The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3018: : Beast Wars

Among the chaos, one of the ordinary mountains in the 300,000-mile-long mountain of Mount Qiongshan is a very ordinary mountain in the mountains.

The depths of this mountain have been hollowed out, and an eight-winged **** is quietly suspended in it, and surrounded by a large number of beast **** nucleus, the best chaotic crystal, a strand of energy pouring into his body .

Practice is already at the most critical moment, and Jiuyi is condensing its source!

Outside the Shenshan Mountain, there is only one Taikoo phoenix and nine hundred heads of peaks and beasts secretly guarded around the eight sides, monitoring the movements of hundreds of thousands of miles.


Suddenly, a roaring resounding resurgence of the world, a silver-breasted dragon with a double-winged wing came out of the air, constantly screaming with vigilance.

"Not good, there are a large number of strong people coming to us in this direction, Feng Wang, not good!"

This silver armor is horrified, and the voice echoes into chaos.

Among the magma, a huge red-red Taikoo wild phoenix rises into the sky, bringing a lot of magma, releasing the horrible glory.

"what happened?"

Taikoo wild phoenix asked.

"Qi Yu Feng Wang, there are a large number of Shen Xiu coming to us in this direction, the direction is clear, it is estimated to be coming to us."

This silver armor is shocked.

"not good."

The ancient phoenix phoenix heard a panic in his heart, and what was worried about in his heart?

"Collection, order all the murderers, gather here!"

The ancient phoenix phoenix screamed in the sky.


Chaos is miles, countless gods of the gods of the level of the murderous sound came here, crazy rushed to this area to rush to this place.

However, in the chaos of the sky, a ray of light has broken through, and a large number of powerful Emperors have rushed to this area and descended into this mountainous area.

The phoenixes of the ancient phoenixes and phoenixes look to the sky, and the glory of the gods gather, and there are not as many tens of thousands of gods who have turned to six-turn powers, and even half-step gods.

The horror of several gods emerged, one, two, three, and four gods appeared in the sky.

"Wan Jiancheng Lord!"

The Taikoo wild phoenix chilled out and recognized one of them.

That person is the owner of Wanjian.

"Ha ha ha ha, really, here, the phoenix, the position of your king's election is really hidden."

The owner of Wanjian City sneered, and the terror of the middle of the Lord was released.

"What are you talking about? What are you doing here, this is the territory of our Orc."

The ancient phoenix is ​​cold and cold.

"Don't pretend, Jiuyi will hide in that mountain."

Tianyuan City Lord, Cheng Yuan God Lord sneer, finger a mountain.

The ancient phoenix phoenix sinks in the heart and coldly says: "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Hey, Feng Wang, you don't want to install it. I have reported it to Wan Jiancheng."

In the herd, a guardian beast sneered, this is a six-eared monkey, which rushed out of the herd and came to the Lord of Wanjian.


The ancient phoenix wrath, looking at the six-eyed monkey, angered: "You dare to betray the king!"

"I was originally on the side of Wanjiancheng. I came to rely on it, but it was for the undercover." The six-eared monkey sneered.

"Look at your expression, that is right, too old and ridiculous, surrender to this seat, this beast, I will certainly train you, the origin of the blood of the nine, maybe I can divide you."

Wan Jiancheng sneer.


At this time, a large number of chaotic beasts have gathered from all directions, no less than 10,000 headed beasts, watching Wan Jiancheng and others roaring.

"Fart, want to kill my king, first step on the body of this beast!"

The ancient phoenix phoenix violent temper came up, a bit of ancient phoenix vomiting condensed, murdered to Wan Jiancheng and others.

"Oh, don't know how to be good."

The owner of Wanjian City was cold, and the palm of his hand was lifted. A horrible blue sword light condensed, and the annihilation turned to this Fengyan fireball, which directly exploded.

"If you don't know how to be good, then step on your body."

The **** of the gods sneered and screamed: "Give me this group of beasts!"


The tens of thousands of gods and goddess roared, and the weather broke out, and they screamed and screamed at the murderous beasts.

"Kill, swear to guard my king!"

Taikoo wild phoenix screams.


"Tear this group of gods!"


The tens of thousands of summoned beasts roared and attacked these gods, and an earth-shattering war broke out in this chaos.

The ancient phoenix phoenix released the horrible phoenix phoenix inflammation, which became a nine-way phoenix.

The nine-way Yanfeng roared and screamed, and the burning fire of the heavens hit the nine gods.

The faces of these nine gods were shocked, and the Qiang Kun broke out. The power of the gods condensed into a pair of gods to destroy.

Rumble...! However, this phoenix phoenix directly burned the magical powers and shrouded the nine gods.

The nine successful emperors screamed and were directly burned and burned.

The owner of Wanjian City condenses the eternal sword of the Wandao, and the Excalibur releases the power of terror, turning it into a group of warriors that kills and kills.

Hey! Hey! Hey...! The blood of the beasts splattered between heaven and earth, and one or two hundred beasts were smashed into minced meat under this horrible sword rain, turning into blood rain.

"Incinerate the spear, kill!"

A **** emperor condensed a spear of burning heaven, controlled the spear of the **** spear, and pierced the light wave of the emperor to penetrate into the body.


A terrible burning force erupted from the inside, and the beast was burning.

"Haha, your origin and the beast is mine."

The emperor sneered, and a sword smashed down, cutting the head of the emperor.

Hey! Hey!唰

However, when the golden light came, it was a sword!

A wild boar that looks like a mountain, the sword of the Taikoo sword, and all the swords on the back are shot and killed.

This god's face was shocked, and the defense supernatural power was released. The swords and needles continued to bombard the defensive gods, and the swords and needles were all crit in the body of the gods.

This **** screams ** explosion.

The sword of Taikoo Sword is red-eyed to engulf this person, and a fire charm has been bombarded from the sky.

With a bang, this ancient sword and beast directly explodes, and the **** gods release a ray of flames to enter the herd, the flames of the gods touch the emperor, and the blaster dies!

The chaos was chaotic, and the heavens and the earth were completely chaotic. Together with the beasts of the beasts, the millions of miles were turned into battlefields.

The four gods have clear goals, and the elites with hundreds of gods and peaks have been killed by the retreat of the nine mountains.

The Taikoo wild phoenix also came with hundreds of peaks and beasts.

"I am going to kill her!"

The lower **** of Wanjiancheng, the powerful man of Wanjian City, was scornful and sneered, and the power of the main **** broke out to the ancient phoenix.

The ancient phoenixes and phoenixes have all erupted, like a million volcanoes erupting together, and the heavens and the earth are turned into fire seas. The terrorist burning power is comparable to that of the fire system. I want to talk to more like-minded people about "Supreme Shura". WeChat pays attention to "good reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find out about ourselves~

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