The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2729: : Powerful one

“How powerful is it really?”

Flowing poetry can't help but express such amazement.

The ordinary patrol officers are the realm of the gods, such an elite, in the inferior gods, Xuan Shui Jing Palace, only the mother of Xuan Shui Shenwei has such strength, but Xuan Shui Shenwei's compilation of less than 10,000, is Xuan Shui Shen The top elite army of the palace.

"The true **** domain has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and it is a powerful existence among all the finest gods. The whole galaxy is a true **** domain, and it contains two hundred and eighty inferior gods. The true **** domain has dozens of upper gods. Stars, medium gods, inferior gods, hundreds, thousands, this is not our lower gods, every 100,000 years, our Xuan Shui Shrine will tribute to the true **** domain once."

"The master of the real world is the true god. The power is famous in the whole world. In addition to the true god, there are six princes in the true gods. These six princes are the strongest in the realm of the gods. There are so many strong people, you said, how strong is the real world."

The Rukawa Emperor calmed down, but his words were also awe-inspiring.

The law of the time of the gods is different from the fairyland. The difference is more than ten times. The fairy world is ten thousand years, and the world of the gods has been hundreds of millions of years.


One of the young gods of the Xuanshui Divines, all of them heard a cold breath, and their hearts were deeply shocked.

Really one god, the real power of the gods, there are seven great powers in the realm of God!

This horrible strength can't believe it.

In their hearts, the Emperor is already the supreme power, and the gods are hard to come by, but the true gods, the legendary God has seven!

"This is the power of the true gods, the whole true gods, and several families of the main gods, all of which are the horror family forces of the Lord God. So when I come, I advise you to keep a low profile. You can't be here." ""

Said the Emperor Rukawa.

"Is this the real big force in the universe, and how terrifying the bright gods of the cosmic peaks are."

Mu Feng is in the middle of his heart and does not fly out of a limited pattern. You never know how big this day is.

A heavy pressure is pressing on Mu Feng's heart. I am afraid that the strength of the Guangming Divine is not something he can imagine.

Previously, according to the nine-tailed demon, she has already seen the Lord Luo Luo in the fairyland plane for more than tens of thousands of years. That is to say, the time lapse in the realm of the gods is calculated, and the era of Luo’s glory has passed. At least a billion years!

More than a billion years of development, the realm of the glory of the gods, it must have been too much too much, even if it is a star, it may evolve over such a long time, or life aging explosion.

"Don't be shocked, let's go, kids, the universe is too big, too vast, too strong."

The gods of Rukawa looked at the crowd and were very satisfied with their expressions. They were geniuses in the Xuan Shui gods, but they looked at the heavens and the real world. They were just ordinary gods.

After polishing their arrogance, they can know their own level, and they can improve if they are humble.

The Rukawa Emperor led the crowd into the huge palace gate of the shrine. He took out a special **** card and the guards at the gate of the palace directly let in.

Rukawa took people into Miyagi and crossed the long city road. It was the first huge glass palace. The palace is also open, and there are many palaces in the retreat, many of whom come from the gods.

At the center of the palace, there is a huge idol.

The statue is high and thousands of feet. It is carved with the finest **** jade of value. It is an emperor wearing a mysterious blue robes and wearing a crown of gods. It is a god, but it is a god, but it is almost the same as a real person. The temperament of the lieutenant world is revealed.

This idol even radiates a horrible pressure to make people feel adorned.

This statue is the image of the true God, the Lord of God.

On his two sides, there are three statues, the six princes of the dynasty, and the horror power of the realm of God.

Liu Shiyun and others entered the temple, and a sense of oppression has already made their hearts surrender, one by one directly on the ground.

Even the Emperor of Rukawa was worshipping the land and respecting the gods and gods.

Mu Feng’s main deity released the gods, he did not feel any strong pressure, did not kneel, Bai Ziyue is also, the two are just respectful to these powerful statues of the younger generation, the strong should be respected, Mu The front is not out of the line, respecting the stronger people than him.

After the ceremony, everyone passed through the temple of the gods and came to an extremely wide field of gods. There are thousands of people gathered here, mostly young heroes from other gods.

There are guards around the square, and the rear of the square is a splendid shrine. It is the shrine where the great people of the true dynasty live.

"You are waiting here. I will go to see the superintendent of the divine and pay the offering."

The Rukawa Emperor reminded everyone that letting Xiang Yu and Leng Qianfeng take good care of everyone.

Liu Shiyun sighs, she is also the first time to see the mother of Megatron Xuan Shui Shen Tian also has such a humble side, here is simply low-key can not be low-key.

Mu Feng and others waited in this field, and everyone else was excited to chat, full of curiosity about this big world, and from time to time there are other gods.

Dong Rui of Huangshi Shenyu also from time to time to Mu Feng, Bai Zi Yue cast a cold look.

In the arms of the child, holding a furry little purple, it is also curious to look around.

"Let's let go, the emperor and the princess are driving!"

At this time, there was a burst of screams in the field.

Everyone quickly let go of a road, one by one, and saw a group of young men and women coming under a team of guards.

This group of young men and women, each breath is amazing, the two men and women in front of the talk and laughter, the most eye-catching.

The two men and women, the man wearing the mysterious blue dragon and luxurious robes, the **** robe gods mysterious, at first glance, know the value of the city, the skin is fair, looks very handsome, the face is full of confident smile, a long hair 墨Behind him, the temperament allows countless goddesses to hold back and see more.

The woman next to him is also amazing, mysterious blue long skirt, the phoenix dance on the nine days, the blue beauty is like a deep ocean, the skin is snowy, the white is red as the sheep's fat jade is smooth, the chin is sharp, typical The face of the melon is beautiful, and the temperament is noble and elegant.

Behind them are also followed by a group of young Junjies. These people, even without the sacredness of the sacred realm, walked through the laughter, and looked at the bandits of these inferior gods.

"Who are these two people?"

People who have inferior gods can't help but ask, big heads, gods and princesses of the gods?

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