The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2806: : Fighting against Luo Shen (five)

"Far Mountain, I think we are a bit too much."

Luo Ziyi also stood out, although she was very respectful of Luoyuan Mountain, and even some admiration, but after all, she was a brother and sister from Luo Zhengfeng, a family in the lower bound family. The real thing is to stand on the side of Luo Zhengfeng. .

"Ziyi, how can you help outsiders?"

A Luojia woman is not happy.

"I, I am not helping outsiders, I feel that we are somewhat unreasonable."

Luo Ziyi lowered his head and whispered.

"You mean that I didn't make sense? We saved their lives, and the rebellious stone on him will only provoke him to kill him. I will help him."

Luoyuan Mountain cold road, sharp scorpion makes Luo Ziyi some dare not look straight.

"Purple clothing, you are so disappointed."


"Hey, can you say that you don't want to be so righteous, you guys don't want to be so ugly, do you know?"

At this time, the drug that came out to cure Mu Feng was sarcasm.

"Kid, what do you count? Also with comments on our Luos."

Other Luo Shen disciples are murderous.

"I said something wrong? The Lord is carrying his many gods, he is suppressing the demon in chaos, protecting the peace of the world, and the righteousness of the Lord. It is the true righteousness. He asks the world for the virtues of the gods." What have you been? You just saved us, we are grateful, but the **** of rebellion is what we have replaced, and you forcefully ask for it, and what is the helplessness to kidnap is not shameless. You Luo’s disciples are like this, and they are not afraid to humiliate your ethnic name."

The drug of Chuanchuan is as thin as a knife, and it is straightforward. For a time, these Luoshen disciples could not find a back.

"If you want to rebel against the gods, you can come to grab it. Let me see the prestige of your Luoshen people. Anyway, this world is also a weak meat. Why bother to kidnap with the scorpion of Ende, and directly rude, my Mu Feng will not look down. you guys."

Mu Feng sneered, his injury has recovered almost.

"It’s hard to be a scorpion, but to set up a memorial archway."

Yaochuan is ironic.

"A few of you are insulting us in the Luoshen family?"

Luoyuan Mountain cold road, Tianshen stone, he is a must!

"Don't dare, Luo Shenzu's great achievements, contribution to the gods and gods, I am not qualified to insult, I am talking about some of the black sheep."

"Far Mountain, killing these guys who don't know how to be good."

The Luoshen disciples were furious and waited for Luo Yuanshan to make an order. They swarmed and shredded Yaochuan and others.

As the Luoshen people, wherever they go, it is not infinite, and even the inner feelings are superior. The gods dare to insult and not give face.

Today, it was so ridiculed and ridiculed by Yu Chuan, Mu Chuan and others.

"Luoyuan Mountain, stop here, and humiliate the reputation of the Luos."

At this time, one person said something.

Luoyuan Mountain looks at people. This person is not someone else. It is the first day of the reincarnation family, Gejia Shang and other gods. Ge Cang!

Why does the strength of Luoyuan Mountain not do the direct killing and robbing of treasures? It is because some people are afraid of people taking the rules of the family. The most important thing is that he knows that there is a great supervision of the Lord God, and no one can stare at them.

For others, killing and stealing treasures is just a common thing. However, the Luoshen people have almost strict and strict family rules. They do not insist on disciples for good, but they are absolutely not allowed to be evil. The assessment does not know talent, strength, and conduct. aspect.

"Since you don't know the people, I don't insist on it. However, the treasure of the **** of the gods, you can't keep it."

Luo Yuanshan suppressed the greedy and calm road of his heart, and his cold eyes glanced at Mu Feng and took people away.

"This does not require Luo Shenzi to worry."

Mu Feng waved his hand to the guest.

Luo Zhengfeng, Luo Ziyi did not follow the past, what happened today, and will only be excluded after the past.

"Thank you for your confession."

Mu Feng looked to Ge Jia Ge Cang, the reincarnation family, the Ge family and the Luoshen family. The ancestors of the two were brothers of the same root and twins. Ge family also had extremely strict rules, decent style, Gejia disciples. Most of them are also relatively correct and decent people.

The well-trained family, the disciples cultivated are mostly biased towards decent, the environment can greatly affect a person's three views and character, and a bad bandit can not teach a few good people.

Of course, there is no absolute thing. No matter how good the family is, there are also shackles. The character that is more human is born. It can be changed, but it can't be erased. Greed is a part of human nature. Everyone has it, only some. When you look at your own moral values ​​can not be suppressed.

Ninety-nine percent of the people will be hot, and the strength of Luo Yuanshan can not be directly restrained. It is already a great restraint.

"I am not helping you. I am helping Luoyuan Mountain. If it is a Taoist rebellion, there will be no major achievements in the future."

Ge Cang shook his head and said: "But he did not say anything wrong. The treasure of the sky is against you. You are really difficult to guard. You have gotten your chance, being robbed by others, is the chance of others. I urge you to be safer in this period of time, and you can refine the stone of the heavens to avoid the best of others."

Mu Feng heard a nod and the other party said it was very pertinent, it is also a fact.

"Ge Xuan, are you acting with us or acting on your own?"

Ge Cang looked at Ge Xuan again.

"Let's go with Cang brother." Ge Xuan smiled, and his eyes looked at Mu Feng.

"You two, or let us be with us."

Ge Cang looked to the isolated Luo Zhengfeng, Luo Ziyi.

"Alright, trouble Ge Cang brother." The two hesitated and agreed.

"Oh, brother family, you are welcome."

"Positive wind, purple clothes, this time dragged you a little, and you are not in harmony with the family."

Mu Feng sincerely appreciates that at this time, he can stand on the side of the truth and oppose the people of his family. It is obvious that both of them will be worthy of a new generation.

"Haha, you are welcome, everyone is still a friend, and Luo Yuanshan I have not liked him very much, and he has exceeded my goal." Luo Zhengfeng laughed attentively.

"Brother, good, and little purple girl, give you two golden mans."

Yaochuan laughed and gave two people two gold gods directly. The two also needed it, and thanked him for letting go.

"Positive wind, the slap on your face, one day, one day, I will get back ten times for you."

Mu Feng looked at the red seal on Luo Zhengfeng's face. He had already had a cold feeling in the heart of Luo Luoshan. Luo Yuanshan had to grab his treasure. He didn't hate Luoyuan Mountain, but this slap, he got For Luo Zhengfeng still! Because this is Luo Zhengfeng, for his friend.

"Forget it, I still work hard, I will find it back in the future. On that day, I will give the guy a slap in the face." Luo Zhengfeng licked his face and his voice was cold.

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