, who are from the north and south of the four sides of the fairyland, have been sealed and sealed here.

After these people were notified, they saw the ability of Liyang Tian to leave here. They were all ecstatic and rushed to the Women’s Palace.

However, in two days, among the women’s palaces in the drought and flood, they have already gathered forty or fifty Tiandi strongmen.

However, Mu Feng did not show up, waiting for others.

"His uncle, how long will it take us to wait?"

A man with a blood-colored scepter, wearing a **** scorpion-headed monk, was impatient and asked what he was looking for.

"Blood monk, what are you anxious? Not only do you want to go out alone."

The flames are cold, she is receiving these people.

This monk is not a good Buddha. He has murdered countless people in the Xihai Xianfo domain. He has killed countless mortals and fairy buddies for the practice of scorpion venom. He was chased and killed by the countless Buddhist monks in the West Sea, but he was also sealed by the old man. it's here.

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