The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2750: : days of falling (five)

A Jingci niece disciple was furious and angry, and a sword was killed to two people, but was immediately stopped.

"Yugawa is actually awkward?"

"It’s the two of them who work hard, so they are so poisonous, they even hurt their own doors."

"Despicable scum!"

The people around can't help but scream and blame the two.

Li Xueqin’s face was cold and said: “It’s really what you both did, and Yaochuan was saved. You won’t be guilty of it?”

She doesn't know how many years she has lived. She feels that this is not normal. Since it is what the two have done, why do they stand up and admit it now? This is not logical and common sense. Is it really a conscience discovery?

The faces of the two men changed slightly, and they quickly said: "It’s really what I did. I am a swearing oath to the gods. I have no vain words. It is the younger brother of the drug I have framed."

The two people are bitter in their hearts, and they have done this kind of thing. Now they have to ask others to believe that it should not be counted on the head of Yaochuan. If it is the one that is passed out, it’s really hard for them to die. .


Li Xueqin was also angry and screamed, and a sleeve of swaying out, a horrible power of bombardment came out.

The two screamed and were directly blasted. The whole body was broken. Then they were swept back by the power of God. Like a dead dog, they were crushed by the power of God in front of the Jingci House.

"You two have been here for the first time. This matter, I will contact your elders, come and see them both."

Li Xueqin is cold.


Two Jingci niece disciples came forward, and the divine power imprisoned two people. The two swords were suspended on the top of the two men. The two dared to escape and immediately killed.

"Revocation of the pursuit of Yaochuan."

Li Xueqin flashed a flash of light and deliberately said loudly.

"Scum, beast!"

"The animals are not as good as they are."

The disciples of the Temple of Medicine are also secret, and the face of the Temple of Medicine is about to be thrown away by these two people.

In the crowd, several figures appeared quietly after seeing this scene.

"His grandmother, Xiaoye finally got the innocence."

Yaochuan is also relieved. Although he is shameless, he is not so happy when he bears such a reputation. What's more, he is not doing things. He must prove his innocence.

"Whoever makes you have nothing to do with the old stuff."

Bai Zi Yue snorted.

"I don't think this is from the pharmacist's instinct. A pharmacist, you have to remedy it."

Yaochuan did not have a skinless smile, maybe he was studying these things, and he was trying to make trouble.

"It’s just fine to prove it, let's go, our brothers are reunited, haven't had a good drink yet."

Mu Feng smiled and took a photo of Yaochuan’s head: “I will use less disgusting means in the future, and I will vomit.”

"Oh, without such extreme means, how can they both be willing to admit that this is a wicked person with a wicked person, a front brother, an anus?"

"Rolling things."

"Hahahaha, jokes and jokes, my Dinghaishen needle is not used to stir the crowbar, I haven’t bent the Chuan Ye, drink alcohol."

A few people came to a restaurant to drink, and Mu Feng also talked about the experience of the drug-gathering thorns over the years. The brothers gathered together, naturally it was a while.

"This time the gods, do you know what kind of form is it?"

Mu Feng asked, since the two have been in the superior domain for so many years, the news should be more informed.

"As far as I know, the gods of the gods are actually the battle of our younger generation. They are also selecting good seedlings and elites for all circles of the gods and gods. They will eventually be sent to the high gods to practice and continue to build the top powers in the realm of the gods. This is why so many geniuses are rushing, and behind all this seems to be related to a cosmic crisis."

"As for the form of the gods of the heavens, nothing more than to compete for talent, strength, and constantly select the elite."

"Of course, how can I know if I have to open the gods?"

Yaochuan said.

"The cosmic crisis, what is going on?"

Mu Feng's brow wrinkled, and the word came out in his heart.

He is not the first time to hear this word.

The first time, I learned from the old time.

Nowadays, from the perspective of one's own realm, it is undoubtedly always the top power in the realm of the gods, at least the level of the realm of the gods.

"Beyond the legendary chaos, the edge of the universe, there is a terrible power to smash our universe. A long time ago, that force launched a invasion of the universe, but it was led back by the Lord, and the sacred domain was used by Luo. Great Shentong moved to the edge of the chaos of the Eastern Tianyu, and constantly suppressed the extraterrestrial forces to protect the gods."

"And that invasion, the loss of the powers of the gods and gods was very heavy. At that time, with the gods of the gods, the order of the Lord was held to cultivate and select the strong."

Yaochuan said that he couldn’t help but look at Mu Feng.

He knows that the death of the Shura Protoss of Feng Ge is related to Luo.

However, in the heavenly world, it is not awe-inspiring to mention the Lord.

Mu Feng's face is calm, Luozhu, and Luozhu. Is he really such a person who loves the world without such a strong love? Why, when the Shura Protoss was destroyed, he was indifferent? Why, his son will turn against him again?

The light **** is the master of the mother, what is the treasure for the end?

"Right, Feng Ge, are you not always inquiring about the news of the gods?"

Yaochuan suddenly said that he deliberately picked up this topic.

"Why, do you have a message?" Mu Feng said in his heart, and asked quickly.

"Oh, there really is..." Yaochuan smiled. In the past few years, he and Tianzhe have also paid attention to the news of the Tianshen stone. The same is true after coming here.

Tianheng God, there is a very famous treasure!

Kistler Pavilion

This is a tens of thousands of miles in the city. It is a business district jointly organized by several super-business associations such as the Universe Top 100 Chamber of Commerce, Tongbao Chamber of Commerce and Duobao Pavilion.

Here, there are various mysteries and gems from the universe, even in chaos.

Here, the most popular is the gambling stone!

The gambling stone has a lot of money, and the risk of losing money.

Someone has cut out the best **** medicine from the mines, the top **** stone, and even the innate birth of the treasure, the heavenly magical seal sealed by the natural heaven of the universe, and even the top egg of the beast.

Of course, some people have spent tens of thousands of crystals, and there is no one cut out.

Is it true that God-level powers are not able to penetrate matter? However, it is only able to penetrate everything, especially in chaos, and a stone god-level powerhouse can't wear it.

"Come on, take a look, the top stone in the Western Tianyu Chaos Sea, a knife down, not the top **** jade is also a magical medicine."

"On the good Kobelco rock, you can produce the top gems of Tenjin Steel, one thousand two crystals for sale."


Mu Feng and several people walked on the street. Among the shops around the road, 80% of them were all kinds of strange stone gem shops, and even there were gods paving roadside stalls. The messy **** stones were put together, the price was shouting, and the streets were crowded. Like the tide, it is extremely lively, and occasionally there are exclamations and cuts out good things.

Thank you for your unblocking, thank you brothers for their reward.

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