The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2701: : despicable coercion

The house of the year.

The annihilation of the palace is away from the Jinyan Shrine, and it is also the most magnificent residence of all the sons of Jin Yan Shendi. It can be seen that the year of the seal is in the heart of the Jin Yan Shen Emperor.

On the bench in the garden of his own, he looked at the performance of a group of actors on the front stage. He was holding two clothes and half a solution in his arms. The skin was like a sheep, and the two beautiful women were as tired as a cat. In the arms of the year.

There are also two beautiful maids serving on the side, feeding the cut-off **** cherry to the year.

"Cai Er, it will take me long if you are mine."

The year of the seal can be described as an excellent mood. When I think of the peerless face of Cai Er, my heart will be inextricably excited, and my strength will be even greater.

"Well... son, you hurt people."

A woman in her arms is fascinating, and her body is attached to her body.

"The son is really bad, so many people."

The woman snorted and looked at her eyes, but she still got up.

"Fill the year, you give me out!"

However, at this time, there was a sigh of relief outside.

"Miss Chen, there is no son to order to go in, ah... Miss Cai!"

A burst of screaming outside, a figure of horrible power, directly into the government.

"Color, color children!"

The face of the new year changed, and she quickly pushed the woman in her arms and got up and put together her shirt.

"Roll, you will give me back."

The young women said to these women, and these women quickly retired and left.



A **** was directly hit by a demon-red violent power, and a tree was broken and fell in front of the seal.

A red-haired girl in a cyan fairy dress, stunning and vulgar, came to the front of the year.

"Color, color children..."

The year of the year squeezed a smile and went forward.


However, a blood-red sword mans directly condensed and killed in front of his neck, the color of the child is beautiful, and his face is cold and looking at the year.

"Cai, don't be impulsive, what's wrong?"

The year of the year was scared and quickly retreated, and the body's divine power was mobilized.

"I ask you, are you asking your father to marry me?"

Cai Er asked coldly, and the murderousness was amazing.

"Cai Er, I really like you, you can rest assured, I will marry you later, you are righteous, in the future I will inherit the position of the palace, you can be the emperor of Jinyan."

The year of the year is deeply affectionate.

"I am not rare, I just want to quietly accompany my brother Mu Feng, I don't like you, even, hate you, you better let your father recover, or I will kill you."

The color is cold.

"The son!"

At this time, a large group of guards came from the Quartet and surrounded it.

"You are not allowed to hurt the color."

The year of the year shouted to the people around him, and then looked at Cai Erdao: "My father has decided to give a marriage, and I have been unable to change his decision. I know that you don't know enough about me, but this thing can be cultivated slowly. I will be fine for you, Mu Feng."

"Hey, take less of you and my brother Mufeng. You don't deserve to give him shoes. If you dare to marry me, I will kill you."

The color of the child is cold, and a sword violently stagnates.

The year of the year is retreating, and an amazing sword is swept away. His eyes are shrinking. This color, I really want to kill myself!

"You dare to kill me, your brother Mu Feng will die!"

The year of the roaring roar.

This sword is coming to the head, however, because this sentence stops instantly.

"You dare to threaten me!"

The anger appeared in the eyes of the children.

"Cai Er, I really love you."

The year of the gaze is fascinating, but the coldness in the other's eyes is not melting.

I remembered that she was against Mu Feng, and her attitude toward her own differences, and she also gave birth to a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Cai Er, I have to tell you something."

The face of the year has calmed down.

"My father has decided to give you a marriage to me, no matter if you disagree, if you resist, your father will be angry, you can be clear, your position with you and your brother Mu Feng is my father's gift today."

"Don't say that the status of giving is really irritating to my father. Now that the space station is closed, Mu brother has been monitored. I am afraid that it is very difficult for Mu brother to live away from Jin Yanshen."

Said the year is calm.

"Mu Feng's brother has laid down the river for the Emperor Jin Yan, and the Emperor Jin Yan will not hurt Mu Feng's brother."

Cai Er bites the red lips.

"Ha ha ha ha, you are so naive, too ignorant of my father and a ruler, any dare to disobey my father's existence, my father will kill."

Said the year and sneered.

Cai Er heard that the two fists were dead, but the murderousness of the year was gradually disappearing.

Mu Feng, Mu Feng, these two words, is also the biggest life gate of Cai Er.

"On the contrary, if you marry me, Mu brother can be the emperor and relatives. Not only can I be trusted by my father, but I will cultivate it vigorously. The future is boundless. You have never thought about it."

The year is again.

Cai's face was gloomy and did not speak.

"Cai Er."

At this time, outside Mu Feng also rushed over.

"The new year."

Mu Feng came over and said hello to the new year's son. He apologized: "Sorry, I have no good hair."

"Haha, nothing, Mu brother, Cai Er just came over and talked to me about the heart, you said it was a color."

The new year laughed.

Cai Er squeezed a smile and smiled at Mu Feng sweetly.

"There is nothing wrong with Cai Er. The old man is sorry, disturbed, go, let's go home."

Mu Feng pulled the color and turned away.

"Mu brothers and children are slow to go, color children, often come to me to talk about the future."

The year of the year laughed, looking at the back of the two people leaving the house, his face was gloomy.

If the yin of the non-color children is still there, the year of the seal must really doubt whether the relationship between the two is a brother or sister.

On the road.

"Are you going to find a year of trouble?"

Mu Feng asked.

Cai Er lowered his head and played the jade bracelet on his wrist. He whispered: "No, Mu Feng brother, you want more."


Mu Feng looked at the eyes of Cai, and the child laughed and said: "Really."

"You don't like to seal the year?"

Cai did not speak.

"Go, pack things, we leave."

Mu Fengdao, the heart is determined, in order to color children, Jin Yan Shen domain can not stay.

Cai children stopped, and Mu Feng glanced at him and looked at Cai.

"Why are you leaving? Mu Feng’s brother has finally come to the present position today. There is no interstellar transmission line and personal connections between Jin Yan’s domain. How does Mu Feng’s brother go to the gods?”

"Mu Feng brother can see that you don't like to seal the year. I don't know what status is famous. Mufeng brother only wants to make you happy."

Cai Er heard a sigh of relief and almost shed tears, but she shook her head with a smile.

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