The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3093: : vicious woman

"What was it for Xuan Er Yu Er to go to chaos at the time?"

Mu Feng asked.

"Yu's practice of martial arts is caught in the bottleneck. She went to chaos to find Jiuhan Shenzhi, Xuan Er and Yan Mei accompanying the same, and there are 30 Tianfeng Shendi strong protectors."

To expand the Qinghai said.

"Jiu Han Shen Zhi."

Mu Feng frowned, said: "Jiuhan Shenzhi is growing in the extremely cold place, there are many places in chaos. If so, they are most likely to be missing in this extremely cold place, or on the way to go. , Swallows, you immediately sort out the map of the Holy Land to transmit all the extremely cold places in the chaos of the temple, as well as the road map."

"Qinghai has already thought of this, we are already doing it, a total of eight extremely cold places, within a billion miles, we are looking for one by one to find their breath and trace."

Kong Yan said that her sister was missing and she was also anxious.

"There is still a problem. If someone is eyeing them and deliberately murdering, it means that in the Holy Palace, their whereabouts are being stared, or you are all stared, or it may be insiders. Or it is done by people outside the palace."

Mu Feng Shen Sheng.

"I think that there are ten ** people who are the **** of the ancients. The people she really wants to retaliate are me, so they specifically target them."

Yaochuan gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

"What do you think is the use? Without evidence, can you go to the ancient family?"

Mu Feng looked at Yan Yaochuan: "If it is her, she wants to retaliate more than you, and me."

"It's not a solution to talk here. Everyone goes out to look for it. However, this time the soldiers are divided into three ways. People can't be too dispersed, so as not to be accidental. I bring a team of people, Qinghai, you also bring a team of people, and medicine. Chuan Ziyue, you also bring a team of people, I will leave two Raytheon in your two teams, if there is anything, it is always appropriate."

Mu Feng ordered.


Throughout the battle front, all the people in the Temple of Heaven acted, and the three divisions of the soldiers all rushed into chaos through the transmission array.

And all of this is indeed under the watchful eye of a pair of eyes!

And Mu Feng went out of chaos and took people straight to a place, Wan Beast City!

It was once the Wanjian City, but now it has been renamed as the Beast City, and through his concentric contract, he contacted his eldest brother, Jiuyi.

In the Beast City, like the black giant beast crouching in the black shrine, Mu Feng also saw Jiuyi, and at the same time told his own situation to Jiuyi.

"The three sisters are missing."

Jiuyi heard a frown, "What did anyone do? Is there a guess?"

"The suspicion is an ancient family, but there is no evidence. Can you send someone to help me find them in these places?"

Mu Feng took out the painted road map and the map of the extremely cold land.

"No problem, it's all on my site. I want to contact me at the time of Jiu Han Shenzhi. My people have it, you don't worry about the second child, wait for me to contact me."

Jiuyi took out the notes and contacted one of his own people, letting Mu Feng wait here.

After a long time, a physique like a dog, but growing two heads, the face of the black behemoth broke through the air, surrendered outside the Jiuyi Jingu, exudes a strong sense of half-step master.


"Wang, come to see ghost nights."

This **** is fierce.

"come in."

Nine inferior roads, this sinister contraction type, entered the shrine.

"Wang, Feng Daren." This sinful respectful salute.

"The second child, he is called Ghost Night, the Orc sniffs the heavenly dog. As long as the smell of their family smells, they can find traces within a billion miles. Do you have any things that the three sisters used, leaving them breathable?"

Asked nine.


Mu Feng quickly contacted Yaochuanzi Yue, let Yaochuan take it, Yaochuanzi jumped and sent back the things of the three women. It was three bracelets made of hair, which are all lovers. A kind of sentimental token inscribed.

"This is the hair of three people, you let your people remember the breath above."

Mu Feng pulled out three hairs and gave it to the sniffing dog.

This sniffing dog sniffed and put away the three hairs, saying: "Feng Daren is relieved, I immediately launched the whole family to find this breath."

"Get a good reward."

Jiuyi let the ghost night retreat.

"Big Brother, I have news to contact me and go to other places to find."

Mu Feng got up.

"Well, I have a message, I will contact you immediately."

Mu Feng left the Beast City and went to those extremely cold places to find the three women.

In the chaos, a chilly groundwater is in the middle of a city.

The underground water was stagnant and stinking, and the three figures were imprisoned here.

These three people, the hair is scattered, extremely embarrassed, and the pale face still shows a beautiful face.

Their arms were pierced with a hoop and hoisted, under the neck, soaked in black poisonous water.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

And this is, in the corridor of the groundwater prison, a shadow of the shadows slowly accompanied by two people, crystal high heels out of the crisp sound.

She looked at the three women and showed a sneer.

“How is the taste of three?”

"The ancient nephew. You are a monk, let us go!"

When the three women saw this person, their eyes were filled with the resentment of the sky.

These three women are Kong Xuaner, Yan Mei, and Tuo Yuer.

"Oh, let me go, I was tortured and humiliated wherever you were, how could it be so easy to let you go."

The **** red lips of the ancient 勾 勾 勾 勾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感 性感How do you threaten to torture me? You two are his favorite people, I must let him taste the loss of love, the lover is tortured by others, what is the taste of abuse."

"Hey, my brother and Mu Feng, they know that we are arresting us, you, your ancient family are dead, finished, advise you to let us go, and there is room for relaxation."

Tuobaer snarls.

"Oh, Mu Feng, what is he? Even if he is a war leader, he is not qualified to shake our ancient family."

The ancient nephew smiled coldly, and a scorpion raised the hair of Tuo Yuer and lifted the other person from the poisonous water.

Oh la la...!

The scene of horror appeared. The flesh and blood under the neck of Yu's neck have been rotted and even stenched. In many places, the bones of the forest are visible, poisoned into the bone marrow, and even the black drug lord is constantly feeding on her flesh and blood.

It can be seen that what kind of torture they have suffered here is horrifying.

"Now, those of your men are looking for you in a crazy chaos, huh, huh, but the time is not enough, they will never find you."

I want to talk to more like-minded people about "Supreme Shura". WeChat pays attention to "good reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find out about ourselves~

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