The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3079: : Little no conscience

The main feeling of hesitation in the eyes of the **** of glory is to express the hesitation of this person.

"The light is these two points. I am afraid that this kid is not worthy of the emperor, he is so worried, what secret does he have?"

The **** of the **** of glory said to the black robe.

"Oh, it’s true that you are the Lord of the Dead, you are right. There are indeed some treasures on the body that let our family owners look at it. It is known as the first **** under the heavens, and the **** of the gods who knows the artifact is on this kid. And our homeowner, want."

The black robe people laughed and did not hide.


"Kin Tian Shen!"

The **** of the glory of the gods heard the flash of light, some surprises, no wonder, for this kid so heart, Qin Tianshenbao really deserves the heart of such a top god.

"Well, I promise you, if you dare to play with me, you don't want to know what you want!"

The Lord of the Dry God hesitated for a while and agreed, killing a kid in the realm of the gods, there is no danger.

"Very good, then I will wait for the good news of the Lord of the Dead, yes, the kid’s sentence will be full for ten years, and you better act faster."

"You don't have to remind me, come."

The Lord of the Dry God said.

"grown ups."

At this time, a strong man slammed into the temple.

"In the prison of God, look for the whereabouts of this person and report it to me, only to give you a year."

The Lord of the Dry God said, took out the picture of Mu Feng: "His name is Mu Feng."


The man took the picture and retired.

嫣兮 Site.

He is sitting opposite Mu Feng, and Mu Feng's soul is condensing a special kind of sky, constantly pouring into the body.

After more than four hundred years of in-depth research, Mu Feng finally studied the heavenly gods, and the method of cracking the gods.

The sacred sacred lines of the spirits poured into the body of the cockroach, biting the teeth, bearing this amazing tearing pain, a pain that the soul was torn.

The consumption of the gods of the gods was taken away from her soul.

She bit her silver teeth, her whole body trembled, no sound, but her heart was excited and excited. The **** gods finally had to be stripped from her body. Even if she could not go out, she could be exempted from punishment. Pain, free to enter and exit your own world.

She looked at the man who was concentrating on helping the man to pull away from the gods, and the eyes were so soft.

For more than four hundred years, he has worked hard all the time to relieve the gods of his body, and she has studied it all.

Although Mu Feng’s purpose is not to waste these centuries and learn more about a pattern, for her, this is the rescue.

After a long time, the last sacred gods in the soul of the gods were slammed out, and the thundering system of the gods and enchantments completely lost their sense of her, and there would be no such punishment in the future. Threat.

"It finally succeeded."

Mu Feng was pale and slowly spit out a sigh of relief. The slashing of this level of sky is extremely insignificant to his soul.

Tattooing is far more expensive than a kind of **** pattern.

Today's Mu Feng, already known as a real temper! Standing on the peak of the gods! The scorpio is not weak before the Seven Spinners.

Even if it is awkward, at this moment I feel the disappearance of the pattern of the punishment in my body, and I can’t help but feel excited. She is very grateful to Mu Feng.

"Congratulations, the first step towards freedom has finally succeeded, and it will be much simpler in the future."

Mu Feng smiled.

"It's all thanks to you, Mu Feng, thank you."

A rare and correct way to say.

"Well, my spirit is over-consumed. I will take a break and wait for me to recover and then I will..."

Mu Feng hasn't finished talking yet. He wants to stand up. Who knows that his eyes are black, and the whole person feels exhausted and faints in the past, and falls down.

"Mu Feng." He quickly hugged Mu Feng, and Mu Feng was already asleep, and a slight snoring sounded.

"You are too tired to have a good night's sleep."

He stroked the cheeks of the youth, put his cheeks up, kissed him gently on his lips, hugged him in his arms, and let him sleep quietly.

"God, the first man you made me meet, let me fall into the abyss of despair, degenerate the darkness, and he, will you compensate me?"

He stroked the cheeks of the youth, and there was no more banter in the game, but a deep affection.

"You, you, under the cold appearance, in fact, it is a hot heart wrapped up, giggling, my sister will decide you later, even if you are a layer of ice, I will melt it layer by layer. It is."

He held Mu Feng and said to himself.

This feeling, Mu Feng slept for ten days and ten nights, the soul of the soul to restore their own self-recovery, restore consciousness, open your eyes, into the eyes is a beautiful cheek, the breath is filled with her woman's body fragrance.

I am lying in my arms.


Mu Feng's conditional reflexes left the embarrassment in a normal moment, and his look was slightly embarrassed. Nima himself would not sleep in the arms of others.

"You finally woke up, Feng brother, these days you are sleeping, but there is no less sister tofu."

The singer laughed and laughed, and the body got together.

"You often whisper in your mouth, there are still vines in the moon, and they are regarded as their hands and feet. Are they your woman?"

嫣兮 嫣兮 。.

Mu Feng's old face is thicker. At this moment, he can't help but red, coughing twice. He said: "Congratulations, the gods are lifted."

"This is also what the younger brother of Bai Feng has given, so in the future my sister decided, and I will go wherever the younger brother goes."

The jade hand hooked on the neck of Mu Feng, and the whole person was quickly attached to him.

"Cough, well, don't make trouble, are friends, yes, I have something to tell you."

Mu Feng stepped back and let the enthusiasm of Kailuan, and then she was so tempted, Mu Feng could not guarantee that he could bear it.

This stunner, in the bones, between the words and the temperament, exudes a kind of charm that makes men think about each other, more than the green vines.

"Hey, you are a little unconscience, what friends are you talking about, oh, man, are you like this to your friends? Lao Niang treats you as my man, but you just want to be my friend, look down on me?" He gave him a look and was full of charm.

Mu Feng is speechless and even has some helplessness for this woman.

"Let's get down to business, hey, I have a way to save you from going out, but after I go out, I hope you promise me a condition!"

I want to talk to more like-minded people about "Supreme Shura". WeChat pays attention to "good reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find out about ourselves~

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