The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3000: :

Genius one second to remember the address of this station: Fun Court]

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"Leren, I am a Lei Ren, you dare to count me, this account, we are not finished!"

Lei Xiong was so angry that he gnashed his teeth and screamed.

"This brother, just offended."

Lei Xiong looked to Mu Feng and gradually recovered his reason.

Mu Feng has such a strong and sinister protection, and there is such a large group of people, the origin is certainly not simple, plus this guy is still a time practitioner, this practitioner is strange and difficult.

"No problem, you are also calculated, but he is not lucky, put this dirty water on me, or I will not bother."

Mu Feng is indifferent.

Lei Xiong heard a smile.

"We can go now."

Mu Feng said again.

"Please, please."

Lei Xiong did not stop, now what he thought was how to protect Lei Ren.

"and many more!"

Liu Yun cold channel.

He looked at the ancient gods around Mu Feng with jealousy: "The origin of your identity is unknown, and there are so many strong people. For the safety of the residents in the city, you need to report your identity."

"You are not finished, right?"

Mu mad is not pleasing.

"Pay attention to your words, here is Lei Tiancheng, I am Lei Tianzong site. Although your strength is not weak, can you be stronger than our Lei Tianzong? This is not where you play."

Liu Yun cold channel.

"The old woman is a young man. Since you are all Lei Tianzong, you should know this token."

And this is, Qing mother-in-law came over and there was a purple Lei Yu in her hand.

This Lei Yu is engraved with complex lines of gods, as well as Lei Tian.

"Thunder God Order!"

Liu Yun, as well as the face of Lei Yunzong’s disciple, was shocked.

"You, who are you guys? Why, how can there be the thunder of my elders!"

Liu Yun was shocked by the sound, and Lei Tianshen ordered that it was the identity token that Lei Tianzong’s elder **** the elders had. The entire Lei Tianzong was only a few pieces.

See this order, now the elders!

Lei Xiong, or other Lei Tianzong disciples, were shocked to see the thunder gods in the hands of the young mother-in-law.

"Seeing adults"

After confirming the order of Lei Tian Shen, these Lei Tianzong disciples hurriedly respected the ceremony and worshipped the Qing mother.

"You are excused, can you take us into the sect, I want to see the Lord Lei Tian."

Qing mother said.

"There is no problem naturally, everyone, please."

Liu Yun’s attitude changed from one hundred and eighty degrees, and he was extremely respectful. He could not doubt the words that Qing’s mother had said before.

Fengjia, and Mu Feng and others were respectfully invited to enter the Thunder City, leaving a group of people talking about eating melons.

Lei Tiancheng inner city, living is the disciple of Lei Yunzong, the vast area, although not comparable to the Wanxue Holy Palace, but also a Lei Xiu treasure.

Liu Yun reported to Lei Tianzong, Fengjia and others who came from the identity of the self-reported, and this thunder **** command, immediately had the elders of God-level level to personally receive, and received this group of people to come to one of the most glorious shrines. Come to see Lei Tianzong.

Everyone stepped into the magnificent palace. This temple was named Tianleibao Temple. On the top of the temple, there was a middle-aged man wearing a plain gray robes and a face full of white hair.

His eyes are all purple, and the inside of the eye is a surging Leihai. It does not emit any divine power. However, his powerful life and atmosphere make Mu Feng and others feel like the powerful gods and other top gods.

Qingmao recognized this person at a glance, her eyes were slightly sour, and she went forward and said: "Xiaoqing, meet Raytheon!"

"Xiaoqing, you are old."

The man got up and looked at the green mother-in-law and sighed, and personally helped to support the mother-in-law.

"Seeing the Lord of the Thunder."

The people who seal the family are also respectful.

Qing's mother-in-law is a very distant person. The oldest group of people is not high. However, in the status of the family, the generation is very high, and the life of God can be exhausted. I can imagine that she is How long have you lived?

"The big brother of Lei Tian is also old. After the big brother of Lei Tian came to the inner domain, he has not seen each other for hundreds of millions of years."

Qing Po’s eyes are slightly slim.

"The years are not forgiving. Even God, in the world, in the face of the long universe, there is also a day of turning into dust. There is no such thing as eternal existence. What happened to the family? Feng Yunhe..."

"Cloud brother has fallen, I am a family, and all the gods have fallen."

Qing Po said sadly.

"Cloud brother..."

Lei Tian heard that the brothers who had been together in the beginning had fallen, and there was a tingling sensation in their hearts.

"Because of the secret world, the seal is loose, the World of Warcraft riots, in order to strengthen the seal, I have sealed all the main gods to consume their own source seals that the world of Warcraft, the most frail, I sealed the enemy and heard the people take advantage of it. The ancient family has a knife behind it, which has ruined the treasures of the family for countless years. It has also killed the Lord of the House of God. Now that we have sealed our home, the Emperor is so successful that it is still alive."

Qing mother said sadly.

"Smell people, smell the family of the old guys."

Lei Tianzong’s main voice was also slightly cold, and his heart was angry.

"Thunder Brother, I have no way to retreat. I only want to go to you. I hope that Big Brother will remember the old days and protect his family. He is the grandson of Yun Gege, and it is also the last hope of my family."

Qing Po said to her face and kneel down.

"Where are you, since you came here, here is your home, smelling people, the hands of the ancient family can not reach this place, and it is sealed. He is the grandson of Yunxiong, and it will be me in the future." Lei Tian’s grandson, Lei Tianzong is your home.”

Lei Tianzong promised.

"Thank you for your big brother, Lei Tian."

"Thank you for your respect for the Lord."

The family members have bowed their prayers.

"Xiaoqing, you must have experienced a lot of danger all the way. I will let you arrange accommodation for you. All of you have a good rest. You and I stay, I want to know more."

"it is good."

Lei Tianzong arranges people to come over, take Mu Feng and others to rest and arrange accommodation.

The Qing mother-in-law and Feng Ran stayed, and Lei Tianzong continued to talk more about the closure of the family.

"Feng Ge, that Lei Tianzong looks pretty good."

Mu crazy said.

"hope so."

Mu Feng frowned, so many years ago. The family is worthy of trust, and the Thunder Master is trustworthy.

There are some concerns in his heart.

Mu Feng and others were arranged to live in a shrine to rest.

The green mother-in-law, the seal came back at night.

Qing mother-in-law also took the initiative to give the treasure of the town to the Lord of the Thunder, that is, the **** of heaven and seal.

Feng Tianyin, the treasure of the family town, she is naturally unwilling to give up, but such a treasure, she knows that the treasure she came here can not stay in the family.

Nowadays, the Emperor Lei Tian still cares about his love and protects his family. In the day he gradually began to greedy the seal of the day, that is, when the end of the family is coming.

Do not use absolute interests, heavy treasures, to test the hearts of people!

Take the initiative to take it out, but also let Lei Tianzong have no worries about the family, and read that love to give him a living space.

There is a house to have it, you want people to guard you, where to pay first, this is the real reality.

I want to talk to more like-minded people about "Supreme Shura". WeChat pays attention to "good reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find out about ourselves~

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