The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3010: a sword


Mu Feng’s words came out and instantly lowered the atmosphere to the freezing point of the lowest valley. Everyone looked at Mu Feng and couldn’t believe it. This guy is really arrogant.

Lei Lei is also a great power of God. If you dare to talk to God, it is no wonder that he has the courage to kill Lei Huang.

Lei Lie was also stunned by Mu Feng's anyway. He thought that he killed Lei Huang as an impulse, but now it seems that this kid's courage is really bigger than the sky.

"If you just said, can you dare to say it again?"

Lei Lie calmly said, his eyes are like electricity, and the surrounding space condenses a horrible blue thunder, each of which can kill the gods!

"I said, let you roll first, play a small one to come to the old, oh, I have not experienced this kind of thing once or twice. The old ones often don't end well, let alone your son and I are fair and dead. My realm is still low, my son can't die in my hand, what is your face like Laozi coming here? After that, teach your other son to be a good person, don't arbitrarily provoke people who shouldn't be provoked, and be killed by others. ""

Mu Feng sneered, to be strong and strong! Hey, he is not today.

"Small beast, you are looking for death!"

Lei Lie was angry, and even the best mood was so irritated by a four-turned emperor.

"He is not a Zongmen, come, kill me for him!"

Lei Lie yelled.

"To fight, to accompany you!"

Mu raging, not the other god.

"Why are you afraid of fighting?"

Tianfeng Shiqian Emperor stood out, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

The two sides are in a state of arrogance, and they are arrogant in an instant, and a large-scale battle can be erupted at any time.

"Three friends helped me, I have to kill this kid today, I am the name of Lei Tianzong, not to be humiliated!"

Lei Lie said to the three main **** friends, deliberately said personal grievances to maintain the name of the sect.

"Lei Lie is assured that a group of gods can't help you and me, kill it."

The other three main gods are cold, and they are not willing to see that there are so many strong people in the family, and they will compete with them in the future.


The four gods shouted coldly.


Thousands of gods killed the Tianfeng Army.


Mu Feng angered, and four thousand days of peak screaming, each killing and killing thousands of gods.

"Kill it..."


A big battle broke out in the eyes of other disciples, and the divine power of the two sides gathered together and blew in the sky.

The area of ​​the guardian of this area was shocked and released the golden brilliance defense.

The breath of the four gods is like a raging dragon, and no one can resist it on the battlefield.

Lei Lie is surrounded by a blue-eyed god, and every **** can kill a war.

"Small beast, die!"

Lei Lie snarled, mainly rushing to Mu Feng, and a blue-eyed **** turned into a lightning strike to Mu Feng.

"Get the time for the king!"

Ten statues of the four gods rushed to the ground, and the condensed basaltic ceremonies rushed up, and the gods and gods overlapped.

boom! boom! boom……!

A blue-eyed **** thunder was killed in the Xuanwu Yutian array, and the array of methods was severely broken. After all, it was still barely defending the gods.

"Qing Lei is open, hehe!"

The roaring of the thunder, the gathering of the horrible cyan wind and thunder, turned into a tens of thousands of long open swords.

In the sound of the broken sky, ten battles were broken by a sword, and the wind and thunder swords smashed in the body of the Ten Commandments.

The ten-way four-god warrior screamed and retired, and all the people in the group were seriously injured.

"Shulu blood burning!"

Time and space, turn!

"The Lord God is in my heart!"

At this time, Mu Feng Xiu Luo's main deity into his own heart, the main divine law in the main deity is almost perfect integration into Mu Feng's Shura.


A horrible Shura master Shen Wei swept the eight sides, Mu Feng burning 滔天紫金血神炎, the whole person, also turned into a burning fire.

"God Lord? Come to war!"

Mu Fengzhen, turned into a demon god, the ancient scorpion in hand, a sword smashed out, **** sword light swept through the annihilation of the thunder.

"This is the momentum... God, how is it possible!"

Lei Li was shocked, how can a four-turned **** emperor instantly become an amazing power of the main god! !

No, his **** has very little power, but the quality has increased by countless times!

"Oh, it turned out to be a false **** who borrowed the Lord's God, and it was in front of me, it was a blow!"

Lei Lie cold, if it is blood, the main deity of the gods, can indeed be combined with the use of the main power.

However, this kind of power has a short duration and is expensive. After all, it is not its own real power. It is called the false god.

"Qing Lei turned the sky and gave me off!"

Lei Lie condensed a big blue thunder hand, with the Huanghuang Tianwei that collapsed the heavens and the earth, could not be a lifetime, violently killed to Mu Feng.

"Oh, the false god, you can kill this God."

Mu Feng sneered, not leaving a hand, almost half of the Shukun in the Shukun venting out, pouring into the ancient 煞!


The ancient 煞 also released the horror of the main artifact, the nine secluded sword pneumatic mountain river.

"Shentong, **** days!"

A sword out, a round of black and red **** condensate, contains an amazing nine secluded swords, Shura main power, burning the soul of the fire.

The **** moon rises in the hands of the thundering thunder, and a blast of explosions, the thundering hands turned out to be shattered in an instant, the violent blood souls shrouded the sky, and also shrouded Lei Lei.


Lei Lie grows, the blood of the body instantly boils and burns, the soul of the Lord is actually burning!


The **** moon hits his body, and the horrible sword force contained in it is a huge wound directly in his body.

Lei Lie, seriously injured and defeated!

A blow, defeated Lei Li with a single blow.

This scene, let the other three main gods who attacked the Tianfeng Army for Lei Lie shocked, how could it be, the false **** Lord, can defeat Lei Lei with a sword!

Is that the Lord Godhead, the Lord Godhead?

"Your head, I want it!"

Mu Feng chilled, another sword instantly fell.


Lei Lie’s head was flying by a sword, and the main body was under the attack of the ancient swords!

And his body was taken into the body by Mu Feng, the main body, don't want to be white.

"Little beast!"

Lei Lie’s soul is roaring, and he is horrified and retreats. He dares not to believe in Mu Feng.

I am killed so easily!

The sword just now contains more than a dozen laws of origin!

The main deity is the top main deity!

Lei Lie was shocked, this guy, there is a top-level main deity that fits with him!

"How can this be!"

"God, Elder Leigh is killed!"

"The trough! The trough! This, is this guy so strong?"

Lei Tianzong disciples are even more shocked, looking to Mu Feng's eyes completely awe.

No wonder, no wonder he is so arrogant and confident, dare to kill Lei Huang, people still have the ability to destroy his Laozi, can you fear Lei Huang?

This minute, everyone instantly felt that Lei Huang died so badly. I want to talk to more like-minded people about "Supreme Shura". WeChat pays attention to "good reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find out about ourselves~

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