The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2295: : Amazing Dan speed

Yaochuan has re-raised a bet, Jiujie Dan medicine, he and Mu Feng did not look down. ★ watch ★ most ★ new ★ chapter ★ section ★ hundred ★ degrees ★ search ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★

Hu Dansheng, Yu Yan and their two brows wrinkled, these two people have a well-thought-out, unscrupulous look, can you really get the Dan teacher badge in half an hour?

No, absolutely impossible!

The people around me are also amazed. This gamble is a bit big, and losing will lose all of his face.

"I am two gamblers and you, Hu brother, what are you afraid of, even the lowest level of the seventh-order badge, you must also be able to refine a seventh-order elixir on the spot, I have never heard anyone can be in half an hour. Refining, can complete the assessment."

Yu Yan has a taste, and this is also a test of winning and losing.

Before the Dan God Conference, it is good to have some fun.

"Well, everyone has heard it, and it is a testimony. Don't regret it later."

Yaochuan sneered.

"Whoever regrets his grandson."

Several people said that Yaochuan and Mu Feng also went directly to the assessment office.

"Walk away, let's go see the excitement."

Other newspapers who had signed up for the name and died of the pain of the egg also followed in the past.

"You guys, let's make a decision, two big brothers have to take the exam."

Yaochuan came over and squeezed directly into a group of small fart children.

"Does the two big brothers also participate in the first grade Dan teacher assessment?"

"Hey, the two big brothers are so useless, so big to come to participate in the first class Dan teacher assessment."

A group of children looking at two over-age children is also awkward to talk about, and say nothing.

"Go and go, what do you know, we are two gods."

Yaochuan laughed, this group of silly boys, talking so straight.

"Bragging, God-level Dan teacher is only Dan Shen."

There is a little guy who is stunned.

Mu Feng smiled and came to the appraisal officer. He said: "My brothers and I have to take the first class teacher."

This appraisal officer looked at the two people differently. Hu Dansheng came over: "Korean brother, these two boys have to bet with me, and complete the seven-level Dan teacher assessment within half an hour. You can help them measure the age registration."

"Good Hu brother."

The appraisal officer respectfully said that he himself is only an eight-level master.

Han Shidi took out a piece of jade and let the two measure their age.

The two men poured into it and immediately reached the age of the two, Mu Feng, two hundred and one years old, and Yaochuan, two hundred and three years old.

"Only two hundred years old!"

The age of the two makes the Dan teacher in the room a strange surprise. The people present, who are not thousands of years old, can only be considered as a child.

"Only two hundred years old, haha, I am afraid that even the fifth grade Dan teacher can't live."

Someone laughed.

"I didn't expect these two guys to be two little kids, hahahaha..."

The people around me laughed loudly, and this age is indeed a small child compared with them.

"Laughter the wool, if the younger brother is such a big age, you have already been at the peak of the universe, and there is a smile on the face."

Yaochuan is ironic.

"Kids, you will talk less when you are too big. Let's check it out. This is a half-hour fragrance. I see how you can complete the assessment within half an hour."

Yu Yan took out a burning incense and sneered.

"Level 1 Danshi assessment content, refining the simplest level of returning Dan can be. Of course, this medicinal medicine is only for children's refining, no one to take, you two, complete alchemy within a quarter of an hour, This is the material."

The appraisers directly gave two people two herbs, which are two herbs that can be seen everywhere in the fairy world. There is no difference between them and weeds.

Mu Feng got it in his hand, and his hand slammed into a blood-colored flame. Only in an instant, the herb turned into a liquid medicine, and then it became a green drug. The whole process, but between breaths.

The same is true of Yaochuan, which completes alchemy in the breath.

"Hurry, it's amazing."

The children around were exclaimed.

As for Hu Dansheng and others who are unmoved, the speed of the first-class medicinal drugs, they can also, Dan dynasty does not have to paint.

The Korean younger brother was not surprised, calmly said: "The first-class medicinal examination passed, the second-class medicinal medicine, the purple qidan assessment, time is a quarter of an hour."

Later, two materials were given. After Mu Feng received the hand, it was also a fire, and the instant was refining the drug. The drug was not slow.

"Three-level medicinal examination, Gu Yuandan."

Han Shidi gave two materials directly to the two men.

For the third-grade medicinal herbs, you need the sage. In the realm of Yuandan, the baby born in Xianjie can take this medicinal herb.


As a result, it was another moment, the sacred scent of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

"There are two things."

Surrounded by the lively Xianxian Dan teachers are slightly surprised, in the instant of Cheng Dan, in the fire will condense the Dan pattern, Dan into the print, this level is at least seven levels of Xiandan division.

"Hey, the insects are tricky."

Hu Dan was cold and shouted.

"Four-level medicinal herbs, open the spirit."

The Korean younger brother continued to say that he gave the two herbs, and the spirit of the spirit was the spirit of the Linghai realm to open the Linghai to take the medicinal herbs.

The result is another moment, the fire, the medicine, and the instant Dancheng, the two are almost at the same time, together.

The sneer and smile on the crowd's face gradually dissipated and began to face up, and at this time, one tenth of the time did not pass.

The fourth-grade medicinal herbs can also be refining in an instant, and the seven-level Dan teacher may not have this level.

As for the quality of the drug, the people present can see at a glance that it is definitely a boutique.

"Five-level medicinal herbs, strong 魄 Dan."

The Korean teacher also gave two materials to the two.

In the fire of Mu Feng, there is still an empty-handed alchemy, and the fire is divided into three. It includes three herbs in an instant, and it is also refining and refining in the breath, medicine melting, and printing and Daning! Dan Cheng! Yaochuan does not fall into the wind.

"Five-level medicinal herbs can also be smashed in an empty hand. This, this fire control ability has more than eight levels."

Someone was shocked.

Hu Dansheng, Yu Yan, his face is not so good.

"Don't worry, even if these two boys can become Dan Vankin in an instant, Xianpin Dan can't be completed in half an hour."

Yu Yan cold channel.

"Impossible? Oh, you two, this level, but also good to gamble with us? Feng brother, to come to something more interesting, this is too much trouble, you, six-level Dan material, seven-level Dan materials together"

Yaochuan sneered.

The Korean teacher, a glimpse, is it true that these two guys will not be able to refine together.

"This is a six-level Tianying Dan material. The seven-level nine-robbery Xiandan material needs you to pay 100,000 yuan to buy it."

Han Shidi said.

Yaochuan is not awkward, with a wave of hand, 200,000 Xianshi directly to the other party.

Han Shidi also gave two medicinal herbs to two people.

"Hey, you two, you don't want to refine two kinds of remedies at the same time!"

There was a shock from the onlookers.

"Otherwise, you think, Feng Ge, it's time to show real technology, haha."


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