The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3064: : Rongsheng Dou Zun

"Star mad brother, Qian Kun is fixed, this sentence, you are still too early!"

Mu Feng raised his head, and the **** and fuzzy body of the violent beast gods swept out and transformed into the yin and yang magnetic force into the sword!

"Shentong, Yin Yang sword magnetic wheel!"


The sword screams, the Scorpio sword is derived from the sword, and becomes a green and red sword. The two swords merge and rotate, and a round of green and red sword wheels releases the amazing yin and yang swords. The sword is one hundred and two. Ten times higher.


This sword violently hit the other's axe, the sword mans tore the sky, against the axe, the amazing sword power constantly forced to star mad.

"A strong sword."

Star mad face stunned, roaring out, grabbing the axe and squatting.


At this time, the yin and yang sword magnetic wheel exploded, and a violent tearing force swept the star mad.

The star mad body bleeds blood, and a huge sword mark tears out of the body, and the entire huge body is swept away by a sword.

"Heavenly, Penalty!"

Mu Feng roared, the gods condensed into the sky, and the heavens and the earth violently punished the gods and thunders, and the crit was in the star-studded giant **** body.

"The sky, burn the curse!"

The soul of the soul roared out, condensing the gods, seduce the power of the heavens, and a colorful fire between the heavens and the earth burned into the world, turning into a fire dragon roaring in the star mad body.

"Three thousand stars!"

The star snarls, the horrible flesh in the penalty spell, and the double attack of the Burning Curse actually stunned, and a share of Saturn's power wrapped his great body.

At this time, in the starry sky, a huge star was summoned by the star madness, the internal star nucleus burned, three thousand huge stars smashed and fell, and the power destroyed the earth.

Such a supernatural power is already a means of being comparable to the level of the Lord God.

Mu Feng waved the sword and slammed into the stars, the star exploded, and a star-shaped nuclear power hit his body.

Hey! Hey! In the buzzing sound, Mu Feng was constantly being repelled.

The violent battle scenes of the two men ignited the adrenaline of every sacred disciple, and the blood was boiling. This was matched with the battle called God and fighting.

"Feng brother, come on!"

Mu snarled.

"The lord, blow him up!"

The strongest of the heavenly temples roared.

Mu Feng’s body was constantly hurt in the explosion of a star of the stars, and the body could not bear it.

"Kin Tian Shen, burned!"

Mu Fengqin’s gods opened, and the fire of the seven-star gods burned and condensed into a blasphemy.

The blade of the fire smashed out and melted the stars that came from the front of the road. The power of horror blew, and the power of burning the sky swept the star mad.

The star violently retreats, and the eyes are dignified. This is his strongest magical power.

"The beast god, change!"

In the body of Mu Feng, a special **** power burst!


The whistling spurs, this moment, Mu Feng's huge Shura body turned into a beast, turned into an eight-winged blue god!

Jiuyi, Jiuhai God!

"Jiuhai Town Tianzhu, kill!"

Mu Feng's sacred gods, although there are no nine 沧澜 乾 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神

Eight wings and even the scorpion, all the beasts of the beasts are released, and the knives and sorrows are violently smashed to the star madness.

Hey! Hey...!

The huge body of the star mad was torn out of a huge wound, and his ** was finally unbearable after being hit by countless times.

The starry mad huge body bleeds blood, and the gods wave their wings and keep flying. Everyone is shocked to see this scene.

"Blood moon fight, give me a fire!"

Mu Feng ended the state of the animal, and there was a feeling of weakness in the body. However, the last Shura’s power was smashed out, and a **** moon condensed and smashed. The bombardment was already a starburst.


The **** moon smashed in the star mad body, the star mad screams, this time the body's blood finally unable to suppress the burning, the whole starry sky beasts for the fire beast burning, Shura's law is pouring into it.

Mu Feng suddenly squatted on a star, violently gasping, looking at the star madness.

The star mad blood was burned and cleaned by 80%. The whole person also collapsed directly into the starry sky. There was a shocking look in the big eyes, and the whole body was scorched, just like the dead wood that had been drained and had no vitality.

And he, already unable to fight again!

The star fell wildly and the audience was silent.

A shocking gaze condensed on Mu Feng.

Mu Feng, defeated Dou Zun!

"The Lord is mighty!"

The disciples of Zhutian Temple are excited and roaring, and they are very excited!

Fighting respect, defeated Dou Zun!

All the Heavenly Temples, a fight!

"Mu Feng, Dou Zun... Beat the fight!"

The eight powerful players were shocked, and they were jealous, horrified, fearful, and worshipped.

"How, how could it be, star mad, this big man is so powerful, he lost to him..."

Feng Xianer’s grandmother is beautiful, and a small cherry mouth is also Zhang’s boss.

Even the phoenix nine songs in the United States also showed a hint of shock.

Blood Chengyang looked at Mu Feng's eyes and was full of jealousy. He and the star mad. Know that the stars are mad at the terrorist power.

"Unbelievable, today, is the new fight ever available?"

"Lord, defeated..."

The people of the mad star alliance can't accept this reality. The star madness is defeated, which means that he will be eliminated from the seat of Dou Zun.

A new generation of old people for the old!

"Mu Feng!"

The fallen star violently gasps, and the roar is incomparably weak.

He raised his hand and raised a thumb.

"This battle, I am so happy, I have been sitting in this position for so long and I have finally moved my ass. The big fights on the top have been stable for too long. Go up and make trouble, hahahaha..."

The star screamed and laughed, and then stunned.

He is a combat madman who doesn't care much about whether he is fighting or not, but admire the true enemy.

"Star mad brother, inheritance."

Mu Feng stood up, a **** rush to the star madness, is the blood of his just burning, helping the star madness to recover.

In this battle, he also played happily! This is a respectable opponent.

At this time, the sound of the monument echoed the entire sacred palace.

"Mu Feng, rise to the tenth position of the battle, win the stars, and give you a fight!"

This voice echoed the world, and many of the gods who did not come to watch the war were shocked.

Mu Feng, defeated the star mad, rose to fighting respect!

For thousands of years, the Wan Yao Holy Palace, a new fight is born!

"The Lord is mighty!"

"Wang is mighty!"

The Temple of Heaven, countless strong people cheered out, fighting respect, has been ranked among the gods!

The whole of the heavens and the world, the highest sanctuary, the surname of the imperial realm of the gods, but also the gods of the gods!

And Mu Feng, straight up his body, was cast in the eyes of countless disciples.

"Congratulations to the Lord, Rong Shengdou!"

"Congratulations to the Lord, Rong Shengdou!"

The disciples of the Zhutian Temple were two big drinks. Even the disciples of the Tianyan Pavilion who had just joined also gave birth to an admirable feeling. They did not feel that Su Mo defeated Mu Feng and lost his face. After all, the fighting star madness was defeated.

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