The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2718: : Impermanence (five)

"Mu Big Brother! Mother..."

Liu Shiyun was very dissatisfied and looked at his mother, and quickly caught up with Mu Feng.

"Mu Big Brother, wait, don't be angry."

Liu Shiyun catches up with Mu Feng and pulls Mu Feng's arm.

Rukawa looked at this scene and sighed. It really is that the female university is not in the middle. He is different from the Jinyan Emperor. There are a lot of children. He and Xuan Shui Shendi are only one child and one daughter. The rhyme is a little daughter, so it is so pet.

As for the other Xiaoyan of Rukawa, he is not qualified to give birth to his children. After all, he is also the man of the domain owner.

"and many more!"

Xuan Shui Shendi suddenly said.

Mu Feng stepped forward and calmly said: "What else is there for the predecessors."

"Mother, you can help Mu Feng, he is my savior."

The rhyme of rhyme is pleading.

"Mu Feng, I can help you, but you have to join my Xuan Shui Jingu."

Xuan Shui Shendi Road, originally wanted to suppress Mu Feng, let him take the initiative to join the Xuan Shui Jing Temple, who knows that Mu Feng's temper is so fierce, said to go and leave, now only his own mouth.

She opened her own mouth and undoubtedly lost her chance, indicating that she cares about Mu Feng’s talents.

Mu Feng turned around and ridiculed himself: "Mu Feng can betray the Jinyan Shrine, and Xuan Shui Shen Di is not afraid that I will betray the Xuan Shui Shrine in the future?"

"You join the Xuan Shui Jing Temple, your freedom, I don't interfere, even respect your opinion. You can also quit in the future. You are still free. But if you make things that harm the Xuan Shui Jing, I will also Killing you, this is one of my conditions. You are willing to join the Xuanshui Shrine. I will not only use you to cultivate you, but also the things of Jin Yan Shen Di, my Xuan Shui Jing Palace will be for you."

Xuan Shui Shendi looked at Mu Fengdao.

Mu Feng heard a moment and thought for a moment, saying: "This is one of the conditions, what about the second?"

This first condition, as long as it does not limit his freedom, Mu Feng is still acceptable.

"The second condition, the gods of the heavens, you, to represent us in the Xuan Shui Shen domain."

Xuan Shui Shendi said the second condition. Mu Feng’s strength is also a young man of the famous champion. He said that he could not get a good place in the gods.


Mu Feng heard the words and hesitated.

"What, you don't want to?"

Xuan Shui Shendi asked.

"It's not infeasible, it's just that Mu Feng has always loved disasters. If I have troubles in the gods of the heavens, I am afraid to involve the Xuanshui Divine."

Mu Feng said that this is indeed for him to consider for the other side. He is looking for Jiuyi Shizun. By the way, he is competing with the geniuses of the gods and gods. If there is any big conflict with the people of Guangming Shenyu, they are afraid of even the water. Holy area.

Jiang Chen and others are speechless, and how can you be awkward?

Xuan Shui Shendi looked at Mu Feng with a strange look. Then he said, "You don't have to worry about it. You can get into trouble. The natural defense of Xuan Shui Jing Palace will help you resist. If you can't resist it, then you can get out of it." ”

"Well, in this case, Mu Feng is willing to join the Xuan Shui Jingu."

Mu Feng nodded and held a fist at Xuan Shui Shendi.

"The palace owner, this kid killed many soldiers in the battlefields of the two domains. Many people in the realm are dissatisfied with his heart. Joining our shrine, I am afraid many people will be chilling."

At this time, Liu Zicheng quickly said.

"Oh, there are faces that say that the battlefield wins and loses the skills, you can't compete with others, can you blame others for being better than you?"

Xuan Shui Shendi snorted.

Liu Zicheng looked stunned and did not continue to retreat. He looked at the water and the sky.

"Mu Feng defeated us in the Jinyan domain, but it also released all the prisoners of our gods. This is enough to make up for his owing to our domain. As for Mu Feng's participation in the shrine, whoever has a different heart Come and come to me personally."

Xuan Shui Shendi looked at the people who wanted to speak and stopped. Everyone heard the words and knew that the palace owner was determined to accept Mu Feng.

"Thank you for your mother-in-law, Mu Feng, brother, it’s great. You are the person of our Xuan Shui Shenyu."

The rhyme of rhyme is excited.

Mu Feng smiled faintly, and his heart was bitter and self-evident. If he did not ask for help, how could Mu Feng join this power, the power.

He is not a slave to the surname of the three surnames. If the Jinyan Jingu Palace is sorry for him, Mu Feng will not leave the Jinyan domain, and now he even became an enemy with Jinyan Jingu.

On the basis of feelings, he and some of the soldiers under the Jinyan Shrine are deeper, but unfortunately, he is offended by the rulers.

Jin Yan Jingu, Jin Yan Shendi, he is like Lingyun Zhi, Mo Xiao Huang Chao is not husband!

"Today's ruling is over, come, and put a house in the city for Mu Feng, treatment, ah, a military is all to be treated."

Xuan Shui Shendi commanded.

After Mu Feng’s thanks, accompanied by people like Liu Shiyun, he was arranged to take it down.

When the temple was over, everyone else left, and Rukawa looked at his wife and said, "Is this Mu Feng really worthy of your attention?"

Water invites the moon to be a very talented person. In addition to his own strength to conquer the Xuan Shui Jing Palace, her ability and knowledge are all admirable.

"According to the latest information, Feng Yan's brother, Feng Hai died."

Xuan Shui Shendi said calmly.

"What, Fenghai is dead!"

Rukawa exclaimed, and Fenghai was one of the six emperors in Jinyan Jingu.

"How is it dead? Who killed it?"

"The answer is not in front of you."

The water invites the moon to be light.

"Just in front of you..."

Rukawa thought a little, and the pupils shrank, shocked: "Is Mu Feng?"

"Isn't he, I am not sure, anyway, he has a certain relationship with him. As long as there is intelligence, he said that he controls a beast that can fight against the Emperor Jinyan. Plus this time the death of Fenghai, this kid may have Extraordinary means, rather than offending, is worse than wooing, and will not help us in our shrine."

Xuan Shui Shendi got up and was beautiful.

"Then you hit him like this before." Rukawa smiled.

"Just knocking on his character, this sarcasm and insult can't bear it. You are too young to look at him. I always feel that this is extremely extraordinary and not simple."

"Your intuition has never been wrong, I hope this time too."

............ Mu Feng came to Xuan Shui Shen Xing, and even joined the Xuan Shui Jingu, suddenly caused a huge shock in the Xuan Shui Shen Xing.

Who is Mu Feng, but it killed the enemies of countless gods in the battlefields of the two domains. Now, he actually came to the Xuanshui Shrine! And the palace owner, also accepted him!

Shouldn’t such a person be considered an enemy?

Some intelligence agencies have received information on Mu Feng’s rebellion against the Jinyan Jingu Shrine and being chased and killed by the Xuanshui Divine. For a time, the insults of the dogs who lost their families are in full swing.

The Xuan Shui family, who came to the home, learned that Mu Feng had been furious after coming to Xuan Shui Jingu, vowing to find Mu Feng to avenge.

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