The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2271: : Being in a world

A stench of scent swept over, the scaly tiger was bitten on the head of Mu Feng, but the teeth were like biting on the hardest iron, and there was no ability to bite Mu Feng. Head. ★ first ★ hair ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

Instead, Mu Feng’s instinct in the flesh and blood of the body broke out, and the teeth of the Yan scale tiger smashed.


The scaly tiger screamed, and quickly sighed and licked the blood.


At this time, the thunder of the sky rang, and a superb energy surged, and only a silver sky covered with sky shrouded, containing a force of space forbidden, shrouded the Yan scale tiger and Mu Feng.


The Yan scale tiger struggled to break out of the beast, but could not break away from this space.

"Hahaha, see where you are going."

A burst of laughter came, and the figure was like a silver lightning.

It’s two strange silver robe men.

The two men, nearly one foot tall, have silvery skin, two eyes like two silver stars, and a pair of flesh-wings on the back.

"The scaly tiger of the Emperor Xianfeng, huh, huh, this time I can go back to the master."

One of the men laughed.

"Big brother, look, this person, born so strange, just the scaly tiger did not even bite his head."

The other person looked at Mu Feng lying on the ground.

I saw this person with a **** scale, the robe was broken, and a pair of purple gold gods had a slight back bend on the head. The shoulders had sharp neck spurs, and the domineering appearance was two points.

"What is this beast?"

Neither of them saw this form of Shura, but thought it was a beast.

"Whatever he is, the scales and tigers are not biting, they are not ordinary beasts, they are taken together and dedicated to the great prince."

Another person said.

The two people will ban the scaly tiger and Mu Feng together in the world of the world, and they will disappear into two silver lights.

On this piece of land, a majestic city stands in this land, and there are tens of millions of people of this form living in the city.

Heaven and earth have congenital four staleness, drought and drought, and win the hook, are one of them.

Drought and flood, the extreme yin is fire, control the drought and the fire, the flames are amazing.

Winning the hook is a kind of strong and stale, control the power of space!

The life in this city is to win the hook and the gods!

In this cosmic space of the abyss, there is still a winning zombie!

In the center of the city, there is a tower that rises into the sky, the top of the tower blooms, and the horrible silver thunder is released, which contains amazing space power.

Sometimes when the power of space accumulates more, it will flood into the void, causing a butterfly effect, which will create a terrible space storm.

In a luxurious court house in the city, in the seal of the enchantment cage, a powerful beast was sealed in the enchantment cage.

The scaly tiger is still unwilling to roar and attack the enchantment, but in the enchantment will release a terrible silver lightning crit on his body, it is painful to mourn, not dare to touch again.

"This is where?"

At this time, Mu Feng finally recovered his consciousness, opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment.

I saw myself trapped in the silver enchantment, surrounded by many of the same enchantments, imprisoned are some grotesque ancient beasts.

"Big brother, you finally woke up."

Lingyun’s voice came. When Mu Feng was in a coma, Ling Yun had been helping Mu Feng recover his injury in the sharpness of Mu Feng. Otherwise, how could he recover so quickly under the unconscious state?

"Ling Yun, where is this?"

Mu Feng sat up and looked at the surrounding scene and frowned.

"We have fallen on a piece of the stars and have been brought here by two winning hooks."

Lingyun said.

“Win the hook family? Win the hook zombie family?”

Mu Feng flashed a trace of surprise, he stood up, but there was a sense of emptiness in the body.

The power of his gods is actually consumed.

"Right, green man!"

Mu Feng suddenly remembered the green vines, and there was a feeling of colic in his heart.

"Have you seen the green vine?" Mu Feng asked quickly.

"No, she was finally separated from you by the impact, I am afraid... I am afraid it has fallen."

Lingyun whispered.

"Green vine..."

Mu Feng heard his words as a knife, and couldn’t help but think of the scenes when he met with the green vines. Is this sometimes high-cold, sometimes charming and sometimes naughty, really so degraded?

Sad for a long time, Mu Feng sighed long, "I'm sorry, after all, I still can't protect you..."

"Big brother, don't blame yourself. You have tried your best. In the previous kind of cosmic disaster, we can live a life of luck. My skill also saves you a lot of energy. Now we are caught and we will recover first. Skill, then find a way to kill it."

Lingyun advised.

Mu Feng heard the words also returned to reality, his brow wrinkled, and quickly sat down, taking a six-turn emperor dandan to restore his skill.

Without divine power, he has only one brute force, and a power supernatural power can't exert the power of the previous layer.

However, at this time, a group of figures came in, is a group of similar people of the alien, the middle of the first person, a long silver hair, looks pretty handsome, the back also has double silver fleshy wings.

"Master, yesterday we caught another scaly tiger of the Emperor's peak. We will definitely win tomorrow's test."

A winner of the big hook laughed, it was the big brother of the two who caught Mu Feng, the silver order.

Dagongzi’s silver brow wrinkled, saying, “If tomorrow’s test is still lost, I will let your two brothers go down to feed the beast.”

Both of them heard a cold in their hearts.

"Right, yesterday, in addition to catching a scaly tiger, I also caught a strange beast, Dagongzi, you see, it is him, what is this beast? I have never seen it before."

Silver made his finger to Mu Feng.

Silver Jue looked at Mu Feng and looked at it. Mu Feng is still a Shura body. His appearance is indeed like a beast and a beast, and Mu Feng is also looking at each other.

"What kind of race is this? I have not seen it."

Silver Jubilee frowned, a bit of interest.

"This guy, when he got it, seemed to have been comatose. I saw the scaly tiger biting his head and couldn’t break it. It’s very strong, and maybe it’s very powerful.”

The silver order said.

"No matter what he is, I will pull out to arrange to go to the show tomorrow. This time, I will never lose to the guy of Silver Ao."

Silver cymbals are cold.

This group of people walked around and looked at the beasts who were holding the seals here and left.

Mu Feng's brows are slightly wrinkled. Just now, the big man has a good strength. The early days of the realm of the Emperor of Heaven are not easy to deal with before the strength is restored.

The irony is that these people have turned themselves into beasts.

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