The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2733: : Thirteen strong 煞 (five)

Six sources and six turns, and that is the six sources.

The first source is the source of skill.

To break through the realm of the emperor, the original skill and the law must break through the perfection and comprehend the original law.

Mu Fengwan robbed the **** of thunder, to practice the breakthrough of the realm of the gods, you need to understand the origin of the law.

I have learned the origin of my magic, and secondly, I need to understand the principles of the Five Elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

These five principles are the five basic rules of the world, and the order of comprehension is not fixed.

If it is itself a five-line **** repair, such as the gold **** repair, comprehend the wood, water, fire, earth, these four lines of law still need to comprehend a different law of divine power, such as sword, knife, or wind, thunder, ice Laws such as light, darkness, and destruction are fine.

After the five elements of the law are complete, they can be transformed into one, and integrated into their own source of power, power can be shaken.

Six Yuanshen Emperor, called the six-turned Emperor can also, the strength of strength can easily defeat a five-turned Emperor.

It is the Lord of God who can surpass the five elements and six sources! Also known as the Lord God!

As for the realm of God, it is a world of heaven and will be mentioned in the future.

At the same time, it is worthwhile to integrate that God Shen will break through the realm of the Emperor, and will face the punishment of the source!

This is not a general **** robbery. It is very easy to annihilate the **** of robbing.

"Ginger Musou..."

Mu Feng whispered, remembering the name in his heart.

At the same time, ask yourself, will you be the opponent of Jiang Wushuang now?

I am afraid not, unless you use the **** of the gods and the main deities of Shura.

"In addition to Jiang Wushuang, Yingkongye of Yingwangfu, Chenziang of Chenwangfu, Xiong Tianyu of Xiongwangfu, Jinyunbao of Jinwangfu, Tangming of Tangwangfu, Zhang Yanling of Yanwangfu are one of the eight great gods Everyone is not weak and half-step of the realm of the Emperor. Now there is no one who breaks through and does not know. Their strength is not found in the half-step Shendi. The magical power of practice is the strongest of the three gods. Sixteen kinds of supernatural powers can easily kill ordinary and full of gods."

Liu Shiyi said one by one, the water traces are also sighed by the words, although he is also a perfection of the realm of God, but the true deity of the gods of the thirty-six magical he also heard, each of which is a top supernatural power, even the original magical power, explosive power, The power of the gods is shocking.

Sure enough, their strength to participate in the gods of the heavens, I am afraid to go to see the existence of soy sauce.

"The millennium **** arrogance, I really want to fight against it."

In the eyes of Bai Zi, it is a war.

There is also a deep-seated warfare in Mu Feng’s eyes. If everyone participates in the gods, these people will probably be opponents in the future.

For Mu Feng, the stronger the opponent, the more excited he is naturally, the battle blood from Shura, and the fighting spirit are all invigorated.

"The Eight Great Gods, I hope that I will not let me down. There is a great arrogance in a true **** domain. How many geniuses are there in the world, the legendary highest gods? How strong are the geniuses."

Mu Feng secretly thought that he was expecting more and more for this **** of heaven.

"This heavenly gods is not our stage, but life can participate in such a grand ceremony, and there is no regret for being a supporting role for others."

Jiang Chen exclaimed.

"Yeah, I used to think that I was a personal thing, but now it seems that I really sit down and watch the sky."

Other Xuan Shui Shendi disciples also sighed.

Mu Feng laughed and said nothing, supporting the role, others are willing, he is not reconciled.

"Haha, well, don't sigh these things, drinking, life can meet such a grand ceremony is a good thing after all, no matter what the outcome, in the future, at least we have not fought in the past, and can know many famous geniuses, it is also a beautiful thing. Take a cup and go one."

Du Hui laughed, this guy can see it is relatively open.


Everyone put aside those who did not mention it. After drinking a cup, they talked about the genius of the geniuses that they knew.

"Who is Mu Feng?"

However, at this time, a group of people walked into the restaurant and asked coldly.

This group of people, murderous, a total of thirteen people, these thirteen people, turned out to be the nine kings of the realm of God, and even the strongest of the realm of God.

The head of the person is a tall, sturdy black man, with a bald head, giving a sense of wickedness and a fierce face.

He brought some people to the restaurant, and his cold eyes looked at the people in the restaurant. The powerful gas field forced many people to bow their heads.

"Strong home thirteen!"

Someone was shocked and recognized the thirteen people.

These thirteen people are a mother brother, the strength is not weak, the locals in the gods, there are some reputations in this area, the leader of the name is strong, the half-step of the realm of the gods, the magical law is complete.

Mu Feng frowned and came to find himself?

After the gaze of the bald head, he glanced at Mu Feng.

"The kid is you."

The strong tiger looked at the eye of Mu Feng, and his eyes flashed in his eyes, bringing people directly to come over.

Mu Feng’s table was also standing up and staring at the thirteen people.

"Let me find me?"

Mu Feng frowned and asked: "I don't seem to know you."

"Less nonsense, you are Mu Feng, your life, come to the end, give it to me."

The strong tiger did not say a word, a cold drink, his twelve brothers all killed Mu Feng in an instant, all of them broke out with amazing power and condensed on the swordsman.


Mu Feng was low and his body was violently retired. Others were also scattered, and all these 12 people were killed by Mu Feng.

"Xuanwu Royal Sky!"

Mu Feng condensed for a while, and the shadow of Xuanwu shrouded himself. Twelve artifacts were bombarded on the Xuanwu Yutian array, and a circle of ripples was blasted.

The erupting power shattered the tables and chairs in the restaurant, but the restaurant itself was protected by the gods and was not destroyed.

Mu Feng's supernatural defense defended the attack, but the twelve nine-god gods, even a full-fledged shock, shocked his body against the wall.

These twelve people are also a glimpse, Mu Feng, actually resisted the outbreak of the 12 people.

"court death!"

Bai Zi leaped to see these people killing Mu Ying, carrying the Tianyan sword in his hand, and the sword directly killed everyone. One sword gathered together with the amazing sword and sword, and the nine days Jianyuan merged with a sword.

Mu Feng has a life and death crisis, and the color child is also moving at once, turning into a red light to kill.

"Dare to help, I don't know how to live and die."

Two strong brothers sneered and killed Bai Ziyue and Cai Er.

However, the sword of Bai Ziyue turned into a fearful sword of black gold and gold, and directly rips the other side's knife. The knife is instantly broken. This strong brother is shackled in the body, and the whole person is flat. Two and a half bodies of blood splattered in all directions, a sword spikes nine!

What are these people, what is the origin? The purpose of killing is clear.

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