The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2706: : tearing the skin

The Emperor God is already a brand new world of law. The strong man of this circle has touched the origin of the universe, and the power of the explosion is far above God.

A **** emperor can easily kill ten times his own peak, and the color of the child is not against his opponent.


The colored children in the crater spit blood, and the beast gods on the body are already broken. However, a pair of beautiful eyes are cold and ruthless looking at the Linnan gods, and there is no slightest submission in the eyes.

"His Majesty……"

At this time, a **** guard, holding the body of the year, came to the front of Jin Yan Shendi, kneeling on the ground, deeply lowered his head, afraid to face the anger of the king.

The Emperor Jin Yan looked at the body of the year, his body was shaking slightly, his breathing was already turbulent, and a pair of eye-catching eyes burned a terrible golden flame.

The horrible power of the gods is swept out and envelopes the entire city of God.

Between heaven and earth, a terrible pressure came to the world, covering hundreds of millions of gods, countless gods were shocked and inexplicably, only feeling that they were carrying 100,000 mountains, and breathing was extremely uncomfortable.

"Wang Caier!"

Jin Yan Shendi is as cold as ice, and the anger is like a fire.

"You know, what kind of sin did you commit? The Emperor will take your bones and pour your soul into purgatory, and never live forever!"

The Emperor Jin Yan snarled, the whole sky, burning a golden horror.

"Give me her!"


A godly deity completes a huge palm and smashes it to the color.

"Farewell, Mu Feng brother."

Cai Er closed her eyes. She knew that she had no way to live. She had already had plans to die from the moment she killed her.

"Amazing teeth!"

However, at this moment, a roar, a raging black purple sword smoldering huge beasts bombarded and came to the top of this god.


This god's palm was broken by a sword sniper explosion, and the two gods of light almost instantly passed through the army and landed in front of the colorful children.

He, a purple unicorn robe, silver long hair, with a black silk scarf on his head, hand-made for him, holding a black-and-black sword, not a particularly strong body is so stalwart.

He, a white robe, handsome face, carrying a large black epee standing next to the youth, facing him with the army.

"Mu Feng!"

"Mu Shuai!"

Numerous Jinyan Shenjun exclaimed their voices and their eyes were complicated. This is exactly what Mu Shuai took them to victory on the battlefield.

"Mu Feng!"

Jin Yan Shen Di looked at Mu Feng with his cold and angry eyes.

"You see your sister doing a good job, the lonely son is dead, and I want you and her to be buried for the years."

"Mu Feng brother, why are you coming back?"

The tears in the colorful eyes kept overflowing, looking at Mu Feng crying.

"Stupid girl, you said that I don't know you. However, in addition to me in this world, who knows you better, I feel wrong after I left Jin Yanshen. If you really want to marry the year, how can you not? Let me see your happiest moment."

Mu Feng is low.

"But when you come back, you are sent to die."

Cai Er tears, she looked at the Jin Yan Shendi, roaring: "Dog dog, killing your son is my own idea, and I have nothing to do with my brother Mu Feng, I have already broken with him, see him in the mountains for you. I have let go of my brother Mu Feng, and I want to kill you. I will dispose of you."

"A good brother and sister is deep in love, rest assured, alone will not let you die easily, alone will not kill him, so that he will let him live with you."

Jin Yan Shen Di icy road.

He looked at Mu Feng and said indifferently: "I am giving you a good future, even willing to let my daughter marry you, but you, Mu Feng, you have failed me to cultivate you."

"Let's give Laozi a big sense of ignorance. All this is because my Mu Feng has created a huge interest for you. If you really value me, you should respect my opinion. You will kill the year and you will be your mother." Forced."

Mu Feng screamed at the Emperor Jin Yan, and everyone was shocked. Since he had completely torn his face, Mu Feng did not take any care of it.

"Good, good, very good, there have been no more people who have been so rebellious and lonely. I will leave these three people, don't kill me!"

Jin Yan Shen Di yelled.


Behind him, many of the peaks of the gods and respects, even the perfect and powerful, screamed and screamed, and the violent demon power condensed the magical attack to the three.

"Child jump, protect the colorful children!"

Mu Feng screamed, and Shura’s body rushed to many enemies.

"Shu Luo blood ban, burning!"

Eight drops of Shura's blood in the body burned for a moment!

Mu Feng's divine power climbed up, and Shura's divine power rose from the four realms of God's respect to the nine realm!

"Chaos Leilianzi, burst!"

Mu Feng even detonated a serving of Lei Lianzi in his body.

boom……! A terrible thunder force broke into the sea of ​​Mu Feng.

Thunder eight absurd!

The thunder and eight ridiculous powers, instantly absorb all the explosive power of the thunder, the nine sacred thunder power also rose violently, from the four realm of the gods, and also rose to the nine-fold situation.

Thousands of Shura was so horrified that he was wearing a black and white sword and greeted him.


This violent sword, I do not know how horrible power burst out, even directly annihilated not a supernatural power, the cohesive sword smashed in the body of a god-respected Jin Yan Shen Wei.


This peak of God, directly smashed by a sword!

Subsequently, Knife Mang, Jianqi, Boxing, all kinds of magical bombings in the body of Mu Feng, the beast gods screamed.

Mu Feng rushed to the crowd, waving the ancient 煞, thousands of swords and condensed.


The four-color five-line sword phoenix shouts, a sword breaks through the law, and the eruption of the burning sword has shattered more than a dozen supernatural powers, attacking more than a dozen people.


These more than ten peaks and gods, full of God respects the vomiting of blood and retreat, the body is contained in the swordsmanship that contains the terrorist power, and the instant wounds burned the gods.

"What are you still doing? Don't just throw arrows to help kill Mu Feng!"

Feng Shan screamed at the Jin Yan Shenjun.

"All of them, then, that is the commander!"

A soldier who followed Mu Feng’s fight was hesitant.

"He is no longer, give me an arrow, the offender is awkward!"

Fengshan roared.

Feng Yue also rushed over and looked at this scene. He couldn't do anything to force Mu Feng. He didn't kill Mu Feng. It was already graceful.

All the soldiers were under pressure, and all of them heard the sound of the commander, and opened the bow of the gods. The power of the gods gathered in the bow, and the gods and arrows smashed to Mu Feng, and the thousands of arrows were worn.


However, at this time, the nine stunned kendo gods gathered together, and the nine swords and rainbows rushed to countless arrows, and the blast attack attacked Mu Feng’s arrow.

Zi Yue, blocked in the back of Mu Feng!

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